>be a decade ago
>friend gets Dolby speakers built into his house in pretty much every room
>sound pretty nice
>can be controlled via Bluetooth with any computer
>be a year ago
>friend solely use Amazon Alexa for music
>speakers collecting dust
>Alexa sounds like dust
Why do normies fall for the convenience meme so easily?
Be a decade ago
Other urls found in this thread:
As non-techies age, they find or delude themselves they have less time to deal with technology.
>real estate broker roommate buys new phone and tablet
>doesn't even use adblocker
>notice porn history on his devices' browsers seldomly
>offer to install ad blockers and privacy tools
>they're making money off you and laughing about it
>would you care if dominos delivery guy came in and wrote everything in your room down
normies lol
>New thing comes out
It's new so it must be better.
Dust is not all that they are collecting :^)
Heh i got a friend who's a tech stubborn real state agent too, he wouldn't let me install an adblocker on his laptop despite his homepage being hijacked by some adware.
He literally just went on about how he was gonna get a macbook next time cause "those don't get viruses".
Fucking mong.
>would you care if dominos delivery guy came in and wrote everything in your room down
That's really funny because I'm a delivery guy for Domino's and on every delivery I record the tip amount, their residence type (house, apartment, company order, mobile home), race, sex and age. Eventually I'll compile all the evidence and make a program to analyze it all and show trends.
We're talking about people who spread around sensitive information like bank account info, scanned ID cards...
Is this how politicians/gov't agents always leak shit?
For what purpose? Do you publish your work?
This exactly is the fucking shit i hate
>Normie femanon friends gets surface 3
>Drops coke on it
>Immediately tries to turn it on
>Fries it
>Hurr windows is garbage I'm getting a MacBook
>Tell her the MacBook would have broken too
>Buys new MacBook pro and throws the brand new surface pro away
Literally what the actual fuck does it go through their heads
Mostly yes, they don't even need to get wiretapped or hacked. Most people don't really understand how dangerous tech can be if handled incorrectly.
You didn't get it off her for $5 to apply a $5 fix?
Didn't found out she bought the new laptop and threw away the other until a couple months later
Throwing out tech should be illegal bbqh
A large part of my income comes from tips and I became curious if any of those groups tipped more or less than any others. Maybe I'll publish it but it's only for a couple hundred deliveries in one suburb of one city and things like race and age group were entirely up to my judgment and aren't very objective
Autism dude
Stop helping and start scavenging.
If you think you can make stupid people smart, that's a hint YOU aren't smart.
So who's the best customer?
I haven't compiled all the data yet, it's all still just in my notebook, but I'm almost certain young adult Hispanic males in apartments tip the least
My boss is like that, it's awkward as fuck when he hands me his laptop and it's like "Teeny stepsis split in two: xhamster" I don't tell him anything but then I pray to God those stains on the keyboard are from the glazed donuts.
>caring about seeing another guy's porn
Everyone beats their meat man, who gives a fuck? As long as it isn't really kinky shit, no ones going to care - and even if they do, so what?
It's not about the porn itself. Hell, I watch hardcore bestiality but you can bet I slap on umatrix when I visit thise honeypots.
Don't use that word if you don't know what it means. Making a shitty graph and posting it on reddit is not "publishing."
Also anyone who has ever worked for tips knows niggers tip the least. Across the board, every state, every service. It's always niggers.
I know exactly what it means. The guy I (You)'d said publish and we're not necessarily talking about academic papers so it's implied by all non autist robotic literalists that it means to show people
You really should look up the word before you sperg out.
In this day and age, this information gathering would be considered research. Nice try, gramps.
I'm a published physicist and he's right. You're literally autistic.
>LARPing this hard
Not larping. I do computational and theoretical condensed matter physics, meanwhile you just move goalposts
You are reading too much into it, it's just run-of-the-mill consumerism, which affects most techies equally or more than normies.
>hardcore beastiality
Does softcore beastiality even exist?
it's called being a pet owner
What's a good tip (in %)? What's a bad tip?
That's deep.
The old speakers are collecting dust, learn to read jesus fucking christ.
Deathsquads, when?
American here, I can answer this.
>10% - would never eat here again
>15% - awful service
>30% - adequate service
>60% - above average
>100% + clapping - above and beyond best service
Kek'd hard
>not him
Percentage is dumb as shit. I don't give anyone more than $5 for my own meal. Typically $2-3.
Holy shit look at the absolute state of academic fags.
>don't use much word
Why don't you research this post im publishing an anonymous flashlight trading forum.
Looked it up
> communicate (a libel) to a third party.
Sounds about right, what's wrong with that?
It's threads like this that make me consider fascism to be a good ideology.
>100% + clapping
If you don't tip like this yo gay bro
I don't get it.
same as sales tax