Mint condition except for 1 little nick on the lid that you can barely feel or see.
Just bought a new 120gb ssd for it too.
I plan on upgrading the screen and trackpad soon. Will probably get a new internal battery as well.
Did I do good Sup Forumsents ??
Nicholas Rodriguez
Loaded windows 10 on it, updated the drivers.
Loving the fingerprint reader, didnt even know if it would work. Paid $70 for the new ssd so Im currently $230 in, plus I can use the old worn ssd for another build.
Im blown away by the quality of this device for $230. $70 for the ips 1920x1080 screen will total this build at $300 once I purchase and install it.
Luke Sanchez
Brandon Jenkins
How is this bait? Legit...
Hunter Walker
I would get it just for the keyboard nipple thing
Ryder Cox
Best part about thinkpads. I did buy it 2 days ago.
Its a great laptop for the price. Amazing really. I was using 2017 cheap acer i5 laptop previously.
Charles Richardson
I have experience with U series processors (an i7 4000 series one) and it was slow to the extent of being mildly painful to use.
Lucas Ramirez
I have a few of those, once you have decent drivers the touchpad is pretty nice.
Cameron Barnes
Im loving how fast mine is.
Nathaniel Edwards
Nope, you should have gone all-out for a Libreboot system.
Austin Wood
nah this t440s has many more features and feels soooo much slimmer than that.
Leo Martinez
t. soyboy with babby hands
Chase Howard
>12" >1280x800 enjoy ruined eyesight
Nicholas King
Then go for a bigger approach while also retaining freedom.
>inb4 "Muh weight" see:
Jason Allen
>Core 2 Duo Some of us need to do more serious work than watch animu
William Allen
You can always keep a Libreboot junker for the internet apocalypse in the closet then use less-crippled machines for actual work.
Logan Morris
x201 can't be librebooted.
Brody Flores
shoulda gotten a t440p OP have fun opening that POS to install the t450 trackpad RIFK then to top it off peeling a sticker bezel just to replace the screen lenovo really went full retard with the t440s RIFLMAO
Brody Roberts
>Loaded windows 10 on it pleb
Asher Perry
You should have got a T60 and upgraded and librebooted it you berk
Charles James
T60 is beyond outdated
Posted from my Lenovo T60p using Tapatalk
Leo Gomez
It's fine for most tasks.
Jayden Roberts
>How to spot a gaymur
Or if you actually value your privacy, you'd use a freedoms-respecting machine always.
It's a X200 with a X201's head.
Nolan Lewis
I have one with a 6700U, 1080p screen, and 12 gb of ram.
You got the poorfag version.
Ethan Gutierrez
Why did you rice it into Win95?
Elijah Long
Because I'm autistic and gay af
Wyatt Robinson
>he got a x201 >x220 is getting a libreboot
Caleb Thomas
You're just autistic, that's true.
Jose Reed
it's an x200 with an x201 lid
and here's a dirty little secret: the x220 isn't getting libreboot it's all vapor
Thomas Torres
desu did you do this with xfce4 when i could get everything to work except the start button it didn't fill the box so there was a big gap on the top and bottom do you know how to fix it?
Lucas Cruz
Because it's comfy.
This is not me: It's just a dumb gaymur mad about his botnet.
It's OpenBox and a theme I made myself. The panel is LXPanel.
Samuel Hall
It's quite ironic how you use a machine and an operating system that respect your freedom while virtually promoting the product of the company that does not.
Eli King
You'd post in tpg if it wasn't Literally bait
Asher Johnson
Yep! And nah, not really promoting any product. Windows 95/98 is barely something viable in this day.