So, now that is over how does one pirate some good old fashion mp3s
So, now that is over how does one pirate some good old fashion mp3s
Other urls found in this thread:
We all use poointhe.loo pajeet
Kids use PassTheTelephones for downloading their pm3's now.
yo grampa, can you invite me to your autism club
I'm running an IPTV server and recording every music video played. Once I'm done with VH1 Classic I'll search for a channel that plays more obscure music.
Don't be a fucking autist, you don't really need a PT to get loads of music in mp3/flac. Rutracker has everything.
This meme has to die. whatcd was just an e-peen bragging right for neckbeards. It wasn't THAT much better than ru or deezloader, at least in the years 2010-2014
>mad he was too lazy and stupid to just do the interview and get an account
I used to be on what back in the day a shitload of people would flock in every week from regular invites, and the interview process wasn't even something that too many people knew about outside the PT scene.
AFAIK the waiting time was something like >12h, and even people who passed it still complained it about it in the forums
>AFAIK the waiting time was something like >12h
Sounds like bullshit. I got in the IRC and had an account 30 min later
wtf mp3s, was better than that, gimme flac at least
> MP3
(you) are decades away from even being pleb-tier, (you) will always be pleb-tier
Please go away and never come back. It's embarrassing to be in the same Internets and timeline with (you).
>I download FLAC
If you settle for MP3, Google can get you what you need
Private trackers are for backups
>download flac
>convert to whatever you want
>gets outdated
>convert flac to new format
>good quality
>download mp3
>gets outdated
>convert to newer format
>sounds like shit
>mp3 gets outdated
>all software capable of playing mp3 files suddenly disappear and you have to convert your library to a newer format
>I use FLAC
Have fun converting your mp3 to anything else after it fades away
>I use FLAC
just fucking use rutracker holy shit
every flac i've gotten from there i've run thru spek and it's been real lossless.
the only thing is if you're autistic about tagging, you'll have to edit most tags yourself. but at the same time, if you're autistic about tagging you'll tag it yourself anyway.
t. autistic about tagging
>tries to shittalk people on a taiwanese fishing forum
>about personal preferences of audio archiving formats
>I use FLAC
These two are the replacements.
Redacted seems to be the more "official" of the two.
why is FLAC a meme
If you were truly autistic about tagging, you'd join a private tracker
>I use FLAC
>i prefer mp3
>I use FLAC
>i use mp3
>I use FLAC
>convert to newer format
>sounds like shit
No shit sherlock. People who transcode lossy formats deserve their shit sound.
Placebo autism.
official as in actually run by people who know what they're doing?
not going offline every other day.
not having the sysop vanish
how do i get on redacted? i used to be on what and i've been thinking about getting back on a similar system since it was taken down. i don't remember how i got on what. someone invited me i think. i got on what when everyone jumped from oink to what.
ps, stop being such a retard and expecting to be spoon fed everything.
>i use mp3
>I use FLAC
How do so many pictures of edgelords with fedoras even exist?
Also, where can I find a collection of them?
>i use mp3
>I want a gallery of fedora wearers
>also I use FLAC
>I use FLAC
>I use mp3
>I use FLAC
You have legit no argument in favor of mp3s, just fuck off.
>i use mp3
Fuck off, I'm having a conversation here
>I use FLAC
>i use mp3
>I use FLAC
IRC, since 1999
I just rip them from YouTube.
Please don't agitate the autists.
>i use mp3
>I use FLAC
>i use mp3
Sup Forums was a really mistake.
I gave up piracy this year, I feel a lot better about my life now.
interview? lol. not wasting my time.
Good luck getting into any music tracker then.
No one will ever give you a public invite.
I've always wondered about downloading binaries from Usenet and IRC. Like, you can't actually see what you're downloading since it's a text-only interface. How do you know you're not downloading CP?
What do you mean? You cant see what youre downloading on the web either
This thread has my giggling.
fuck flacs, I dont need to spuuge over lossless audio compression. most devices cant play them, m3u tagging works like shit, and I really dont want to redownload everything I have into Flac because fedora.
unless you produce, then you should only download flac, and convert them back to wav. if you dj or produce with mp3, kill yourself.
so this is the power of Sup Forums
FLAC? mp3? What are those and can I do them on Spotify?
>unless you produce, then you should only download flac
no one in production uses flac, it's wav all the way
the good kind of autism
Buy CDs. They're not expensive and the music is uncompressed.
> All of these fedora posts
Are my fellow /asp/chads finna ding-dong diddly invading every over board?
Great article, everyone who cares at all about audio encoding should read it.
I'll still keep my high sample rate, high bit depth recordings for the same reason I'd love to have a version of a film that included UV and Infrared - storage cost doesn't really matter to me, and it might be fascinating to poke around and look at.
Good thread, faggots.
Fucking faggot
Great job user
YouTube + jdownloader
what are some good HD iptv services?
I use FLAC
literally has a guide on their wiki page
Nice try, RIAA.
Because Sup Forums is made of stupid.