>commands are all called stupid bullshit unrelated to what they do
Commands are all called stupid bullshit unrelated to what they do
Other urls found in this thread:
Less is More
no its not
Just make bash aliases if it bothers you faggot
>you fix the bullshit
umm no sweety thats not how it works
>not using most
Because msvcuaclt.exe is not at all obtuse and obscure.
do i look like a faggot?
>bitch and moan until someone else fixes your issue
Want to know how I know you're a woman?
i bet you unironically run arch
Nigger the whole point of open source is that if you don't like something about it, you go and fix it.
>be windows
>be 2009
>command prompt is useless
>have to use powershell
>want to compare hash of a file to a checksum file
>no Get-FileHash -Algorithm foo built into system yet
>years later
>microsoft developer graces us with get-file hash utility
>still not built into the system
$image = "foo.iso"
$checksum_file = "bar"
$expected_checksum = ((Get-Content $checksum_file | Select-String -Pattern $image) -split " ")[0].ToLower()
$hashFromFile = Get-FileHash -Path $image -Algorithm SHA256
Write-Host '### Hash from File ###' -NoNewline
$hashFromFile | Format-List
Write-Host '### Expected Hash ###' -NoNewline
$expected_checksum | Format-List
if ($hashFromFile.Hash -eq $expected_checksum.Hash) {
Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are consistent' -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host 'Get-FileHash results are inconsistent!!' -ForegroundColor Red
>be linux
>be 1998
>want to compare hash of a file to a checksum file
>sha256sum -c foo
the absolute STATE of windows on the command line
bonus pre-2011 version,
$image = "foo.iso"
$checksum_file = "bar"
$sha256 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.sha256CryptoServiceProvider
$expected_checksum = ((Get-Content $checksum_file | Select-String -Pattern $image) -split " ")[0].ToLower()
$iso_checksum = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sha256.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$PWD\$image"))).ToLower() -replace '-', ''
echo "ISO Checksum: $iso_checksum"
echo "Expected Checksum: $expected_checksum"
if ( $download_checksum -eq "$expected_checksum" ) {
echo "Checksum test passed!"
} else {
echo "Checksum test failed."
>winbabies will defend this
This. I spend half my time on windows and the powershell is utter crap
>Open source
Thats literally how it works buttercup.
>the cuck mentanilty
Low quality bait. Have a (You)
>microsoft developer graces us with get-file hash utility
>still not built into the system
certUtil -hashFile foo.bar SHA256
the only redeeming thing about powershell is that you get full .net and win32 api access, which as my offensive security friend puts it, makes it really easy to pop windows boxes, from blackhat.com:
>Already in heavy use by state-sponsored and criminal actors, PowerShell is by far the most powerful attack tool built-in to modern Windows versions. The scripting language, with full access to the .NET framework, enables an attacker to retrofit their malware to never touch disk, evade nearly all anti-virus, create network sockets, interface with the Win32 API, automate all Windows administration tasks, and much more. From a user-mode perspective, there is nothing that PowerShell can't do.
I mean it's great windows eventually got a bash equivalent but every time I've had to use it I've always found it incredibly verbose and boiler plate heavy, and it doesn't help OP's case that microsoft alias things like ls to dir even in things like command prompt
any reference to "certutil hashfile" comes mid 2009 despite the tool being years old at that point, I'll concede that windows would have had a built in feature for doing file hashes from windows server 2008 launch but I'll stand by everything I said, it's absolutely appalling that file hashing functionality comes as a footnote with a certificate management tool
I was also wrong about get-filehash dates, earliest iterations were mid 2007,
which are still just essentially wrappers for , and as far as get-filehash usage I stole the snippet from
I even trimmed it down for your convenience
i dont care desu as long as it dose what it says well
and I forgot to mention but the other "official" alternative was using FCIV, also provided by microsoft and not bundled with systems at the time, prior to this you would have likely had to use third party tools
Windows 7 will still receive critical security updates 10+ years from now
a lot of stuff like that is old as shit from the days when commercial Unix® was a big deal (fuck, less was named in 1984)
windows still has absurd legacy shit that dates back to dos 1.0 "we bought a zero effort CP/M clone and changed the name" days like being unable to name files CON/NUL/PRN/LPT1..9/COM1..9 (even with an extension, so con.txt is an invalid filename despite being entirely reasonable)
in addition, a normal random non-technical user would just open a file in a standard text editor instead of using less anyway, and wouldn't need to do jack shit in a terminal
who are you quoting?
> not using view on files
> not piping stdout to vim
>$ less
>Displays less at a time
Makes perfect sense desu.
Umm actually, it's "whom" are you quoting
>windows is bad thus it's acceptable for linux to be bad too
Do yourself a favour and read the sticky image on Sup Forums.
If you think coreutils and bash are bad you should try the joke that is powershell and cmd.
It completely and unironically is EXACTLY how it works.
If you want to change something, either be a fucking faggot and cry or change it yourself.
Nobody has any obligation to cater to your wishes.
this guy gets it
>Fixing things yourself
No, sweaty
less and more are POSIX commands, dipshit.
macOS, being the POSIX compliant system it is, also has less and more.
join us in the future
my nigga
>tfw people still use deprecated ifconfig instead of 'ip addr'
please kill me. I can't stand this cringe anymore
It's a double entente, idiot.
BSD bloat.
Plan 9 doesn't have that problem.
uh what
what are you on about
>wew look when i try to make it do this Different thing it's so much bigger
>Less is More
More or less
>ip addr output is fucking unreadable
you have LESS lines so you use less to show less
> Resorting to grammar correction instead of an argument
We really gotta get that sand out of your vagina.
were bash developers pedo's?
OSx is POSIX compliant? Had no idea.
I like it that way. Keeps the normtards far away from my command line, and it's one less thing that retarded wannabee hipsters will be able to appropriate from the hacker culture.
Net utils is back in development.
The ip commands and formatting are shitful