I want to organize my music file...

I want to organize my music file, but I fucking hate that windows puts all the bands with "The" in their name on the "T", how can I change this? I am not willing to rename "The Beatles" for just "Beatles"

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Put "the" after i.e.
>Bettles, The

that looks kind of strange, I may end up doing that, but I rather look for other options


don't use windows to organise your music
just do it all from foobar

The thing is at the end of the day, all the music files have to be somewhere on my pc, where is organize by the windows settings, and I would like to have more control about how it is organized

but what's the point? Foobar can handle files.
I mean, I understand your problem and I solved it by using this system for the folders, not caring how it looks, because I never have to look at it.

Uhhhh user have you tried putting your music into literally any media player? Every program I've ever seen automatically solves this for you.


read ffs

it will automatically organize the folder structure

what I try to find is a way windows ignore the articles at the moment of organizing stuff by name

there is no way to do this on windows

Don't use foobar to organize your music either, but stick foobar in "view by folder structure".

Use Picard to organize your music as it'll automatically populate tags for you in whatever language you want, and rename files/directories to follow the pattern you specify in it's options (which is scriptable). Additionally MusicBrainz already contains an albumartistsort tag, which follows these guidelines: musicbrainz.org/doc/Style/Artist/Sort_Name

>but stick foobar in "view by folder structure".
that is what I do, I don't like picard, but I do use the musicbrainz plugin for foobar for tagging when necessary and available.

what is foobar? is like a Itunes or is a plug in that allows you to organize stuff on your computer?

it's the best music player for PC and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
or do let them tell you otherwise, but try it out and bask in its glory.
it's so good that linux users use it through wine, even though it natively only supports windows

what makes it so special?

functionality, open architecture for plugins, no-bullshit approach to pretty much all it does, level of customisation that at least I find more than sufficient for pretty much anything, clear sound engine, DSP support, loads of plugins available.

the only thing it doesn't do for me is mass tagging, I find mp3tag/puddletag more handy for that, but ever since I pretty much set a standard for my collection and unified it, I don't need it much anymore

okay, now that I asked myself the question again, I don't think I can say its individual qualities make it special (since I haven't used any modern players, since I've yet to find a deficiency in foobar), rather than the package

>my music file
if you only have one it shouldn't be that hard to organize