Okay so I'm back Sup Forums I was the guy who was making the imageboard for fun, currently I've gotten it to work with really bad HTML/CSS but it works, only thing id need to add is a delete thread/post button here's the source code github.com
Okay so I'm back Sup Forums I was the guy who was making the imageboard for fun...
so like before what features would you like to see in a new imageboard?
the ability to leave
Already A Feature!
embed youtube, ability to view pics in line
webm support
that's pretty much it.
and no ads. just clone all the boards Sup Forums has except lgbt
>with really bad HTML/CSS
give up now, it will always be bad
finally, a response :) and il fix it so the image is in line, its just I was working more on functionality than the design at the moment.
Just clone Sup Forums
what do you think of the homepage?
Are there upvotes?
attach full ip to every post
honestly, not yet, but people on here say they don't want it, as they believe it would ruin the board.
haha nice try there CIA
i think custom icons for each board would be better (or no images at all) than generic anime pics.
call it 44chan though, i don't wanna type nyaachan
this imageboard is for weebs, but like what icon would you put as for art, tech, anime?
upvotes are why reddit is shit
>Not yet
How about never
Why are you using mysqli instead of PDO?
Allow the use of emojis on it
Why would you use PDO instead of mysqli?
Your code is awful
- Copy/pasted snippets everywhere
- every post form is prone to SQL injection
needs a boatload of work my dude
yes, i know, il get to cleaning code later when I get more base function made. if you know how to make it better, would you like to help me out?
It looks great. Remove the images.
if i do it would look more like this, making the homepage look tiny and empty.
Change the colors. The contrast is awful and it hurts my eyes.
colours look nice desu
my man!
why not use some hipster tech? like graphql or websockets?
Make sure you are sanitizing every single user input. Anything that isn't sanitized is unsafe and can put you in a very bad spot!
never learned them.
I'm actually cleaning the PHP code right now.
Maybe verify server side as well since a malicious user can sidestep some sanitization techniques
As the user you're replying to said, use PDO instead of mysqli. With PDO you can use prepared statements, communicate and connect to a larger variety of database drivers, and use named parameters. PDO is definitely the way to go here.
I op didn't say that, but anyway il actually take a look at PDO later on Thanks for mentioning it.
>weeb board
it's shit
Cyan is a bad background color. Shit burns my retinas
this better?
Actually yes. A lot more pleasing on the eyes.
Some comments:
> Show Posters IP "Country Flag"
You can run a local instance of a lookup server if you want to keep the database up to date.
> Originality check for posts/threads
If you want a global persistent r9k like system, you could use a cuckoo filter if you want to keep the size small. Periodically writing to disk to persist over failure.
> System that would identify spammers
Just use captcha for now. Don't bother reinventing anything just yet.
> base it off of blockchain technology
Different niche. If you were making a decentralized message board of sorts then it would be useful. You are a single entity and manage everything, so you can just use a database. Threads are transient in a message board to so having it backed by some blockchain would mean storing all history forever which may be antithetical to your ideas.
> Real time post updating
You could use websockets here to allow the server to push to clients to avoid client-side polling. That would be very easy in fact (for a smaller number of concurrent users). No point using ajax here.
Needs more contrast for the font vs. background. Readability is more important than aesthetic. I'd remove the board images.
As many others have said, fix your queries. Even if you are just starting out and intend to fix it later, try not to in this case.
Good luck, have fun writing stuff.
thanks allot user, I really needed this.
if u put politics it will be much needed haven for whites
i doubt people will join my imageboard.
I hope you are fucking joking about that even being a possibility
what color would you recommend for the threads background? en.wikipedia.org
ops forgot to attach the file!
collaspable conversation, but unlike reddit.
uhh, is this actually image focused? i throw it to you.
>doesn't fucking get narrow as the conversation goes on
Not only is that obnoxious, but reddit's solution this is to move the posts past a certain number to a separte page. just have a single collapse for the entire conversation.
>post links are still a thing
>colored coded links for posts within and outside the conversation.
this shows the flow of conversation instead of indenting every posting.
>posts with post links are still displayed regularly in the thread
i see no reason to not allow this. it would even limit posts to being entirely original.
you might want to fill resize those images user
thanks, il fix that
btw does anyone know a good free website hosting service that I can host my imageboard on, without having to break any TOS because of anons?
Thread tags
Needs a different font, I would go with something sans serif personally. Drop the length of the 2nd and 3rd divider lines by 15% maybe?
You can see my Sup Forums CSS in pic related, but it seems like your intent is for the default theme to use light colours?
looks great but remove the cartoons
that looks nice, I'm making this theme as default, but i will later add custom user themes!
Dont know if anyone said this one already, but sound webms on all boards, why shouldn't we express our creativity
already a failure
if ($AcountSystem == "True")
You have account sync, to ban me from posting? Or seeing the boards?
not yet but soon!
Aren't there already dozens and dozens of dead imageboards? Why not make a textboard or something for a change?
> A Beautiful Modern ImageBaord! Nyaa!
How can you claim that when you don't know shit about building a website?
What does this sentence actually mean to you?
There's even a typo!
Textboards are even more dead. But, both softwares are interesting to develop.
It's the only viable solution against hipsterscript and fag.js
let there be a BBS/no image section like Sup Forums used to have. /prog/ was the best
>Oh wow a new imageboard!
>It's just more weebshit
>$PostComment = $_REQUEST['Comment'];
>$sql = "INSERT INTO posts (PostID, PostFile, PostComment, ThreadID) VALUES ('$PostID','$target_file','$PostComment', '$URLThreadID')";
really user? go back to McDonalds and ask for your job back.
Remove /anime/.
Imageboards are about animes.
I've been living under a stone, what happened to /prog/ ?
Text boards got deleted a year or two ago
If you're going to expand this, I would suggest not having things like /news/, Sup Forums, /lgbt/, /adv/ or /soc/. Stick to boards about entertainment, fiction (not necessarily just weeb stuff) and hobbies. That's probably for the best.
Good luck.
> SQL injection everywhere
Fuck youtube embed, fuck webm, and fuck sound webm. It's like you guys want this place to be mainstream friendly
Fuck lgbt and all those filthy adult porn boards. Disgusting and bad user experience and gets all the filthy NEET weirdos infesting the place.
Remove the shit cartoons please. Enough fucking anime
Looks good. Keep the images, they're cool and mix well with the colors.
Please do not use javascript. Keep it free from this cancer.
Reddit is shit because you are shit and so are they.
>inb4 downboat fer being rude
this is the real Sup Forums server discord.gg
Image boards are a japanese concept. Even if the website is not named after an anime show and was not created for anime like Sup Forums is, having some otaku stuff on the site is important
Yeah, and computers are an American concept but chinks don't cover their PCs with stickers of eagles and the star spangled banner.
Fuck off.
please i just want to escape the weeb shit
they should
Please consider dropping the anime. Seriously, some of us are adults and having this shit on screen when in public, is just embarrassing.
If you are an adult and embarrassed by being you, you aren't an adult but just a big baby.
I don't even watch anime.
You may be an adult aka 18+yo but if you browse imageboards in public you are nothing more than an immature manchild. Consider suicide, my friend.
>You may be an adult aka 18+yo but if you browse facebook in public you are nothing more than an immature manchild. Consider suicide, my friend.
>If you are an adult and embarrassed by being you,
I'm not embarrassed being me, I don't care for anime and it's embarrassing to be seen looking at images of little girl cartoons. It's on par with MLP lunacy.
By public I meant anywhere outside of my computer room, that includes the rest of the house, where guests may show up. Obviously I'm not looking at this shit on a street corner or in a mall, or something.
Some user in the last thread suggested upvotes without any affect on thread visibility. So thread order is still determined by bumps but each thread has an upvote counter beside it. Still fucking stupid and Reddit imo.
Why won't people stop falling for botnets already?
why would posting "this" be preferable to pressing a button that indicates that you enjoyed a post
Nice try, brainlet.
I want to laugh at edgy memes, fuck you
a thread watcher and expand all images button like Sup Forums x has would be nice desu
like original icons and not crops from various wallpapers.
>embed youtube
Fuck off. Viddly embeds ONLY.