*blocks your productivity*

*blocks your productivity*

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Fuck me.
They want to move our research group into an open-plan office next year. Might as well hang myself while I still can.

*looks over your shoulder*

I can understand that it must be a horrible gulag-like place to work but at the same time it looks so pretty compared to corporate cubicles.
But that's just my fetish for exposed ceilings.

Anyone dare to share their experience?

They're doing it to my office as well (hospital/provider billing) next year. Only the directors and above get offices. It's going to be a clusterfuck of retardation

the stuff of nightmares

I love the fact that every single person in our group (and the other groups that will be merged into the new office space), absolutely hates the idea of it. Yet the Uni superiors are going go ahead with it, simple because it's a bit cheaper.

Never mind the 40% decline in productivity. Big fat, comfy headphones are probably worth looking into now.

has any ex employee talked about how zuck is as a boss?

Just get noise cancelling headphones, I've worked in an open office and a lot of developers do this.

Yep, I don't know ANYONE that thinks it's a good idea, but the honchos that aren't even here think it's just brilliant

Muh transparency and teamwork and progressive and all those stupid corporate buzzwords. Kill me now

He is like Steve Jobs...Maybe not so worse like the man had bullied 3 people per year to suicide.

one way or another, facebook is the last company you'll ever work for

This is the second best to your own office, beats cubicles any time.
Unless you're working with normies. With other autistic fucks like yourself, it's fun.

He's so doughy. Disgusting


Valve isn't much different from that either from the last time I saw their place.
I like their dell workstations more than all this apple shit tho.

You get no privacy, you're on fully display 5 days a week, 40 hours per week (minimum), your boss and management loves it for a reason, it's their way of micro-managing without actually micro-managing; sometimes I love the fact I don't have to see every one of my coworkers every single day



That is one ugly baby.

It's actually pretty good. I get to watch my office wife flirt with our co-workers and it really gets the geese blood flowing

I work in an open office, frankly it isn't that bad. Only on the odd occasion is it a problem when someone/people are being inconsiderate fucks when you're in a skype meeting telling a client why his expectations no longer match the scope that reality is based in. So normally you'd just mute your mic and hush em - those who aren't cunts will pipe down.

Does get handy that you can shout across the office to someone though.


Pretty? What the fuck are you on about? This place is Visual Pollution: The Workplace.

he's not a girl, that's his problem


she's cute!

Makes any phone call a pain in the ass due to the noise, you have no privacy and your boss is basically constantly looking over your shoulder, and it's distracting as fuck when you're trying to focus on your work. The only way it helps teamwork and productivity is if your office already had good teamwork and productivity.

I hate to be that guy, but doesn't places like Japan in East Asia essentially have had open workspaces for a long time?

Not him, but offices like this have existed for a long time in Europe.

Whatever, they just spend all day on facebook anyway.

Might as well close down the corp completely. That is the shittiest thing you can do to productivity.

>negative canthal tilt
Fuck no. Kill this mongrel monstrosity.

Good god. I could never work when people are behind me all the time. I would literally die.

They've had open workspaces in places like Europe and Japan for various reasons including to save floorspace and they've been fine. Stop whining

Has she done something wrong? I didn't know.

Europe is the last thing you want to mention when talking about productivity.

We let so much money and knowledge go down the shitter because of completely retarded structures and conventions.

Germany here is a complete mess, it's just that other countries are even worse.

>Yes goy don't be critical of things and complain about work conditions ever, your bosses know whats best for you.
>Also whats the matter with open offices anyways? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear goy.

The company is paying you a salary, it's not a charity, you work for the company 8 hours a workday and you get to have weekends off, I think this is reasonable that management has every right to know what you're up to just as much as you have the right to know when they will pay you your salary. Grow up.

I once had a client whose office was this meme, and part of this also involved there being no assigned seating. The managers of this office weren't too bright when considering the future either, they had a sever room that was over capacity with machines that didn't have the resources for any testing VMs. The sysadmins had a small physical setup at their desks so they could perform testing, along with a few work stations to test deployments. Here is the part I wish I made up, every workday I watched the sysadmins waste time rebuild their testing setups at a new desk everyday because someone took their seat. Last I heard they no longer have an open office.

I recently joined a research lab and it was the same way. The PI is from San Francisco and he wanted us to vote on seating arrangements and no one wanted open seating. But he still did it anyways and everyone hates it. We all wanted cubicals.

How OCD are you that you cannot handle an open office? Give me an argument that isn't a shitpost

nah, it's alright

>oy m8, where's Neil at?
>idk, somewhere in the building
>oy m8 where's Neil at?
>over there m8 *points finger*

Good goy.

The casual dress also undermines productivity. A suit and tie puts you in a different mindset.

>management has every right to know what you're up to just as much as you have the right to know when they will pay you your salary
In civilized countries they don't, actually. People do have certain right to privacy even when they're working.

If it is a large office and there is no assigned seating you have to waste time searching for where someone sits if you need to talk to a colleague to collaborate on something. Which was the reason open offices were designed in the first place. Panopticon setups and loud distracting working environments are also shown to induce stress in even the most productive person, even if you are doing nothing to warrant such stress. More stress makes you less productive, and become ill more often. Thus reducing your efficiency as well.

Thank you, we need to return to a mindset where we are professionals, not coming to work in our pajamas

And as a civilized human being, do you have anything to hide or conceal from authority? Especially when they're the ones that are paying you a salary?

People (aka not docile complacent goyim such as yourself) often feel a need for privacy and personal space. With a environment like that, you have neither.

If your concern is one of performance, people would probably perform better without the anxiety and quiet desperation of being constantly watched the entire time.

Visual and auditory pollution, one work cell interfering with another. Lots of noise, in every sense of the word.

Increase in social grinding and conflict from being forced living side by side the entirety of your shift.

I could go on and on. But no. I need to "grow up" according to another retard.

>And as a civilized human being, do you have anything to hide or conceal from authority? Especially when they're the ones that are paying you a salary?
If an authority is willing to violate my rights, I want them to have as little information about me as possible regardless of whether I have anything to hide or not.

>If an authority is willing to violate my rights
You're working for a private company, you have no rights so-to-speak

>got a job from old, big corporation
>looking forward to a comfy cubicle work life
>manager, 60+ y/o guy invites me for lunch at the office
>tells me they give free lunch every day
>red flag #1
>go to the office
>people playing ping pong and foosball
>red flag #2
>meet up with the guys, have my lunch and proceed to walk around looking for a place to talk
>office looks like OP's pic
>red flag #3
>talk about the work I'll be doing, pay I can expect
>ridiculously good pay, considering I'm a fresh grad
>still worried that this kind of environment is gonna get the best of me and that I won't have any peace and quiet
Pic related is the kind of office I worked in up til last week, we had dividers between the seats/tables so it wasn't as bad. The place was also pretty quiet. I expected a company older than where I'm coming from to be more Office Space like, I'm seriously disappointed, but the money (and the work) is too good to turn down.

Alright, I see your argument and I agree

You're just autistic dude, people don't panic when others look at them. I swear to you we don't.
Also try to hide your power level bro, maybe the reason you can't fit in with other people in your work environment is that all you can do is use Sup Forums memes all the time.

The only people who enjoy open offices are people who don't actually do any difficult work. They're more interested in collaborating (read: socializing) than working.

Open offices work for the 80% of people who do 20% of the work.

>You're working for a private company, you have no rights so-to-speak
I work for them, I'm not owned by them. As a citizen of a civilized nation, I have plenty of rights and a legal system that will back them.

You realize that "big ol' corporation" made exactly those changes to attract millennial talent such as you?

Additionally, if your higher-ups are concerned with productivity, this is what quotas, goals, deadlines, performance reviews and the like are for. Overwatch and micromanaging are just methods for babying the person and lowers productivity, and makes your subordinates hate the ever living shit out of you.

>I could go on and on. But no. I need to "grow up" according to another retard.
Sounds like you got a severe case of whiny little bitch, I suggest either growing some skin or stop breathing as an a solution.

Define "right to privacy while working". Your employer isn't allowed to install video cameras inside the toilets, but I highly doubt there's any country on earth that guarantees employees the right to a private office or cubicle.

how do the fags at discord manage to do shit in an environment like this?

This is not how legal systems work retard. Companies must abide by the country legislation and labour laws. You have plenty of rights.

These issues aren't as present in some countries, because in Europe workers by law get vacation and there are working hour standards to ensure you don't work yourself to death.

In many US states you aren't entitled to ANY vacation, only maximum working hours protection so you carry onto a ton of work stress. Your employer gives those to you if they are decent.

Japan on the other hand is the last country you wish to emulate. Karōshi is a real thing, much like the Chinese concept of guolaosi. They have dedicated words for working to death for a reason.

Yeah, I know that. I just don't understand how people can find that kind of place any good. To me, each man's work environment needs to be his own. I blame companies like Google and Facebook for making this shit popular, and for older millennials for eating it up.
Cathedral Building needs to come back, at least from a work culture perspective.

Your asked for arguments, i presented them. You have refuted none and instead just presented condescending remarks, implying that if you have any objections to anything, you're a defect and in the wrong.

Looks like a bigger version of the place I used to work.
We did a lot of 3D related stuff for marketing companies and some small iphone applications for the local business.
Those places can be pretty comfy as long as your workmates aren't shit.

>Japan on the other hand is the last country you wish to emulate. Karōshi is a real thing, much like the Chinese concept of guolaosi. They have dedicated words for working to death for a reason.
That's because japan is a nation that enforces a hive mentality. You're just a drone that eats,works, and dies.

I worked in open offices for 10 years, then two years ago went to a company that has cubicles. I much prefer the open offices. Sure, it can get a little distracting at times, but you also get to interact with people and there's a lot more collaboration. Cubicles are sad and isolating.


I wasn't the user you were arguing, just saying you're autistic as fuck and I hope to god I don't have to deal with people like that at work ever, I would pick some beta with pink hair before some autist who starts farting and vomiting because people looked at him or called him from the other side of the aisle.

We are having a conversation here. It is you that is trowing a tantrum, telling me to kill myself because, because my point trigger you. Can handle dissent heh? Silly normalfag.

You're the only one complaining you got called a faggot, silly normalfag

What is wrong w his head bro

Your "arguments" are just as unsupported as his, except yours suggest you have some personality/psychological issues that interfere with your ability to function like a normal person. You should understand that your experiences don't reflect the norm.

I thought it was only me who hated these offices...
I just started a new job working with IT hosting/support stuff.
And they have a open office plan with mobile workspaces.
That means a keyboard and mouse plus two monitors connected to a USB 3 Dock so you just come in to work and plug your laptop in to the dock.
And it kinda sucks not knowing who you will be sitting by from day to day...

>you also get to interact with people and there's a lot more collaboration

Please feed yourself into an industrial shredder.

"You're autistic" is not argument dude, I told you already.
I cannot imagine in the skin of person like you, not critical of anything, always non confronting, you just take it all don't you? And gets sandy vaged at people that don't.
How life as a doormat?

>he's not a girl
but he can be

Don't make me laugh

Your entire point is that you can't handle an office environment where you have to interact with other humans.
That doesn't make you a paragon of justice fighting the man, that makes you an autistic fuck who probably wishes they had one of those hug machines for autistic children instead of a water jug and some cookies in the corner of the office.
You should seriously consider applying for NEETbux because pretty much every place will either already look like that or will look like that in the next few years. Sorry fampai.

Yeah, fuck cubicles. Office with a lock all the way.

>"You're autistic" is not argument dude, I told you already.
It is when it's accurate and affecting your ability to think. You can't have a rational argument with a mentally deranged person.

its the best mentality though

The best version in my opinion is where you have a larger office that with 3-5 people in every office.
In that way you get a tight team that socialize with each other. but you dont have to talk to people that doesnt concern you... Like me being the head of IT only has to talk to Marketing when i want.

>its the best mentality though
Yeah, that's why they do not reproduce any more and are slowly dieing.

Humans are not hive material.

For making it work, the state would have to force reproduction by organizing fuck fests.

And we have the first coward centrist of the thread. At least take a side.
You're right to an extent, when you say that I have a personality and psychological aspects that influence my views on the workplace dynamics. How could this not be the case? For everyone, ever? We are all humans and we all have our personalities.
Your other implication however, is false. That is: if you're critical of open offices, you're a defective person. The same argument that the other presents. What you're saying is that if you cannot fully accept everything that's thrown at you without question, you're in the wrong. You're taking a position that the other side of a argument/issue is comprised of retards and they have no weight in it. An so you discount them.
The problem is that a significant portion of people hold this position, and they are valuable employees. But they are ostracized because normalfag squads likes you demand compliance.

Open office is mainly for your supervisors’ benefit so they can easily watch you without having to do much moving around themselves. Also the company is implicitly stating they don’t trust their own employees to do their job without being watched like a bunch of kids at school. If you advocate for it, you’re basically just a dick sucker.

Go strawman elsewhere niggger. There's a difference between interaction and hyper-interaction over-socialization that these ambients force. Never have I claimed that I/we don't want to see or talk to anyone in the workplace, ever.

More attacks. No refutation. Why dont you show the central point where my logic is flawed, and shut it down? You can't.

I work in a small open office. We have a team of 4 full time employees and about 6 part time employees. The office is one room where some monitors face the wall and some face the center of the room. I have one of the worst working spaces where my monitor is in plain view of everyone in the office, particularly my boss and supervisor has desks set up so that my screen is directly in view behind their screens at all times.

The stress of knowing that they are constantly watching me like a hawk definitely hinders my ability to get my best work done. Any time I want to just take a few minutes to sit around and brainstorm how to tackle a problem, I feel it will look like slacking off in their eyes.

I've gotten more used to it as I've settled in here, mainly because I know they now trust me to deliver great work, so I don't feel like they're judging me at every step. I don't know how I'd survive in a degenerate shithole like OP's pic where the amount of retard coworkers glaring over my shoulder is exponentially higher. I dream of the cubicle life.

Do you sperg this hard at your work by the way?
You must be really fun at parties.
>b-but muh (((juden))) forcing me to talk to my work mates so we can finish the god damn work which we are paid to.
You really need to fix that about you dude else the pajeets will get your job, they are trash at actual work but they can talk to each other which in the minds of some PM out there it's worth more.

>Yeah, that's why they do not reproduce any more and are slowly dieing.
>implying thats a bad thing
also, people, especially men, having less will to reproduce isn't limited to asian countries.
i agree that humans are not hive material, but if that's what we want to avoid, we're not doing a good job anywhere

>Complains about prejudiced polack memes.
>Is racist against indians.
>muh parties
Hallmark of a normalfag. Congnitive dissonance. Social based shaming.
Kill yoursef my dude. You're cattle and cheap. Just today on my way to the restaurant I've passed around ~2000 drones like you.

>>Is racist against indians.
And you had the gull to call him the normalfag

>Putting his goalpost in a pickup truck and driving to patagonia with it to shift the discussion from his turbosperg assburgers.

Pajeet gonna take that job :^)

Indians are for the most part good people. Only retarded americans of gee complain about them without just cause.

fucking corporate drone

Work in an open office with around 40-45 people. It's a shitshow. Everybody hates it.
Cubicles or rooms with 4 or less people are the best. The last place I worked at had rooms with 2 people in them and it was very nice. You had someone to talk to, to ask questions to and you weren't really bothered by them even if they started talking on the phone.
A room with 40 people, some talking to each other, others on the phone and others trying to work is hell. Some have brought earplugs so they can get stuff done and not be distracted by all the noise.

>tfw it support and have comfy cubical.
>Phone post all day.
>Lock my chair and push it to the desk with face towards screen. Sleep.
>Sometimes go hours without calls. Do pushups, listen to audio books, read.

Pretty sweet gig. Pay could be better, but it's not bad in my area.

Every time I see pictures or hear stories about open plan offices I'm thankful for being able to work remotely.

>no commute
>no office drama
>I get sick a lot less because I'm not stuffed in with hundreds of people every day
>I can live where ever I want (love rural areas)
>no distractions
>I can control who talks to me
>relaxing environment at home
>no more stress scheduling private appointments
>still get the same salary as the people working in the office but have a lower cost of living