IPhone 8 and X are so much more powerful than any Android phone, it’s kind of ridiculous

>iPhone 8 and X are so much more powerful than any Android phone, it’s kind of ridiculous

>Yeah, it’s not even close. Apple’s iPhone 8 averages 4195 in single-core tests and 10005 in multi-core tests. Meanwhile, the best-performing Android phone is the Galaxy S8, which averages 1965 and 6494.

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>its kind of ridiculous
Never read articles from "journalists" who are less eloquent than you

Geekbench says its 3/4 as fast as a desktop i7 in single core performance.

It just fucking isn't. Who the fuck falls for the geekbench meme?

>It just fucking isn't.

Apparently it is. Why do you find it so hard to believe?

Because one of them is 91w and the other is presumably a fuck ton lower. I don't think there's any official statistics for it, but on a 3k mah battery it's clearly not drawing much power.


That's a 45w part, and it apparently matches that in performance. If it's actually that powerful, why isn't ARM dominating already?

Also why the fuck are there literally no CPU benchmarks floating around for Apple chips that aren't Geekbench?

It's ARM you retard. It'll never compare to a current x86 chip.

Any other source that isn't geekbench? It's dumb to believe blindly in just one tool.

>believing gookbench

good advice

What’s this speed test ? Which stopwatch goes faster?

I assume it's launching all the apps on the side and waiting for them to boot completely, then launching the next one.

Is that seriously Photoshop on iOS/Android? What the fuck.

So what if I use my phone for making calls?

Is BGR an Apple shill site? Half its articles are about the iPhone.

>I assume it's launching all the apps on the side and waiting for them to boot completely, then launching the next one.
What the fuck kind of "speedtest" is that? Absolutely deplorable.

Thanks I’ll check out this speed test when I need a phone that launches 16 apps in rapid succession

Yes. GFXBench, Antutu Bench, 3D Bench.

It’s a garbage speed test that tests opening apps like Instagram and Facebook and immediately closing them without actually using them. In other words, it isn’t actually testing the processing power.

Here is an actual demanding test which uses several computationally intensive tasks and the iPhone is far ahead. Also includes several benchmarks.


There is, and it's the main reason Android devices "loses" against iOS devices in this kind of "benchmark".

It's basically how fast does it reboot. Which I don't really give a fuck about. Now tell me how they do when you browse 5+ tabs of Sup Forums in desktop mode.

> iPhone 8 and X are so much more powerful than any Android phone(*), it’s kind of ridiculous
>*: during the first year only. Then the battery loses capacity and iOS throttles your processor

Android users need to lie to avoid getting crushed.

Imagine being such a deluded fanboy that you lie about other phones specifications on an anonymous forum.

>Yes. GFXBench, Antutu Bench, 3D Bench
And the difference is minimal compared to geekbench results.

That’s a 20% difference. That’s not minimal.


ding ding ding
They got their start by hitting a series of well placed rumors that they got from industry insiders
Then they started sucking Apple's dick once those insiders left

That was the fastest one for android. And the iPhone is still ahead.

I'm not saying the iPhone X processor isn't better, because it is. I'm saying that geekbench is lying blatantly.

Both Oneplus and Razer phone score high iirc


Are you aware that all android flagships have the exact same Qualcomm 835 Snapdragon processor?

Some are clocked high, and some devices have more RAM.

>why isn't ARM dominating already
There are some things you can't do, or at least not well, on ARM If I understand things correctly.
At least not yet.

Source on different clock speeds?

OnePlus 5t is clocked at 2.45ghz

The absolute state of iToddlers, fucking tech illiterates

Pretty sure that video rendering uses some hardware features of apple's sock while it runs in complete software mode on si since it suppised to run on every android.

oy vey


Clearly you don't understand a single thing


It's not like they have desktops to know how they compare. Normies nowadays often don't even own laptops.

>If I understand things correctly.
You don't, stop pretending.

How fast will it be on its next update?
Fast enough to sue?

>oh, it can render 4k videos but can't multitask

There’s no evidence geekbench is lying

>$1200 phone

Still not good value for money
Still just a facebook and call machine


iPhone is a closed platform that only Apple has control of. Android is not.

Well done you searched the internet for one way any android phone was faster than the iPhone X and you found an example for the google pixel.

All that hardware, and you can only use it for games. Can't even hold a couple of apps in RAM.

This should be taken into account in two ways: (1) Android software makes the hardware appear less capable and (2) iPhone software is more optimized.

At the end of the day you get faster hardware and better performing software on an iPhone.

But so the fuck what. Who cares about how fast you can snap selfies

that means closed platform is better, thx now i know i was right all that time choosing windows10 and iphone

Kek. Obviously the reason it works so well is because there are less target devices to program software for. Sorry wincuck, you lose again.

>windows 10 and iphone
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>Said corporation pays said developer to "better optimize" said app for there devices.

Look at the real world test, flagship Androids open apps faster, scroll through apps faster, push games just as easily at much higher resolutions. The benchmarks are rigged.

TL;DR: "Applel, plz buy advertising on my shit site."

Learn to read and then come back user.

geekbench says a lot of stuff

meanwhile when you put the x against anything from this or the previous gen its slower 90% of the time

I really love how people keep posting synthetics like gookbench but keep ignoring how hard the X bombs in real life use.

Reminder to report.

Android really needs to pay their shills more, this is pathetic

Thank you sanjeet, 5 rupeas have been deposited into your apple positivity account.

What good is jacking off to synthetic benchmark scores if real world performance between the X and a phone like the OPT5 are almost impossible for normies to notice or make them pay $400 more.

So, did they test the IPhone with the obligatory 50% hardware throttle after half a year accounted for?

So we have around 8 iPhone threads per day, yet the real shills are 2 posts in one of those threads?

>iPhone 8 and X are so much more powerful than any Android phone

Don't worry, a few months from now Apple will make sure it's not the case anymore with their amazing updates ;^)

user, ARM already is dominating. It's a non-starter in the enterprise and desktop area because of the billions of dollars in x86 software. Companies don't give too much of a shit about power consumption. The potential savings over power would be shot down when any company learns they'd need years and billions to rewrite all their software to ARM.

>a few months from now

Why would the battery have degraded in a few months?


It’s not related to updates it’s related to battery degradation

Did you even watch the vid? Who uses a phone like that?

Oh sorry I forgot people load up gookbench everytime they take their phones out of their pocket.

Fucking owned.