>Windows 10 forces some shitty new update on me
>Reboot after update
>Start screen starts flickering rapidly and an unable to click anything
>Booting into safe mode provides me with a black screen and a cursor that won't move
>Can't open anything even with shortcuts
>Try all windows autofix™ options
>None work
>Boot into cmd
>Still can't fix shit, try removing GPU drivers and switching over to integrated graphics
>Start screen still us unusable
>Have to reinstall Windows
>Fucks up GRUB
Fuck this shit. Linux pretty much full time from now on. Can't wait until headless GPU passthrough VMs become a thing so I can wipe this shitty OS
Windows hate thread
I don't know, never had a problem with W10 since its release. You must be retarded to fuck such a simple to use OS. Might as well kill yourself now, you waste of oxygen.
Stop hating Windows and start loving GNU/Linux.
You have to be a fucking moron on some obscure as shit hardware for this to happen.
>works on my machine!
Windows 7 doesn't have this problem.
Running a i5 7600K with a GTX 1060. Literally the most normie desktop
>windows 10
Why the fuck would you use W10?
W7 is better and more stable for now.
Found your problem.
>Windows 10 forces some shitty new update on me
>dont even notice it
>computer boots in 5 seconds as always
>during work, CPU and SSD utilization next to zero
>fan completely off
>everything fast and smooth as fuck
Works on my machine.
>W7 is better
This is factually incorrect. You may personally prefer 7, and that's fine, but it's not better by any objective standards.
This is generally good advice. Stop wasting your time hating when you could be enjoying something.
>Bootloader fucks up a separate OS
>Didn't even use GRUB to boot into windows
Good advice desu. I honestly do love my Debian systems and run it by itself on all of my computers except my main desktop. Booting into windows just makes me angry because literally the only reason it's on my machine is a few games that are exclusive to it.
>Booting into windows just makes me angry
That's sad. Have you tried talking to a therapist?
>using grub at all
Windows doesn't fuck up grub, Microsoft just doesn't even acknowledge its existence. 99.999% of the time when someone is loading an OS to install, it's going to be Windows, and if the Windows installer finds that the Windows bootloader is missing, it's going to clear out that space and reinstall the Windows bootloader.
Most Linux distros do the same shit when they can't find a Linux bootloader, the only difference being they know a large portion of their user base also uses Windows, so they're aware of the existence of, and actively try to support any Windows partitions they find.
>Can't wait until headless GPU passthrough VMs become a thing
As opposed to current headless GPU passthrough?
Breeze dark is a way better KDE theme.
>This is factually incorrect. You may personally prefer 7, and that's fine, but it's not better by any objective standards.
It's better because it doesn't have built-in spyware that's impossible to opt out of like Windows 10, and because you can control windows update.
>This is factually incorrect
Then please, I invite you to give me good, non-meme, non-shitpost reasons as to why W10 is better than W7
Again, factually incorrect. But I'm loving the reddit talking points.
cool story gramps. do you also have something interesting to say about how the large icons in Windows XP are useless bloat?
>pretty much
lel my man cant use windows and think he gonna use linux
lel w7 > w10
>what is system restore
>what is go back to previous version
>what is refresh
jesus christ, get the fuck off windows. Good riddance.
rajeesh pls
That shit is what I meant by windows autofix™
all of them did jack shit
>Again, factually incorrect.
How so?
It largely has to deal with under the hood improvements (which include slowly putting legacy components to rest finally), moving towards modularity, improvements to defender, incorporating elements we expect from our devices in [currentyear], and of course performance improvements (some of which stem from doing away with legacy components but largely come from research in utilizing fewer resources thanks to the smartphone industry).
good thing that i use software that respects my freedoms. no changes are ever forced.
So, in other words, marketing buzzwords and completely hollow explanations? I dunno, user.
Ah, shifting goalposts. My favorite.
All of the vague categories can be looked at in detail if you cared, but you don't. So why did you ask for "good, non-meme, non-shitpost reasons" when in reality you just want to continue shitposting?
waste of money and time
>old laptop fell apart to a hundred pieces
>bought latitude 3480 during black friday
>came with win 10
>can't downgrade cuz something intel shitty processor something something
>install ubuntu
>everything werks
and that's how I became happy
>All of the vague categories can be looked at in detail if you cared
Nah, they wouldn't have been vague had you actually understood any of them instead of reading them straight from some Microsoft marketing page.
>So why did you ask for "good, non-meme, non-shitpost reasons"
I didn't. But you already knew that, as you're capable of looking at the IP counter just like anyone else.
>ou must be retarded to fuck such a simple to use OS.
It could never be a user-derived problem since Currysoft outright refuses to accomodate operating systems that aren't fucking Windows, hence Windows update being oblivious to other installations existing on the storage and overwriting grub with their shitty mbr or whatever botnetified version of a bootloader Windaloo10 comes with.
Anyone have idea how in the fuck can i fix this? Did I fall for the LTSB meme?
The absolute state of Windows
Unironcally install gentoo
How many years has Windows 10 been doing this shit?
>know someone is a rapist
>decide to go into a room alone with them
>complain about getting raped
Sadly for LTSB too. Can't escape the botnet
No need for these. Every day is a living Windows 10 hate thread. Even for us Windows users.
Run Windows Update troubleshooter, if that doesn't work, run sfc /scannow, if that doesn't work, try an in-place upgrade if you still have the ISO, that fixed it for me
You can
Troubleshooter only tells me to reboot my computer because I have an pending reboot, which is that same update what keeps failing.
its not a w10 only issue. it can happen on all versions that have windows update.
have you tried rebooting.
nuclear situation, have laptop, raspberry pi 3
wep code (hub key) .. spend 20minutes installing xubuntu on the laptop, mint/mate on pi 3. spend 20 minutes more configuring network. watching vid and working within hour .. all updates subsequent, in background, work undisturbed. fast, svelte (xfce). minimal, unfussy, bug free. microshit people are idiots
Windows update is seriously shit and sometimes just breaks/stops working. There are some 'canned' solutions like those which have been already posted, but if those don't work spending the effort to do some specific, poorly-documented troubleshooting with insufficient info is likely not worth it. If you get fucked like that I'd just make a backup of the Windows partition, nuke and reinstall or restore an older backup image and try to update from there.
Check windowsupdate.log
determine why update is failing
fix issue
derp de derp
Most often I could fix windows update by stopping the windows update service, completely emptying the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ folder, then starting the service and trying to update again.
If this doesn't work then you probably have to reinstall.
I had the issue and that didn't work, doing an in-place upgrade however fixed the issue
Why is this board nothing but flame wars. Why can't you guys just get along. We all have different tastes but in the end we still love technology. Fuck
Yeah that's one of the canned solutions worth trying since it's pretty quick to do. Worth giving it shot.
all i want for xmas is a VM with single GPU passtrhough
I have to support 1k WIN10 users at my work.
Its fucking garbage
ever heard of windows update assistant?
you mean like a Surface Pro 3? ms made device, bricked by forced creators update
1) Good point. Stuff like syskey is finally gone for good.
2) No, it is not modular. There is no version of Windows 10 that is modularized. Windows XP Embedded/WES09 was highly modular, WES7/WE8.1S were moderately modular. Windows 10 IoT Enterprise is just LTSB, with no options to select which components to install and omit. However, there are smaller footprint server operating systems such as the nano server.
3) To some extent true, although from a UI perspective it is not that improved with touch from 8.1. There are new apps for touch and everything, but the basic mechanisms were largely unchanged. The UI is more unified but 2 control panels still exist. There is always a new build though, so the improvements may be enhanced in the near future.
4) Performance(basic) is largely the same as 8.1. Gaming performance due to DX12 was artifically limited.
I like the Virtualization Based Security that Microsoft boasts Windows 10 for having, but in reality it only applies to enterprise/education(partial) and server 2016.
better watch out, this thread os a bannable offense now.
well that is unless you're an iSHILL, then you have immunity.
>not using LTSB
I fucking hated Windows 10, I heard about "Ganoo Slash Lenicks" and decided to google it.
1 year later I'm loving Antergos
headless gpu passthrough is already a thing and is working well, but it doesn't stop windows 0 to crash for no reasons
>Windows 10 forces some shitty new update on me
>don't even notice it
>when I'm going home it says installing updates during shutdown
>next power up takes 2 seconds longer because it configures updates
>can't even get my coffee before I have to work again
fucking hell, I wish there were more, no, any bsod nowadays.
fucking windows
>when windows does it it's OK
>want to install gpu drivers
>Windows protection doesn't allow installing any package that isn't signed by Microsoft
>go trough an hour of turning it off
>install drivers
>use the conputer for not even 2 minutes
>screen suddenly flickers
>check gpu details
>it automaticallx installed some driver from like 2008
>every time you install correct drivers it just wipes it out within minutes
>screw this
>find windows update caching folder
>remove all read and write pernission from it
>after an afternoon of doing bullshit powershell commands you finally have gpu driver installed
What did you start with? Is antergos for brainlet beginners or should i try something else?
I use windows 10 enterprise because I use adobe and I play games, Linux is an amazing operating system but I can't seem to enjoy it because it doesn't support my favorite things to do on my pc. Windows 10 Enterprise works great, it doesn't harass you to update and I blocked each privacy setting
>Can't wait until headless GPU passthrough VMs become a thing
Look up Looking Glass / KVMFR.
Windows 10 update fucked up my disk one month ago. Did some data recovery and on kubuntu now. Pretty comfy.
>use w10 daily since the free update times
>never see a update and restart required
>manually update windows version because they stopped supporting the old build I was using
>still working perfectly fine
why do other people encounter problmes but I don't?
Your fault for not using the business branch!
enjoy your botnet and telemetry
I started with Debian and slowly worked my way to Antergos.
Oh look it's this thread again.
>OP with dumb exaggerated win10 issue
>50% shill defense force posts
>25% baiting trolls
>5% works-on-my-machine faggotry
>1% gnufags
>remainder uncultured swines
And not ONE of your fucks being pissed about the actual things that are wrong with this pile of shit of an OS. This board deserves to be nuked.
I hate them all because they all show flaws and leave much to be desired.
I still rather use Windows 10 than any Linux distro or DE and there is nothing you cry babies can do to stop me!