How do I create my own CPU?

How do I create my own CPU?

Other urls found in this thread:

Create a logic gate powered by a 9v battery for a lightbulb.
Boom you now have a cpu, output, and power supply

With dominos

You need:
Memory (RAM)
Program (ROM)

Create with 2 billion NAND gates

Holy shit how can companies create so much of them?

decades of prior experience

By having sterile production facilities, automation, "state of the art" lasers and convex lenses etching the nano sized circuitry on the smoothest silicon wafers they're capable of making. They just keep making them, stress testing them, and fucking with them until they reach a new benchmark for speed, energy consumption and reliability.

That shit sounds insane

fuckloads of money and engineers

solving and automating thousands of subproblems to solve one huge problem

Build it in Minecraft, it's Turing Complete!

Hundreds of thousands of transistors a soldering iron, some math involved I guess.

Good luck. Hop to it and post pics.

Sup Forums is also turing complete


Cool guy but his parents are idiots, like stereotypical whiny niggers


>can build a bomb
>can't activate windows

Not that difficult.
1. Create the circuit
2. Order CPUs from some sort of lithography factory
4. Backdoor free open-source hardcore console compiling watch online

Squeeze a rock really hard and trick it into thinking by putting lightning into it.

Contact Jew Killer.

It would be OK, if Windows was activated.

hold on...I think I need to call Pajeet and do the needful

Do you think the wirus pajeets still try and scam their own ethnicity?

die in a pit u cummie scum !1!111

>wangblows 10

wew lad


>die in a pit u cummie scum
fuk ur motha and ur sister i fuk dem in their bobs and vagne

>cool guy
>literal retard race baiting sand nigger

Kys, autist and realize how shit this little faggot is.

No one mentioned iTunes yet

Make a cad litography schematic, send it to ic manufacturer, pay for the batch, get your cpu. Making an integrated circuit yourself is basically impossible, you need lab grade hardware for that.


That looks pretty neat

With memory

So this processor has no registers? Wouldn't it be slow as fuck? Assuming it has to rely exclusively on RAM?

I know it's one of those "hold it up and look at the camera" type deals, but the iron applied directly to a ribbon cable bothers me.

get good at soldering

>not baking your own transistors in your oven

ISHYGDDT privata
you build it

That's actually pretty awesome and very solid work.

If you believe in evolution, apparently you only need to wait around in a scrap yard for the parts to magically collide and arrange themselves

That's how I got my car

Draw the circuit diagram in a HB pencil (anything else won't work) and wish really hard

OP, do the NAND to tetris course, it's really good

Or look up the book, "The Elements of Computing Systems". Same guys, same info

this guy sounds like that guy on Hobbylink


Can they solve the Jewish problem?

of course
one kike at a time

Yes. They build the factories with the chip rooms on springs so seismic tremors don't screw the chips up and they do everything on perfectly level solid marble or steel tables.


>Roblox Studio

He's smarter and will be more successful than you will ever be

start by drawing the scematic on a sheet of A4 paper .. you will need a rotring pen and also the manual "design your own CPU in 24 hours"

You don't.

b-but i'm whiter than him user!!!

You gotta wear a tinfoil hat long enough to communicate with aliens and they will eventually let you in on the secret.

Sup Forums is Tourette complete

With one of these user

learn flipflops or learn fgpa

oh, and gates of course

it's worth it, even when you forget it in later life

Enter the superuser password: ***
# The NSA needs your schematic or we can't make your cpu

this editing and acting gave me cancer, fuck you bongs

The only proper answer to this question.

These people have no idea what they're talking about. You can literally make a CPU within a week (software based) and a hardware base ALU within a month, to get to a CPU from there will not take much longer.

Will you be able to replace your i7 6950X with it? No. Will you have created a CPU? Yes.


you need sand to create one along with a powerful magnifying glass in order to build whats necessary

Kek hard

>didn't activate windows

Nanomachines, son

fuck, remembering the ijvm...

The easiest way is to get an FPGA and write the functionality in a hardware description language.
(verilog or VHDL)
You write the functionality because it is easy to understand what you generate, but it is hard to keep track of the nand gates and you should focus on the functionality.
A good project is to get the basic stuff up and running and then run a C program on your CPU.

The easy way:

1. Use a Hardware Design Language (HDL) like Verilog/System Verilog/VHDL to create an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
2. Use same HDL to create a control unit (CU).
3. Add memory.
4. Figure out how to make the CU control a shit ton of ALUs and store results of Arithmetic operations to memory, as well as access said results when needed.
5. Synthesize the hardware on an FPGA.
6. Enjoy your shitty CPU, because you'll never be able to catch up to AMD/Intel/Global Foundaries' design/manufacturing processes.

buy magic thunder sand
shape into cpu shape
give it life
trick it into doing calculations for you

Bonus points:

-Add multi-stage pipelining capabilities
-Support industry standard instruction sets like RISC V
-Add multi-threading
-Add multiple cores