Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums?
Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today
For years Mark Shuttleworth spent his own personal money sending FREE disc copies of the latest version of Ubuntu to EVERYONE no matter where in the world you lived at his own expense
Those FREE discs made tens of thousands of people install and use Ubuntu Linux
No person has given away more of his own personal money to the Linux community.
Benjamin Flores
>Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums?
it helped me getting into the linux world(thanks, ubuntu), but it's not the best for programmers: not rolling release and it kinda died on my, because the upgrade hung. I switched to nixos because both things aren't an issue there. I plan to move to guixsd, though, because scheme is easier to understand than the nix language.
Ryder Myers
>I plan to move to guixsd Good choice. Getting away from that systemduck
Easton Martin
He sent out free copies motivated purely by business considerations. There was no philanthropy involved.
Thomas Brooks
whoops I meant systemdick. whatever
James Williams
rather not have my laptop bricked
William Foster
Without ubuntu i would probably be using bsd already, even the linux mint could do a better job briing debian to the masses.
Christian Bailey
a guy that went to space and has a jet spent a few bucks on cds? oh no
Robert Collins
CDs are pretty cheap dude.
Nolan Phillips
>Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums? bloat >Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today doesn't mean i should use ubuntu but ok >For years Mark Shuttleworth spent his own personal money sending FREE disc copies of the latest version of Ubuntu to EVERYONE no matter where in the world you lived at his own expense this
Luke Campbell
>>Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today
>he didn't use linux before ubuntu was a thing
Jack Lee
I find it funny that the most obvious bait threads get the most replies
Robert Cooper
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Mason Gray
>Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today kek&lel gr8 b8 m8
Kevin Ross
>some cuck decides to give away his lifework for free yeah, fuck off OP. nice b8, ubuntu is shit
Josiah Nguyen
I've got 5 of them.
Zachary Evans
Silly ubuntufag, I was running Linux in 1995 and am still running it today without free disks, so come back when you get a clue. Ubuntu is pleb tier Linux anyways, try a real distro like Debian or Gentoo.
Jaxson Reyes
i am having A class hardware , best graphic card,best RAM and all ; and i think all these hardware are designed for window enviroment
Adrian Bailey
i read on slashdot.org that ubuntu-17.10 has been fucking up people's PCs corrupting the BIOS
might even be bricking them,
those fucking lamers should never build an OS that writes to the BIOS, only the install to the specified drive/partitions that you instruct it to and a bootloader on the MBR,
Blake Richardson
Who is this?
Liam Johnson
>not the best for programmers: not rolling release What does that mean? I'm a programmer, on Debian, which isn't that different from Ubuntu.
Carson Harris
I'm actually running Ubuntu. Not bad, some annoyances but Windows has those too.
Jacob Edwards
>Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums? Nvidia drivers. Actually i wanted to use fedora or redhat but nvidia keeps fucking me up with the kernel, so I'll stay on windows.
Carson Ortiz
>Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today
Bullshit I wouldn't. I've been running Linux since 1994 when I dumped Microsoft Chicago because it was total garbage. Ubuntu didn't exist for another DECADE after I was already using Linux. So you're full of shit. By the time Shittleworthless was giving out free uugabanto discs, home broadband was already affordable and most computers supported booting from usb so those free discs aren't nearly as big of a deal as you're making them.
Lucas Butler
>Own personal money No, it was a business expense for Canonical AND he'd have been able to call them donations to get the money back in the form of tax write-off. It was a business decision to get his product to more consumers, nothing more. It's not some great act of altruism
Leo Cox
> ubuntu-17.10 has been fucking up people's PCs corrupting the BIOS I'm kinda glad I switched to Debian in the end
Ayden Rogers
I never actually installed Ubuntu on my machine.
Joshua Davis
>debian I'm ex- debain using get tired shits they are doing in stable version. Ubuntu could be better but is ok now.
Levi Thomas
Cause using Lubuntu
Oliver Gonzalez
>Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today Thanks Ubuntu!
>Why aren't you running Ubuntu, the best distribution, Sup Forums? Because there's Arch.
Nathaniel Howard
debian ok but i use kde
Nathan Adams
Because of Ubuntu I couldn’t play track mania nations when I was a kid. Fucking mark.
David Peterson
This guy takes ubuntu and upgrades it into distro what is even more user friendly and more desktop ready
Jonathan Butler
It means nothing. Hes full of shit. Theres no difference at all really.
Wyatt Johnson
If Ubuntu were rolling release and came with pacman, it would be the best distro.
Xavier Foster
It's Xubuntu. After years of distro hopping, I have finally decided to settle down and Xubuntu was the obvious choice. I've never been this happy.
Blake Martinez
>Without Ubuntu you wouldn't be using desktop Linux today Even with ubuntu I don't use a gnu/linux distro. They're all trashes.
Aaron Jones
I respect ubuntu and what it's done for desktop GNU/Linux but I prefer not to use systemd and I like newer packages. >systemduck
Robert White
I use it as my main OS, and it's fucking great.
Mason Williams
>Why aren't you running Ubuntu Bloated as fuck systemd
Isaac Foster
its trying to shove an amazon icon down my throat
no thanks
Caleb Roberts
>FREE disc copies of the latest version of Ubuntu to EVERYONE no matter where in the world you lived at his own expense I still have my Ubuntu 10.10 that I got for free.