Why can't everyone just buy a fucking Mac and iPhone?

Why can't everyone just buy a fucking Mac and iPhone?

Why do they stay glued to the Google botnet?

>Why do the choose botnet A instead of botnet B?

Did you think it was gonna be this easy? Just go to Sup Forums, post an apple thread, suddenly everyone buys an iPhone and you get your shill shekels. It's never that easy. You actually have to put in some effort. At least post an infographic that calls android users poor or something.
You're not gonna get anyone to switch with this weak shilling attempt.

Give me one good reason to switch to Apple.

because you technically can install AOSP-based ROM on your device and live with fdroid apps and without gaagle at all

>glued to the Google
Just because

Superior software


>botnet that can't do nothing vs botnet that's somehow useful
hmm I wonder why people don't buy useless botnets

I find the software on Android better.

iOS11 is a fucking train wreck on my new iPad though, slow, buggy with dumb design decisions.

just get a fucking banner already, jesus christ

A cap blew on my gf's Macbook and Apple wanted to replace the whole 'logic board'. Obviously I told them to fuck off and sold my Macbook and iPhone and bought a ThinkPad and Android phone. Why would I support a company with that type of practice? Now I'm running Arch & a custom ROM with no Google botnet shit. Love it.

Thank you Apple for helping me transition.

I thought it was your gf's MacBook? Why did you sell your stuff and got new stuff for yourself? How did that solve the problem your gf was experiencing?

I can't get root on iphone.

This is deep.

> Why would I support a company with that type of practice?
Because it was only a matter of time before it would have happened to me.

Better security track record on mobile. Not being dependent on your fucking carrier to push the updates.
I don't even use Apple but seriously, keep up with infosec shit sometime.


I can't speak for everyone and I know that I am in the minority, but I use android without google.
I have a nextcloud server where I sync contacts, calendar and files.
I have my own mail server.
These were the systems I used from google, so I find it reasonable to use my own.

1. Because i like drag and drop.
2. Because i like it when my phone has battery life.
3. Because i like it when my computer doesn't throttle and has proper cooling.

The absolute state of Sup Forums.

If this weren't the state of Sup Forums, you would be permabanned for quoting half the thread, you fucking cunt.

Neck yourself.

>comes to Sup Forums just to cry how bad it is
Jump off a train fag

This is true. I cannot speak for iPhones and Android. But i can confirm that Mac OS X runs a lot smoother and better than Windows 7, 8 or 10. It doesn't crash, doesn't get viruses, doesn't get 1000 registry issues, it just works, and perfectly so. It has all the advantages of Windows AND linux without any of the disadvantages.
Anyone who denies this is a paid Microsoft shill or 12 years old

>apple shills on suicide watch
was getting traumatized by our autism worth the shekels?

>replying to blatant baits is good
The more-than-absolute state of Sup Forums.