Hi I'm moot le mootkins I will sell the only thing I did right on my entire life to some shady chink to exploit it and...

>hi I'm moot le mootkins I will sell the only thing I did right on my entire life to some shady chink to exploit it and ruin my legacy and just go to suck dicks at google

>forced clickbait adds
>malware filled hidden adds and scripts
>increased post CD because buy passes baka goys
>archive killing

What is next for the hiroshitma?

Other urls found in this thread:


He didnt interfere during the election and let Sup Forums run its course.

He can do whatever the fuck he wants now for all I care. Moot would have shut down Sup Forums in november "for the (((lulz)))

>forced clickbait adds
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
>malware filled hidden adds and scripts
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

Oh and by whatever the fuck he wants I DO NOT MEAN THE FORCED SHADY ADS.

I mean charging for shit with 4pass

come on now

Does hiromoot have any control over what anime gets another season?


>spout actual lies
>get called a retard

but it's true you retard

>facebook integration
>Sup Forums patreon
>register to post
>buy a Sup Forums gold account to drr more than 4 posts/day
>get some bombs and destroy the white pigu birry

>Disables all CSS stylesheets.
>Removes the src attribute from all images



Kill yourself.

what's the post countdown now?

there's more that wasn't deobfuscated yet
you didn't even read the whole thing
fuck off hiro

>What is next for the hiroshitma?
Normal users - 10 posts/day
User pass - Unlimited posts

Can anyone tell me what those random script websites are actually doing?

Nothing good

He did it for his wife, Sup Forums just wouldn't leave her alone being a jew and all that

I read it all. You're just spouting FUD. Kill yourself.

They show ads, but they have a script that is a basic anti adblock measure. Ublock Origin was updated within 24 hours to block them. Ignore the FUD spreading moron OP and just update your Ublock Origin filters.

I wonder what moot is doing right now.

It's more like it's pretty obvious she exploited Sup Forums for her own marketing gains and (((coincidentally))) her surfacing in 2010 was followed directly by an influx of massive bullshit.

>Maliciousness of downloaded payloads is UNKNOWN. (I haven't gotten to them yet.)

Probaby getting cucked again.

Is Nullsleep still a mod? I like his music.

i wonder what boards he lurks the most

This was posted a year ago why is everyone posting it now?

Sup Forums like a true patrician

Oh God, some still butthurted for 8 steps of cuckold.

>true patrician
>dead board filled with newfags and spics

Sup Forums is under raid of boku no hero.

So obviously the correct thing to do is to run around telling everyone it's malicious like a fucking retard.

an obfuscated script that runs obfuscated code from an unknown server? nothing to worry about, goy!
you are litterally worse than a microsoft shill.

He did do Sup Forums Harbor and the Eight Steps, but realistically, he learned goods lesson from /new/.

This is nothing about specific boards, muut just sold the ship when it started drowing

Moot is rich and happy and fucks female qts while you are still here crying

Joke's on you when my tears are the best lube in the world, especially considering they're 100% free.

One sunny day moot will quit google, buy Sup Forums back and make it great again

>Moot was a pussy so now I don't care if Hiromoot makes me lick his boots.
Kys bootlicker.

>female qts
there isn't a different kind of qts, idiot

Jews using her women as whores since ever

Get back to work on SS13, baldman

Hiro is a better mod and businessman than moot. Moot was just a pretty face

poor moot got cucked and laugh to death on his own website forever

Hiroshima is being retarded.

The way to get people to use a paid feature is to make it BETTER than the alternatives, not to make it and then try to immediately kill all the fucking alternatives so that your inferior shit will be used.

The only thing moot "did right" was copy. He didn't do that right either.

Look, cancer is going to happen whether you want it or not. This guy at least doesn't fuck with the boards, as he did when he ruined /r9k/ by cementing the sadboy image.

Literally who cares

t. phone poster

As in the chiptune artist?
I have two of his albums.

>hi I'm moot le mootkins I will sell the only thing I did right on my entire life to some shady chink to exploit it and ruin my legacy and just go to suck dicks at google
He left because of all the newfags shitposting with the gaymergate shit which funnily enough was composed of reddit and Sup Forums which became the new Sup Forums.
>b-b-b-but he abandoned us for (((google)))
Cry more bitch and install gentoo so you stop worrying about muh russkie malware.