Well Sup Forums, is it good or is it trash?
Well Sup Forums, is it good or is it trash?
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It is good if what you are looking for is trash
On Android it is quite nice. On desktop idk since I don't use it.
Just fucking use Firefox on Android. It's had add-ons
It's pretty good for a chromium fork. Unfortunately it's one of the better choices on desktop ever since mozilla corp started anally probing its userbase for profit.
is it in beta or not? I really liked their support
I opened a ticket to ask for adding about:config customization and they were considering the idea and they asked me precisely which tools I wanted to tweak so I told them to disable ping, dns prefetch, dom request report status, etc. I haven't check if they implemented these features
oh, look it's a botnet Chrome reskin with some tweaks and addons!
>electron app
>shit selection of extensions
>chromium (does not give you the same control as about:config)
Technically speaking, this is not better. Maybe if they start from scratch and not use electron/chromium.
>shit selection of extensions
The only extention you need is ublock or some adblocker with filter list. if you want to block javascript you simply don't use any chromium-related
and thanks to the World Wide Web Consortium every day they developed thousands of javascript garbage to break our internet
We either move to a internet free of javascript or everything will be lost
It's better in the sense that it let's you delete history on close, and it has a relatively sane set of adblockers enabled by default. Firefox became an unstable crashfest ever since v57, not to mention they sold out. I kind of detest using brave, or anything related to jewgle, but I haven't found anything better yet.
inb4 some retard starts recommending vivaldi, kys.
>The only extension I need
Just because your shitty browser doesnt support other extensions doesnt mean people dont need or want them. What kind of thought process is that? People complained when firefox got rid of certain addon APIs. Now you're saying having even less options is fine. Wtf
False. it is based on Chromium and without Google malware.
I stopped using Sorosfox in June 2017
It's a mess. I have over 25 tabs opened in pale moon and chromium and no slowdown. I have a shit i3 from 2014 and 8GB of ram.
I can have 25 tabs open and still watch 1080p videos
On firefox it would crash or choppy. Then I discovered about:config wasn't enough you had to use a customized .js and the problem with that it makes easier to track you if you are using a pre-build .js profile
So I switched to pale moon/chromium and I'll never ever go back to firefox.
I remember Firefox took months to fix their webrtc leak and they simply added loop and pocket garbage without having any entry on about:config to disable it
your browser is not your room or your desktop. A browser needs adblock only and javascript blocker in rare situations
Tell me 2 extensions that you must have in order to make internet better/safer
Not sure what you're talking about. My history/cookies get deleted on exit in firefox. Braves adblocker will never be as good as ublock origin + uMatrix and firefox quantum has performed a lot better for me than previous versions.
>your browser is not your room or your desktop. A browser needs adblock only and javascript blocker in rare situations
>Tell me 2 extensions that you must have in order to make internet better/safer
You're missing the point. Brave is limited in so many areas. I need ublock and umatrix btw.
You can disable pocket in about:config. You are obviously shitposting.
>It's a mess.
I sadly have to agree. I've always rooted for firefox, and I never cared, still don't, about the perceived muh sjw drivel. But installing addons to promote some shitty tv show is one step too far. That combined with the pocket shit, the screenshot shit, mozilla has some truly incompetent people in their organization.
>Not sure what you're talking about. My history/cookies get deleted on exit in firefox.
Yes, now find me another chromium fork that allows this.
>performed a lot better for me
good for you sweety
>Brave is limited in so many areas
I know that I'm not defending brave
but you must realize their ad model can only work with their own ad since they allow you to choose which ads to you give money to and you can receive some money in return
Now you can disable pocket in about:config I'm talking when they implemented
remember when they implemented that shit web conference shit? you could click the button, send the link to someone else and start a webcam conversation
that was powered by a spanish company called Telefonica which is involved with ISP`fraud and scam
>You can opt out!
kys kike
devtools don't have mobile view or docking.
Firefox on Android blows dick
or install any decent fork (plenty of choice)
I don't really see it getting big with tech-savvy people who want full control over their adblock and loads of add-ons, but a browser with integrated privacy protection could be a success with the growing subset of normies who are starting to realize how fucked up the privacy situation is getting.
And you must realize that having less options and control in your browser is not alright. Thats what my whole point was. Brave offers way less than quantum, yet many gave quantum shit for limiting their APIs. So I'm giving brave shit for offering even less.
Firefox on android is... Not great. I really want to like it, but the UI is clumsy and slow compared to chrome. And if you want a "cleaner" chrome and adblock, Brave is a good choice.
I'm frankly going to continue using Firefox both on mobile and desktop, but I can only ly actually recommend it for the latter.
Please support your claim, Good Sir
I cannot wait for Dark theme. I used the source code for brave itself but changes I make to it don't seem to do anything. I wish I knew more about the technology.
Firefox Focus > Brave
Firefox > Brave
Fight me faggots
>(plenty of choice)
Icecat or waterfox only
using a javascript blocker in any chromium-based is retarded. There are two reasons why people complain about the new firefox chromium integrated extentions: they are more intrusive and the good security extentions stopped working unless it was re-written
Mobile - Brave
Desktop - Waterfox
Fight me
>64bit only
Firefox is buggy n laggy af or maybe that's because I have shitsung, idk
Time to upgrade that 15 year old processor, all CPUs made are now 64 bit and have been for years now
mah nigga
fighting mentally ill people is low
>using a javascript blocker in any chromium-based is retarded. There are two reasons why people complain about the new firefox chromium integrated extentions: they are more intrusive and the good security extentions stopped working unless it was re-written
I dont know how to put it any simpler for you. Brave offers less control and less extensions. That and the fact its an electron app that takes forever to start is why it will never surpass firefox on desktop. I wish brave would start over and make a more competitive browser though. Dont get me wrong, the more options we have for browsers the better.
>Time to upgrade
Expected this reply, should've inb4'd.
>Time to upgrade
Why? Everything works. Even Brave, if someone can (and will) make a better browser that works fine on my machine why would I upgrade to use bloatware that depends on wasting resources?
32 bit software will work perfectly on x86_64 processor. Just drop in a compatible processor with your motherboard and you're good to go
Know the difference Sup Forums, it could save your life.
chad looks like a swell guy desu
if Brave lets me use ublock I'll switch over immediately
I wanna lick Yan Zhu's butthole tbqdesu
Why cant the white power browser support more extensions? Or not use electron? Are they giving white people a bad name on purpose?
the only good browser for desktop: Qute and Pale Moon
This. And lets not forget Brave is designed to basically gain ad revenue. Now granted, they are claiming to make less pathogenic ads and replace shittier ads with THEIR ads etc.. but its still all ads goddamnit.
Its also built on Chromium, has less extensions/user control and is run by a company that is there to make money, not a non-profit foundation steering everything like Mozilla that means Moz can say "fuck it even if its profitable, we want to do the right thing for an open Internet so fuck your unscrupulous greedy shit". They contribute to a fuckload of things that every Sup Forums resident should care about like privacy, net neutrality, open source etc... and put real cash towards those elements.
Brave is new to the scene and I hope they aren't going to turn into a total shitshow, but their moneitzation focus is number one and that will always be a problem conflicting with the users' best interest.
Pale moon was shitty and slow compared to quantum when I tried it last week. I have newer hardware though.
>This. And lets not forget Brave is designed to basically gain ad revenue. Now granted, they are claiming to make less pathogenic ads and replace shittier ads with THEIR ads etc.. but its still all ads goddamnit.
If this were their primary model, they probably wouldn't make it opt-in only.
Please install pale moon and post screenshot because here it works better in older hardware than quantum
>is run by a company that is there to make money, not a non-profit foundation
Mozilla is pro-profit
they have a non-profit division which ask users to fix their shit for free
Mozilla in 2014 profit was 400 million dollars
Mozilla made deals with Pocket, Telefonica and Yahoo in recent years
Mozilla installed a new ad to promote a TV show last week
Well I did just say I have newer hardware. I uninstalled palemoon but I might be able to post a screenshot when I get home.
> not a non-profit foundation steering everything like Mozilla that means Moz can say "fuck it even if its profitable, we want to do the right thing for an open Internet so fuck your unscrupulous greedy shit".
How fucking deluded do you have to be to not see how fucking wrong that statement is when contrasted to the recent events
>Firefox toys with the idea of shipping the browser with third-party cookies disabled by default
>Huge backslash and pressure from the advertisers against them
>The non-profit browser that according to you can say "fuck your unscrupulous greedy shit" backs down on their idea
Meanwhile Brave comes with 3rd party disabled out of the box
Don't get me started on how Firefox has been selling on their ventures with Yahoo, Pocket, Telefónica, etc. It's obviously that the "non-profit stuff" doesn't work, at the end they need money. I prefer a browser like Brave that is more honest about the way they are going to sustain themselves than Firefox.
>"fuck it even if its profitable, we want to do the right thing for an open Internet so fuck your unscrupulous greedy shit"
Mozilla is solely and exclusively interested in profit, but they would fuck over the internet out of sheer spite and hatred even if there were no profit to be made from it.
Firefox is less secure unless you use ESR
The critical issues aren't fixed fast and they usually ship the browser with dozens of them
>a non-profit foundation steering everything like Mozilla that means Moz can say "fuck it even if its profitable, we want to do the right thing for an open Internet so fuck your unscrupulous greedy shit".
kek, not sure if bait or actually this delusional.
Be honest dude. It's trash on android
t. I tried to use it once
Different user but I like it. Especially with ublock origin and a few about:config tweaks. I've never tried firefox focus though.
Bye bye firefox nightly, welcome Basilisk
Videos won't load because of lack of codec support and is laggy as shit. Avoid pajeet browsers like the plague and go with browsers that have a good dev team I.E Firefox, Chromium, Edge, Samsung Internet, Safari on iOS/Mac OS or whatever it's called nowadays.
>tfw no yan zhu gf
Is this actually good? It gets brought up from time to time, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.
No pajeet browser is good.
>The Brave browser knows where users spend their time, making it the perfect tool to calculate and reward publishers with BATs
This browser is more about money than actual privacy. No wonder people shill it, because it definitely isnt better than the other options out there.
Every browser knows everything about what you do you fucking imbecile. That's not the issue.
Pale Moon team are pajeets now?
It's bretty gud boyo.
Firefox is worse for privacy out of the box than Brave. Mozilla opts you into the Google botnet unless you configure your settings to leave it. Fucking Mozilla niggers.
>android browser doesn't have a quick toggle for js
trash on desktop
This is the reason I use Brave on Android.
Install GNU IceCat.
IceCat vs Midori vs Waterfox vs qutebrowser on my old ass laptop running debian?
Anyone here who's tried them, how do they compare? Currently on (((chromium)))
>brave android cant play webm
into the garbage bag it goes