Grasp objects in a secure way

Grasp objects in a secure way.

I wonder how much money they make for companies in marketing because these things aren't on the same level as sending a high end GPU for review.

One because the average person who watches this shit won't ever buy these things and second because no one who works in the enterprise sector would buy a server and enterprise HDDs because they watched it on linus tech tips.

Seriously, who are they marketing this shit for? wanna be youtubers with rich parents?

Reach anything above 5' without a ladder?

The dude on the top left invented his computer when he was 11. Can Seb do that?

>What can't Linus do?
Apparently anything right...

Let me introduce you to the HPE D6020.

Perform anything competently

Wait two months for “ALL SERVERS ARE DOWN!!! (300 TERABYTES LOST1!!!1!1!!!1!!!!)”

I swear I've seen the nigga bst in the bst thread some time. Which is weird.

no one is dumb enough to do RAID-0 with that? right?



but for what purpose does he need that?

Reminder to sage and report all shilling threads created by pathetic 14 year olds trying to shill their favourite e-celeb

it's for rich 12 years old that wanna have top performance

It's not marketing for a company, it's just to show the dumb 12 year olds that Linus is a tech wizard so if he made his own prebuilt PC they would buy it from him

No, but Three RAID5's striped together in Windows are A-OK though

>Watching sponsored meme channels
>watching Linux chink "reviews"

Fap to straight porn

Proper backups for his storage servers.

>people still use RAID-5
this isn't the 90s we have ZFS now

Linus alone is saving the entire youtube scene by helping youtubers fix their shit.
Can't wait for him to help pewdiepie and h3h3.
The man is like a walking microsoft tech support.

go away linus you're making the board suck more with your fag threads.

Make me fagget, I'm making mad dosh on youtube while you're fapping to cartoons, 300k starting and everyone knows I'm a tech wizard.

what does double earring signify? is he a bottom or a top?

>The man is like a walking microsoft tech support.
This is the part I don't get.
Why does "tech reviewers" need someone to setup a backup server for them?
Why don't they just "review" a couple of options and keep it in use afterwards.

A double faggot

those who can, do.
those who can't make youtube videos pretending to.

That means he's a booty seeking rum drinking swashbuckling canadian pirate.

I think Eli the computer guy or whatever his name is has a video about that. NAS manufacturers give their stuff out like candy to tech reviewers. Still you see tech reviewers complain about one of their mybook drives or whatever failing.

>What can't Linus do?
Get laid.

>striped together in Windows
Windows software raid......

So why would anyone listen to them?
I mean if they are not willing to do any work at all, why should they be taken seriously?
Are people just into the advertisement version of amateur porn?

Ride the rides at Disneyland