Bill Gates here, AMA

Bill Gates here, AMA

tits or gtfo fagget

you got to do a dub for that. oh wait...

What's your role in the undermining of net neutrality?

let me check what's net neutrality... brb

how do deez nutz taste kid

well, it tastes like shit. Or like windows.

pics or didn't happen

Do you expect contributing to various charities will save you from the fire and brimstone that awaits you?

He at least wants a chance with the Jewish god.

did you piss on steve jobs's grave yet?

>dub for that. oh wait...
time to time... these things just happen you know.

it didn't happen boy, it didn't.

actually, I pay them t

Do you install gentoo when your Windows fails?

Do you actually love Steve ballmer?

No one should use Windows. I don't even use this crap.

We had an affair when we were young, which was great.

Why did your name your company after your dick?

Because my dick is microscopic and soft at the same time. Which doesn't answer you question.

How much of Windows was originally your idea?

One day I sat and poop. Then I got up and watched the poop. Next is History.

Would you consider yourself a better business man than programmer?

I am neither a business man nor a programmer. I am the devil.

Do the needful sir and draw vagene with open bobs.

You've clearly went insane over the coarse of all those years.


How long did it take to write Altair Basic? Did you reuse any code from other projects for it?

hey gates, i'll suck your dick for $10000. deal?

Is it time Bill? Time for Stage 2?

Is it time to activate the hardware backdoor?

no deal. I would suck your dick for $10000. Deal?

If it could heradicate Windows from earth, yes, do it my dear.

I didn't write anything. I bought someone else to code it for me, then I bought him a little more to make him pretend it was me.

Never said you did. Still wanna know tho

Yeah you did. You said yourself that you were still writing code on the airplane flight from, I don't remember.

It took two days. We also paid an army of cheap chinese programmers to code it. We had to release it a bit later though, as it would had been suspicious.

speak english linuxtard

Is that why arrays start at 1?

All you base are belong to us.

why do you spy on us?

At Microsoft, we tend to like to make things shity..differently.

eat poo

It makes money.

sure, but you give me the money up front.

Seems like a win-win situation. I like win-win, it's a respectable dose of win. It's like a "win-dose". Where do we meet?

i want to see Billy tits!!!

Why did you let a street shitter take over your company, Bill? You and I both know he has shat in a street at least once in his life. Disgusting!

are you dead yet ?