/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Merry Christmas!

Old Thread: If you're looking for purchase advice, state your budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).

Recommended IBM models:
X60, X61, T60, T61, 860, Transnote, PC110

Recommended modern models:
X220 - 12", 768p, cheap and light
T420 - 14", 900p, widely available, socketed CPU, Ivy Bridge installable w/ Coreboot
W520 - 15", 1080p, Desktop Replacement, 32GB RAM on quadcore models, USB 3.0
T440p, T540p, W540 - last ThinkPads to have replaceable CPUs, IPS displays available, chiclet
P series - reminiscent to old build quality, top-of-the-line specs, better than most current mobile workstations, but very expensive

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>The best TrackPoint, great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support

Used laptop guides by xsauc:

ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads & running GNU/Linux on them:

ThinkPad service guides w/ tutorial videos:

EPP discount for new ThinkPads:

BIOS logo booru:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Nimitz-Drive-Caddy-Lenovo-Thinkpad/dp/B00NAMU8NO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1514256535&sr=8-2&keywords=thinkpad ultrabay caddy

First for 600x best thinkpad

Second for self-centered crosslink

I lik a thicc niggerss lyk this one

Following up from previous topic, need to replace my X220's fan/heatsink.

Does this look fine? ebay.com/itm/NEW-Lenovo-IBM-ThinkPad-X220-X220i-mainboard-FRU-04W0698-notebook-w-heatsink/182981339062?epid=2114653162&hash=item2a9a89a7b6:g:V8UAAOSwlhZZdRYx

Or is this fine:

What's the difference?

Just bought my first (and probably last) Thinkpad.
Got an X200, currently cleaning out the old owner's pubes with a glove and some electrical wipes.

bought a t420 from craiglist, it doesn't turn off, it just reboots, I flashed latest bios, could it be the keyboard damaged??
it also has misconfigured mapping but don't know if is a arch linux issue with it, local is US and keyboard mapping too
please help!!
or recommend a place to buy a new original keyboard
>unrelated pic to call your attention

You stupid idiot. That's the fucking worst. You neither get the functionality of modern ones nor the feel of the older ones. You deserve to clean pubes motherfucker.

Anons what kind of battery life can I expect from T430 with a 6 cell?
Also what is it with a 9 cell?
Please tell...

pls anyone

i can only find one for T510's on lenovo's website, none for T500

Keep the battery case and replace the cells yourself you moron

Someone? Anyone?

I've had a few Anker batteries for other machines with no problems.

oi vey

>watching x230 auction
>price spikes by $100 in the last hour
>gets into the $220 realm and say fuck it

im starting to think being patient isnt worth it for the sake of saving $50

does anyone have that screensaver with the thinkpad on the rock


And what do we do with all this power Kevin?
Ummmmm.....er.....ug...we wadtch porn?

t410 owners, please could you measure the diameter of ultrabay lock? I lost mine on t420, and I found a replacement on ebay, but for t410.

X201 Tablet - i5 or i7? What difference in performance is there?

I can get one for around $150, which is a lot cheaper then an X220.

Are the x230 IPS good for comics?

we play gaymes, run 3-4 VMs, render shit in Blender and work on multiple monitors.


No temp readings...

In the previous thread you talked about the differences in the X series.

But what about the Ts? For example, what makes a T420 different from a T440 or a T520

Any ones I should stay away from, and why?

>You neither get the functionality of modern ones nor the feel of the older ones
Has old keyboard and tactile. I'm librebooting it so X200 is the best functionality you can get.
What is your point?

Do I get a T540P with a 4800MQ and a GT730M for $350 because I think this is the best deal I have seen so far.

Not that amazing.
XX40 series have been tanking in price lately.
I got a w540 with the i7 whatever nvidia gpu, 16 gigs of ram, and a 250 gig ssd for 420

who got the fugging get

sounds nice. go for it.


Wouldn't that be .498GHz? Why is it wrong?


Just got my x230 in. So happy to finally have it. So far I'm really happy with the size and feel of the keyboard. Only problem I immediately noticed was that the caps lock sometimes becomes pressed when the lid is closed. Luckily the notification comes up upon lifting the lid.
>7 sec boot time on HDD

I need to buy a wifi adapter for a dual band linksys e2500 N600 router, it's best if I could get it under 19 dollars but if I have to I can go up to 25. I'm using my computer for general web browsing and playing online games like csgo/World of tanks/LoL. Currently my connection is garbage because i'm using an ethernet chord connected to a laptop, which then connects to the router since I'm not able to plug directly into the router using wired at my house.

I checked the links in OP for thinkpad mods, but are you able to add backlit keyboard to the x220?

If so, which keyboard would I need?

also 51 is pretty high for idle
my w540 is sitting at 51 and I've been playing a game for a few hours now.

I'm looking to get an x230T, I'm on the go alot and sometimes it's nice to have the touch feature, is this sale good for the price? m.ebay.com/itm/Lenovo-X230-12-5-Touch-Tablet-Laptop-Core-i5-3320M-2-6GHz-8GB-160GB-SSD-Win-10/152836094138?epid=219613268&hash=item2395bdb8ba:g:tBsAAOSwZQRYbVJY

I'd like to have an SSD in it so I can have it mobile. Is there any other device like this?

Lads how is €100 for a T500 4gb? Planning on librebooting it.

>tfw father's work has over 200 T420s and X220s in storage that theyre just getting rid of
>tfw I can have all of them
>for free

That is a wet dream.

It just grabs the MHz, sticks a . between the most and second-most significant digit, and adds "GHz":

cpu="$cpu @ ${speed}GHz"

^ from github

What's a decent idle to mild use temperature for an i7 x230? 140F seems a bit high.

The red one

What condition are they in?
Please share with tpg.

Y-you think prices in the $50-$200 range of laptops will drop as people replace their older laptops with newer once for Christmas?


What is battery life like on T420/W520's on Systemd/Linux?

The 9 cell should last about 50% longer than the 6 cell, hth


It's not idling. Chrome is used all the time with about 30 tabs.
Plus, as you can probably see, fan is not spinning.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Will this suffice to replace my HDD in my T420?


I've got 12/24 cores when I need to do work.
2/4 when I need to sit on my sofa watching german sewer documentaries on youtube while designing comfy container houses in AutoCAD

Just bought an X220 for $160. Anyone else have one of these, and if so, any thoughts on it? How long have you had it for and what OS are you running?

I'm planning on installing Ubuntu MATE on it, I saw a demonstration of someone using Xournal and it looks perfect for my university work.

Are there any other accessories I should get to make it more complete/functional? Upgrades? Upgrade possibilites?

>Anyone else have one of these

never heard of it

>Just bought an X220 for $160. Anyone else have one of these, and if so, any thoughts on it?
No, it's pretty rare actually.
We see a guy that has one, he comes around every other thread.

You guys are really funny.

I know they're extremely common, I meant does anyone in this thread right now use one.

You know, so they can answer my question.


They'll fit, but I don't know if it will lock tightly

Use what?

Cut it out you dick. Show some proof or shut up.

Ok guys need recommendation on a laptop

I currently have a 11.6 inch acer laptop, and looking for around the same dimensions, x220 might work out, since it uses intel "i3/i5/i7" cpu, but either people are trolling or what but x220 doesn't seem to common, I am going ot through debian on it.

Any recommendations? Backlit keyboard is fine whether I need to mod it or comes with it.

X220 is a solid little machine. Slap an SSD in there and make sure there's 8GB of RAM in there, it'll do you well. I use Fedora. Ubuntu should be fine.

I found a X31 with no battery and no charger covered in moon runes with a moon rune keyboard for what I usually spend on my lunch
Should I?


sent ;)


>not using this opportunity to dress up as santa and hand out thinkpads to people

>falling for the bait

>tfw I wash my new X200‘s keyboard in the bathtub and the water turns brown

My deepest congratulations.

I think I might be ready for Libreboot now.

Thinking of buying a T440p and upgrading the trackpad and screen. Anyone care to comment if they have one? Currently use the x220.

Merry Christmas thinkbros
Would this work on a T500?
amazon.com/Nimitz-Drive-Caddy-Lenovo-Thinkpad/dp/B00NAMU8NO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1514256535&sr=8-2&keywords=thinkpad ultrabay caddy
Also, is it overpriced at 17 bucks?

Didn't mean to quote that

Is Dell Latitude E6440 with Radeon 8690M good? I want to replace my X230 with stronger laptop for light games.

JST GOT A NEW T470p from work and it FEELS SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER than my X230

SERIUSLY, who's spreading all those stupid
>muh build quality
it literally shits the x230 on every aspect

I MUST SAY... she looks really purty.

>noblex screen
Found the argie

The first one is literally the whole motherboard, and the other one is what you want but incredibly overpriced for some reason. You can get an X220 fan+heatsink for $10.


I see. Does this work then? ebay.com/itm/New-CPU-Heatsink-Fan-For-IBM-Thinkpad-X220-X220IT-X220I-X220T-04W0435-04W6921/400740315518?hash=item5d4dfbf17e:g:a70AAOSw0j9ZUyHt

Where's the ñ?

Can't make up my mind between the x220 or the x61. I'm afraid that the x61 will be slow as fuck and not worth it but it's hands down my favorite of the two.

Considering getting a t430 to complement my current x230t. Anyone know of a way to get a 1080p screen into a t430?

I'm having some issues and I can't tell if its an issue with the W530, the new Nimitz HDD caddy, or just Windows 10 being a cunt.
Image shows that in the device manager that both drives are listed but I can't seem to get anything when it comes to disk management. I double checked and it said the caddy was compatible with W530 on Amazon and it fit well. Currently running Windows 10 LTSB-N x64 with the old de-bloat scripts that were around when 10 first released. The disk is a WD Blue SSD of 250 GB size. Is there a known issue with getting these things to work? Something I need to switch in the BIOS? I was hoping to move my windows install to this new drive and maybe even go dual-boot with Ubuntu but I'm unable to even get this to read the disk.

I ordered an overpriced x230t today, but it has 8gb of ram and an SSD and looked to be in nearly pristine condition, so I'm hoping for the best. I'll probably post about it when it arrives in about a week

I've owned a slew of Thinkpads in the past: an X61T, T60, T500, T520.

Since I've finished school, I've had less of a need for using a laptop for actual work since 90% of it is done on my desktop. I sold my last laptop 2 years ago. But I've been finding myself wanting to relax and watch videos/shitpost from a chair or under a blanket for maximum comfy.

Any recommendations for a cheap and portable Thinkpad with a nice screen? I've considered getting a chromebook with an FHD screen and putting loonix on it but I'd like to get a thinkpad if I can.

Be careful with X201 tablets (and native X201 in general, not sure). There's a rather common issue of random shutdowns that I haven't been able to find a solution for anywhere. It's not temperature related, just hardware lottery it seems.

>chiclet > chiclet
>thinking he knows anything about build quality

>I'm afraid that the x61 will be slow as fuck and not worth it
My X61t with an SSD is pretty good for casual shit and it even plays 1080p30 fine on the bloated YT site. The X61t uses a weaker processor than the X61 so i'm sure it'll be okay.

yes i do have one and did that too

help pls

Won't work because your older T500 uses a different connection for the ultrabay/CD drive.

Dunno if it works but yes it is way overpriced.

I bought this X1 Carbon 2nd generation. Any way to replace the shit f keys row by a proper keyboard piece?

nope, as far as i'm concerned. At least swap that hideous trackpad with the 3rd gen one.

hello newfriends

How do you like it?