/hpg/ - Headphone General

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OwO whats this?!?

I'm stuck between choosing either an ATH-M50x or DT 770 Pro. Runner up is the M40x because I hear it's about the same or better than the M50x for way cheaper. I'm leaning towards the M50x for aesthetics and its portability with how well it folds. Which should I get?

green jello

chinese manufacturing

>A clean, normal OP pic
Thank you. Also, after half a week or so, my HD 600 is starting to cease to squeeze the life out of my skull. I continue to enjoy the sound, yet lament the recessed subbass. I would still recommend them to anyone looking for a solid pair of open reference cans that doesn't need bass emphasis, perhaps paired with another pair of headphones with a warmer tilt to the sound.
DT 770 or M40x for sure. M50x is portable, but kinda meh in comparison (and a worse dollar-to-quality ratio than either of those models).
>Baits DiPolar when he's not even around
Dude is probably still dying from that gyro, but he's living in your head rent-free.

Hi Tyll from InnerFidelity here

Just here to say that the HiFiMAN HE400S is the best headphone in its price range and that Sennheiser soyboys should off themselves.

the better senns

Ordered Chinese velour pads for my MDR-7506.

You were right, /hpg/. Thanks.

what headphone stand is that?

Any idea how the 32 Ohm 770s compare to the M40x's quality wise? I'm not looking to use an amp with the way I use my headphones on a daily basis.

i love my hifimans too. the build it yourself headphone! instructions included too

Either one will run fine from pretty much any source, although I think people usually recommend the 80 ohm DT 770 as the model that runs from anything but sounds best. 250 ohm is ideal if you amp (which you're not) and 600 is full retard. 770 is v-shaped (probably a more exciting sound desu), where the M40x is more balanced.

Does using the Apple lightning to headphone jack thingy make any difference positive or negative?

Sounds good, thanks for the advice kind user!

That was not cp, shit for brains. Kill yourself.

That's why we're here! I think you'll be happy with either one, they're both solid choices.
I seriously doubt it. Maybe it would tweak impedance higher or lower? I don't think that it would change enough to be noticeable.

Oh snap!

spot the closet pedophile who is delusional enough to think loli is not cp

i hate to be defending lolifags here, but it meets the definition of neither c nor p

don't even bother trying the 'drawings' argument

Holy shit, fuck off to the dying thread if you're going to argue about meta shit. You're worse than the tripfags and avatarfags.

some assembly required

Ordered my first pair of dedicated cans. Coming from razer krakens to some ad900xs. What to expect? I hope I don't regret it.

what does can stand for

can can can you do the can can

Expect a smile on your face. If they seem weird at first, keep listening to them (exclusively if possible) and you'll get used to what they sound like.
Canada, duh.

hope this helps bro

i was being serious

It's clearly lingo for headphones, note the context in which it was used.

can it, ``buddy''

i know that, its obviously an abbreviation, what is it?

reddit for 'headphones'

It's not an abbreviation, it doesn't stand for anything.


How's that tinnitus doing /hpg/?


Some dedicated cans

aka steady listening device

Thank you my friends

What are the second best headphones behind the HD600?

It's manageable right now, but when it gets bad I hear three different noises at the same time in my right ear, and is very disconcerting.

Will my S7 edge be able to power the Hd650?

Still the same as ever, periodic and mostly unobtrusive.
Depends on what sound you're looking for, silly.
Probably, but don't expect them to get deafening. A DAP would probably power them better, or you can always get a portable amp if you find them lacking with the S7 as a source.




Maybe ask elsewhere on Sup Forums or a tech forum? Does Opus have any official forums or FAQ on how best to rip/encode from various sources?

converter tool in foobar

I'm definitely looking forward to it. Never heard a pair of open cans in my life.

Sapphire colored


100$, I can stretch to 120$ if there's a great deal
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
Not sure. I've never used open before. I am only using these in my room so sound leak isn't a problem per se, but I worry sound leak might get detected by my desktop mic when I play video games? Is that an issue with open headphones? Also are they less immersive than closed back?
>Comfort level
I'll be using them 2-3 hour sessions at a time so need moderate comfort.

I was thinking of getting these: canpicker.com/sennheiser/hd-579

I will only be using them at my computer. I will use them to listen to music (I listen to orchestra mostly from movies/games) and I will use them while playing games, especially FPS games.

Are they good for these tasks, and are open back headphones less immersive for gaming than closed backs? Should I get these or does anyone recommend something else?

Forgot to fill type of headphone. Looking for around ear.

What is this a clone of?

HD 579 will fill your requirements quite handsomely. Open headphones are no less immersive than closed units.

are bose qc35 a shit for some wireless phones?

Brah if you are going the ATH route get MSR7's but I would recommend Nad Viso HP50 over all of them

HP50 are so uncomfortable they're not worth recommending

Then first gen B&O H6 if you want comfort.

Is there any alternatives I should be looking in to or for the price of 99$ this can't be beat? It's on sale and normally costs 200$ apparently so I am a little suspicious when I see something have such a large discount.

Also does sound leak a problem if I play video games with others? Will they be able to hear the headphones?

If you want a good gaming headphone for under $100 AD500x would be good, the cable is shit though

How does it compare to this? canpicker.com/sennheiser/hd-579

It's a shame the cable is shit throughout the entire line. Fortunately it only takes basic know-how and supplies to replace one, though it's ridiculous you'd have to do that.

There's nothing wrong with the price, it's just a Christmas-time sale that's been going on. There's a lot of other options within your price bracket, but recommending some of them requires more information on your part, unfortunately. Also, will you be using/needing a microphone while using these? That will play a big factor.
As far as open headphones being audible to others, yeah, they leak sound but unless you crank them up pretty loud it shouldn't be an issue.
The recommended ATH-AD500x could probably be replaced by the ATH-AD700x in your price range. canpicker.com/audio-technica/ath-ad700x
Might be a better choice if you intend to use them for gaming more than music. Just look at the pro/cons of each and take the plunge!
People say that they hate the fixed cable on AT's sets, but I've got an old pair of ATH-A700's that have the same style of cable. They've lasted for over 10 years with no issue.

Senns are better overall, quality and comfort. Sound signature is a different story.

What would you call this sound signature? Strong mids?

I have a pair of hand-me-down ATH-M50s and they're better than anything I've owned so far, but I only enjoy them with this EQ on them. The bass is a little overbearing I feel and the highs are also a little fatiguing.

I'll be looking to find something after christmas since the M50 headband is broken and the temporary fix I did is coming apart.

That's a mid-centric EQ, and that's a reasonable EQ for M50 which are V-shaped, a.k.a. mid-light.

The M50s are quite V-shaped, so that EQ is just making them more neutral.

I am using a desktop microphone with these headphones. I don't typically crank the sound up very loud while gaming. I leave it at a moderate level for the most part. My only concern is sound going from the headphones to my microphone and disturbing my teammates.

I think that you'll be fine with open or closed in that case.

So I am reading about the HD 579 and the ATH-AD700x. Would a safe summary be that the HD 579 is more comfortable and durable, and the ATH-AD700x has a better soundstage gaming wise?

So if my main concern was gaming and music was a secondary concern, the ATH-AD700x would be superior for the purposes I intend to use it for?

Ah, thank you. That makes a lot of sense.

I thought these were a lot closer to neutral being advertised as studio monitor reference phones. Probably doesn't really mean much but that was my line of thought.

The bass especially didn't make sense to me since my old crappy gamer headset advertised with heavy bass were less bassy.

Basically I'm looking for much more neutral phones then.

In your case, I'd probably go with the ATH-AD700x. Just be mindful that they'll be a lil' bit bass-lighter. Comfort depends on your head, and as far as durability goes, as long as you don't abuse your hardware either one should serve you fine. HD 579 is a better deal for the money, but again, the ATH-AD700x would probably serve your needs a lil' better.

How much better would you reckon the ATH-AD700x is for gaming? Would it be a significant difference in terms of soundstage and pinpointing or would it be a small or moderate difference?

Here's where I'm at. The HD 579 look more comfortable and have the detachable cable, which I think is really convenient. However, the ATH-AD700x appears to be a superior sound stage, but I can't find any review comparing the two directly and quantifying that. I just see praises for the ATH-AD700x soundstage and performance in gaming. I find some reviews praising the HD 579 for "critical listening" but the same reviews also claiming it's sound stage is pretty average.

It's hard to purchase something like this without trying it first and being able to compare them.

I guess what I should be asking is what makes the HD 579 a better deal for the money, and how significant of an improvement does the ATH-AD700x's soundstage have over the HD 579?

real human bean
and a real hero

>watch jude video for measurements on HD58X
>forget i'm logged in to youtube
>get metal571 recommendations

The HD579 sound much better for music and are more comfortable and a more stable fit on the head. Soundstage is overrated for gaming and doesn't make much of a difference. I'd get the HD579.

If you care about comfort any then you don't want the M50X unless you get decent pads to go with it.

But really I own the original M50 and would recommend the Akai Project 50x's over them
They're currently 20 bucks. Same aesthetics, same portability, nearly same build quality. Akai's have a worse wire.

It needs decent pads as well.

If you intend to choose between just the ATH M50X and DT770 then get the DT770.

Sauce on right image?

Got to love dollar mousepads.

Indeed. I've had two myself. I can't imagine using a lewd image for them, though.

who cares its not akg

>Akai Project 50x
Tell me more user, the wire isn't a problem for me but where do I get pads for it?

>Soundstage is overrated for gaming and doesn't make much of a difference. I'd get the HD579.

What makes you say so?

not him but the games where positional audio even matters at all already have hrtf/binaural audio implementations.

Is it really worth upgrading from HD598 to HD650, or is it not enough of a difference to justify? If I went HD650 I would probably get Schiit stack to go with them.

So if sound stage is not important then is there any other reasons to get the ATH-AD700x over the HD 579?

you'll hear a lot of hd579/600/650 apologists who say soundstage isn't important and never needed. it's a preference, a lot of people like large soundstages. a lot of games don't have hrtf/binaural audio.

Do it.

do you have the patience to wait for the HD6XX? if yes, get the 6XX, if no, pay a bit more to get the HD650 now.

I looked into the HD6XX a little while ago for the last drop. I'm in Australia, and I've heard really shitty things about customs + taxes with Massdrop products coming from the USA, apparently you have to pay a whole bunch of tax and it doesn't end up saving you much money off HD650 retail.

i got my 6XX with no issue and i'm in new zealand. not sure if the regulations have changed over there but last i checked the minimum to incur import duties there was $1000AUD? it's $400NZD here which is a pain but the 6XX slip under. shipping was a flat rate $20 as well.

I got my HD6XXs two days ago in Aus and I had no issues whatsoever, they arrived at the door and I paid zero tax. The box had noticeably been opened and resealed at customs however.

I got a new pair of Sony WH-1000XM2s but they sound terrible compared with my much cheaper Backbeat Pro 1s. I do not understand what the fuck is happening. Is there some magic switch I need to flip or what? The music has no clarity to it at all.

So I just bought the Sony MDR XB950B1 and I noticed a rattle on the left can when I rapidly shake my head. I think it's a loose part, but I don't sense any loss of sound quality or anything. Should I have them replaced or something? I assume I shouldn't be hearing a rattle so maybe that warrants a replacement.

I think so. Email the seller. If it feels wrong, it probably is.

So what's your opinion on the ATH-AD700x vs the HD 579 then if you're familiar with sound stages of both and overall quality?

I got it from bestbuy. Would you know how this will affect my insurance status for it?

>then if you're familiar with sound stages of both and overall quality?
I haven't heard either

>Buying ridiculously expensive headphones
>Not taking care of your ears
Just kidding I have tinnitus too.