Not using the best antivirus out there

>not using the best antivirus out there
Seriously the lowest system resource usage out of all AV's.
Don't fall for the government meme!

Other urls found in this thread:

But I already use common sense

>le cumé sense 2018 platinum

>using le kreml botnet

Bitdefender all the way, cucklord

KGB, try again later.

ublock defends you better than any antivirus if you aren't braindead

>implying kaspersky is botnet by kreml
american av's, such as NORTON and MCAFEE are top botnets.
how come this av does not use many of system resources and does not slow pc down while these and others do?? :thinking emoji:

GNU/Linux is the best antivirus.

I have a friend, who back in the day worked at kaspersky - this bullshit can upload any file it likes to server, without you knowing and it is not mentioned in EULA

t. NSA
ublock does not protect you baka. lists composed from av's databases, such as kaspersky, do.

Norton and mcaffee are shit-tier.
Changes nothing about that kaspersky can not be trusted on enterprise level.

>tfw you really don't need an AV but some tech illiterate moron truly believes in his own idiocy

>t. NSA
What NSA? Use GNU/Linux and 486, or some later Cyryx, because it has ZERO backdoors and shit.

am using is good
kaspersky offered US government source code but they still too butthurt over stuxnet

enjoy eset and avast and avg monopoly on slowing your pc.

are you sure it wasn't NSA disguising as kaspersky?

>when your old high school used kasperkey

They have our school infirmation now

9000% sure.

no thanks, uBlock Origin does the job :^)

Protection, bla-bla.
Just do not eat shit, that is shaped like a cake.

>ublock does not protect you baka. lists composed from av's databases, such as kaspersky, do.
Are you fucking retarded?

As I told you already, I use Bitdefender.
The best AV according to simultaneous live Tests.
Now get back into your cuckshed.
Shoo shoo.

>using any antivirus other than windows defender or nothing on linux

>using windows

back to Sup Forums

>Seriously the lowest system resource usage out of all AV's.
>no print to prove that

bu bu but NSA


are you using windows ?

kaspersky is suiing Trump administration.....LOL

Incase you ameritards don't know
Kaspersky used to work at kgb

>paying for anti virus

>needing antivirus
>running antivirus

>using an antivirus
This is a really old meme, they are basically pointless outside of corporate use. The vast majority of AV products just expand the attack surface for your machine with their incredibly shoddy code and terrible security practices, moreover they interfere with the security measures in place for your browser which is where you're most likely to be attacked.

Just use Microsoft Defender / MSE since it's actually made by competent developers, employ safe computing practices and use a good adblocker (uBlock Origin).

>but these websites say MSE is bad!!!
if you actually look into the 'study' they all cite, MSE was tested under hilarious impractical scenarios where the user intentionally cripples it.

It should not come as a surprise that AV vendors lie or spread misinformation to scare people into buying their shitty products.

Antiviruses are actually viruses

>using nonfree software instead of spending the time to use the mandatory access control mechanisms in your OS and not requiring all software to be built with basic stack protection mechanisms and position independence.