how do we keep the coffee shop nu males and women out of tech Sup Forums? They are ruining everything. Can't find a decen't laptop anymore because nu males convinced the industry everyone wants to look like pic related. The nu males killed bitcoin trying to buy their god damn coffee with it. The women are getting jobs at google as diversity officers making 100k a year. how much longer is this going to be allowed? at what point does it all just come to an end? until we are back in the stone age chizzling on walls with rocks again?
How do we keep the coffee shop nu males and women out of tech Sup Forums? They are ruining everything...
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Just keep being a greasy fat asshole and you won't have to interact with any of them.
we are in a population bubble. it will normalize eventually.
None of them have kids, or too few to matter. The problem literally solves itself.
>waaaaaaah muh secret club
sounds like you're afraid of a little competition.
>muh women in tech
Why do you think people feel the need to put women in charge of diversity? A misogynistic environment drives women away, generally. You and your ugly friends habitually shitting on women in tech (and having awful social skills that make women uncomfortable when interacting with you) makes the industry unusually hostile for women, and that needs some balancing out. Complain more about this problem you've created and continue to perpetuate.
>it's womens fault I don't like them
>I knew some women who were bad at tech so obvs all women shouldn't work in tech
>My own attitudes don't contribute to hypercritical attitudes towards women in tech
Just wanted to save us all some time and type out some of your responses for you. Bonus points if you can rope the jews into this, though.
>Waah Muh secret club
Socialist policies that make the rich richer and poor poorer have got to go.
>Calhoun mouse experiments.
Just read about that for the first time, pretty fucking grim when you overlay the numale and transgender "epidemic" on the whole thing.
>Solitary grooming, feeding, and bedding with no social role and no breeding.
>muh jew conspiracy boogeyman
Tsk tsk, appealing to emotion instead of reason. Well, what can you expect from women, or rather from whiteknight soyboys?
Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about! None of my responses could have demonstrated your cluelessness better than that post, thank you.
Hey quick question; how do women exist in any group if this is what they do always? How has any hobby survived this supposed inevitability? Why do we still have hobbies if (((((women))))) ruin all of them?
Is that reason enough for you, ? Just kidding, I know you're just here to obfuscate, that's why you didn't address the substance of any of the points I put forward, instead attacking my tone.
You're both pathetic.
>How do women exist in any group
Now fuck off, avatarfag.
Shit's awful. It basically just goes to show that a cushy comfy life is literally not meant for us animals
>tfw cucked by nature
This is why I want to put my brain in a jar senpai
But having wymyn in tech is completely unnecessary. Tech was fine for decades without wymyn, what is the point of having them now? Especially as (((diversity officers)))? There is no need to make them feel 'welcome', if they don't like the tech culture they can fuck off
>""""tech culture""""
and that's what, being an obese fat jew with no social skills constantly hurting business?
No thanks, i'll take #girlswhocode anyday over you and your Sup Forumsack friends
>Tech was fine for decades without wymyn
Wrong, tech sidelined and ignored the women involved for decades. There was even a fairly-high profile movie about a perfect example of this in NASA that came out last year
and that's just what popped up immediately as I read your dumb post. Somehow you don't strike me as a Women's Studies major who would actually have been exposed to the historical gender balance and politics in various industries, including tech industries. That's information you would need in order to know what you're talking bout.
But instead of being informed, you just assume there were no women in tech because you don't know of them, while the idea of tech being a foreign place for women supports your anti-female attitude that makes it hard for women to be around you, including making it hard for women to be in tech. This leads to less women in tech which you mouthbreathers take as implicit proof that women inherently don't belong in tech. I provide this service for free.
By the way, here's a picture from one of your decades of tech without women.
>transgender "epidemic"
trans people existed at least a 100 years before you, senpai
>lack of sjw feminism in tech over the last 40 years has hurt business
>muh Sup Forums boggieman
>you haven't take the necessary wymyn's studies course to comment on current sjw feminist politics in tech
Dysphoria has maybe always existed as a disorder, but "trans people" are categorized by their behavior and presented identity. I'm obviously referring to the dramatically increased prevalence of trans behavior among the general male population, as is easily observed in the tumblr crossdressing/sissy/trap/trans community. Look, I fap to it too, doesn't mean there isn't some sort of a growing societal problem there. The root causes need to be identified and corrected, because you can't ethically treat the "symptoms".
>Women studies major
what a fucking joke
women are dumb and that diversity bullshit is no more than a ((scam))
Yes, mental problems existed long time ago
That's literally the opposite effect of socialist systems. I don't personally see socialism as an ideal, but you're attributing an unrelated phenomenon to it.
> tfw your busy lifestyle has made these kinds of laptops really useful to you for portability
>The nu males killed bitcoin trying to buy their god damn coffee with it.
In fact it was pretty much the time when bitmeme was more or less alive and existed as it was designed (not as a badly-traded stock)
>how do we keep the coffee shop nu males and women out of tech Sup Forums? They are ruining everything. Can't find a decen't laptop anymore because nu males convinced the industry everyone wants to look like pic related.
Buy a Thinkpad.
>The nu males killed bitcoin
Not really, I'm making money thanks to them, they're predictable as fuck.
>The women are getting jobs at google as diversity officers making 100k a year.
Then Google shall fail for they are corrupt.
Who cares. Another will take its place.
While our systems are not, the world is a meritocracy.
You have literally said nothing in your post
you stated a fact.
then you said a few buzzwords
posted le fanneh maymay zoomed in text picture
now you shall gtfo.
>categorized by their behaviour
no senpai, Trans people are people who transition.
>trans behavior amongst the male population
You freaks crossdressing has nothing to do with trans people, trans people are people who have dysphoria and transition, also known as: Transsexuals, your fetish tumblr garbage is irrelevant when talking about anything with the word "trans" in it, That which you admittedly fap to, has more to do with freudism and the sexual revolution of the early 1900s.
great, i don't care, you're just depraved lonely freaks afaik, not that i give a shit, but leave fucking trans people out of it.
Isn't that what i said?
And if you're a Sup Forumsack trying to imply that transition isn't a proper treatment for gender dysphoria then i have bad news for you, there's no other treatment, and plenty of proof that it's a real disorder, which plenty of people have.