Post botnet software and services nobody should use.
Botnet Awareness
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why discord?
>Why is a product with effectively zero viable revenue streams a botnet
I wonder where the money's coming from...
I do not see anything wrong with their business model.
This thread being on Sup Forums and knowing how a lot of you Sup Forumsoons are kind of implies I should be wary and avoid discord, I'm wondering what the reason behind this is.
Facebook and google, they will our big brother, overlords at the pace shits going, most likely a.i. controlled to at that point, no hope for humanity
They're sjws and read your messeges if anyone reports you, tech should be neutral
the rulers of this world are not kind people
I doubt that, the number of times people have said "nigger" or some shit on servers. Hell I've been on servers where gore and shit was posted, nobody gave a damn. Hell I bet they're still up.
Doesn't matter, they still did ban and read your shit, wont see me using it for anything more than vidya
>Doesn't matter
you're right
it doesnt't
That's what its use is supposed to be after all
the premium membership?
that 15% of its users actually buy into
it's enough to run a building but that's about it
I have a server that was once raided by idiots from 8ch who posted CP on my main channel, that's when I realized there is no report feature unless you're on the phone app so I reported them there
discord staff never banned them
they are incompetent pieces of shit
Post proof of the asault
They are still raiding you? Can you invite me to your channel?
but they'll ban the "alt-right" numale server lmao
I don't know what's a bigger joke here, americans roleplaying as nazis or discord banning them and removing their server
this was over 3 months ago and I used a bot to delete all the posts from the point they joined to when I banned and reported them
I know discord staff never banned them after reporting them because they use another server called /intl/ and I eavesdrop on them with one of my alts, they are still there, same IDs and everything
Oh well, it's still a botnet cause it's in america
and they make deleting your messaged a pain in the ass, even with selfbots it takes hours to delete everything. meanwhile facebook allows me to erase everything in one minute
>can see all open programs
>closed source
>no clear source of revenue
Jesus you really think the altright are neo nazis?
>local scene for a hobby of yours is organised entirely through discord/Facebook
What do?
Stop worrying about muh botnet and actually be part of those groups
Tell them they're cucks like a male.
>there are people who actually buy this
>for placebo features like 50mb image share and HD screen share
The free upload limit is already enough and if it wasn't you could just share a link to the image. And streaming is already supported via twitch for free...
Really seems like a perfect method to jew the attention whores by giving them a "premium" experience.
Alienate them by letting them know they're being controlled by the cyber overlords.
Sigh.. A major lapse in Sup Forums's judgement and discipline.
and if they start shooting heroin, do that too
you want to belong, don't you?
>he doesn't already shoot heroin
not if you sandbox it or run the browser version.
>closed source
you know discord is built on electron and you can literally see all it's retarded webpack/reactjs transpilation fuckery right?
fucking dumbass
who /ekansovi/ here
I am bumping this so u fa/g/g/ots get triggered. fuck you
Wow you really got us user! I've been bamboozled good.
>being able to see compiled client side javascript means it's open source code
I just downloaded this when I switched to Firefox, care to elaborate?
Owned by ad company.
Which ad company?
use the abandoned dedicated forum website instead, like I did
Project M
>being this fucking retarded
RocketChat is a botnet too?
Glad i am not a paranoic freak who can't enjoy anything.
Google is the biggest botnet ever, stop using Google products.
>>can see all open programs
oh noes, such sensitive information!