Would Sup Forums hire a female coder?
Girls who code
The only thing I would hire a woman for is sex.
>Paying for sex
They were made to please us, it's their duty not their job
marry first, sex later
I'm paying her to go away after I cum.
my man
Imagine if she had to code an iteration of 100 items.. that would be at least 300 lines of code
is that IT misogyny thread?
im in
wtf am i looking at
>//adds points
lets have some klassics
public static int product(int a, int b) {
int n = 0;
for (int i = 1; i
Maybe you shouldnt have checked out the jew branch
Isn't that a made up screenshot, though?
>"is there anything you cant do?"
Q_rsqrt, apparently
this makes me want to hatefuck karlie
>it's a Sup Forumsflakes thread
>>it's a Sup Forumsflakes thread
no mention of niggers
no mention of pajeets
no mention of juice
nope pham, pol has nothing to do with this thread.
I would hire whoever proves to be (the most) competent and fitting. If they are female, then yes.
Along with women, the Coloureds, Pajeets and (((them))) are ruining computing.
>now is Sup Forums
>b-but there's no Sup Forums in here
triggered much, Sup Forumsflake?
have you ever seen male posting such shit on social media?
If she looked like this and looked at me this way every morning when I came to the office, maybe.
>Would Sup Forums hire a female coder?
Purely out of principle.
Even if she was a decent coder.
Even if she seemed like a decent person.
Even if she promised to suck my cock every weekend.
ALL women should be punished for feminism.
>If they are female, then yes.
Enjoy getting screeched at when 90% of females turn out to be shit at coding and you dont hire them anyway.
An actual woman who can code? Yes, but they don't brag about being a woman who can code they tend to be ugly scrawny autists who are obsessed with technology. A woman who talks about how she is a woman who can code? No.
If I could find a competent one.
So no.
Yes but the opposite.
>100,000 iterations to compute 1*100000
>undefined behavior for negative arguments
>wuminz are so dumm
Nice try, Stacy. You need to go back.
I'm taking a high school Java class with a female teacher and there's a sign up on the wall that says "WOMEN WHO CODE", ironic thing is every student is a guy. The teacher is pretty cute though.
90% of male CS grads are also shit at programming.
girls literally code hard
>90% of male CS grads are also shit at programming.
At least they're not Pajeet-tier retarded. That there is not an example of someone being bad at programming, it's an example of someone being bad at rubbing two cells together.
> * ^_^
ALL banter is POL! Why don't you understand. Fun is NOT the liberal way
Not ub just incorrect
I mean the CS degree path (at least at my school) is not really oriented towards being a software engineer - read "code monkey" - they want you to find the fastest, newest "algorithm" the whole thing is a meme my dude. You get this degree and then you aren't even good at your main job opportunity.
You can turn those guys away and no one will give a shit, though. As it turns out, CS has become a meme and most people in general are fucking trash at code and need to fuck off but the females get a pussy pass.
>Not ub just incorrect
It keeps looping until the int (which is signed) overflows, which is undefined behavior in C/C++. This is not C/C++, though, so I apologize for my deep autism.
>they want you to find the fastest, newest "algorithm" the whole thing is a meme my dude.
Yeah, which is why you will never see a CS grad write this: or this , no matter how inexperienced he is at writing real software. Moreover, a CS grad has more capacity for learning than the average female Koder or the average software engineering code monkey.
If b is a negative int it wont even loop and will return 0. Which is wrong unless a=0 i guess
>Inline CSS
//add two numbers together yay!! XD
addTheNumbers = function(a, b) {
return a+b;
//multiply numbers without the * opperator :D
multiplyTheNumbers = function(a, b) {
result = 0;
if (a == 1) {
return b;
for (var i = 1; i < b;i++) {
result = addTheNumbers(result,addTheNumbers(a, a));
return result;
I could've sworn it was decrementing b. I also could've sworn it was in C. I guess it's time for me to kill myself...
>"i hate women" is banter
>girl tells me she knows how to program
>discuss it with her, she really does, at least the basics and concept
>ask if she can bubble sort
>she hasn't heard of it
>ask if she can compute and sum the primes under 2 million
>she fools around a bit, but gives up, says she could sum them if she had them (the primes)
>ask her to show me her fizzbuzz, at least
>she writes "i % 3 && i % 5" instead of just the LCM, i % 15
Never spoke to her again. God, what a waste of time.
Its ok user
>You are NOT allowed to say negative things about people of the female sex in my board!
Go back home leddit
You should've asked her for the most efficient algorithm to get your bepis in her booper.
>all women are bad at coding
>"grass is green"
public static const robotic technologic product(a,b){
return a/(1/b)
literally not related to coding or coding for girls initiatives but ok
Here's how you do multiplication without the *:
\\works as long as b is not negative
def mult(b, a):
if b == 1:
return a
return a + mult((b-1), a)
and here's how you do it so that it considers negatives as well:
def multiply(b, a):
if b == 1:
return a
elif b > 0:
return a + mult((b-1), a)
elif b < 0:
b = b * -1
return (a + mult((b-1), a))* -1
return 0
Alright, let me spell it out for you: it doesn't need to be literally "all women" for the generalization that women are shit at coding (or at scrupulous logical reasoning in general) to hold.
id only hire a girl if she was hot, would be nice to flirt with someone at work. woman cant code.
>taking a billion iterations to multiply two numbers
>not even doing so elegantly
Women and Sup Forums are bad at coding.
>Multiplication without the *
>Second solution uses *
lmao and we have found our local office white knight cuck. shes not going to give you the succ no matter how much you praise her code.
>all = some
Men are shit at coding. I mean, have you seen the type of code pajeets put out? Jesus christ, men, get your shit together.
and sage
they are though? its like you don't work in the industry. be realistic.
>max(1, 1)
>returns 5
Inb4 stack overflow
>>all = some
Imagine being this retarded... Let me spell it out for you even more: not "all"; not "some"; "tend to be".
Replace * -1 with 0 -
Put it this way. If I see a girl at work, it's easier for me to assume she's bad and find out she's good later than assume she's good and get fucked in the ass later.
I have met 1 (One) decent female programmer in my 4 years of uni + 2 working as a full-time C / Ruby dev.
In that time iv met 100s of decent male programmers. The odds just don't work in their favor. I need to get shit done, and females don't help me in that unless they're sucking my dick.
>mfw In the end she ended has a expensive whore and got out of her job at nintendo
sometimes life gives justice
>men from low-IQ countries are bad coders
And women from said countries are even worse coders. Were you trying to make some kind of point?
>taking a billion iterations to multiply two numbers
how would you do so with less?
>not even doing so elegantly
do, don't say.
Yeah that was pretty stupid of me.
tried that.
Since you all know so much, how about you stop saying how your code would be better and actually do it?
Bonus points if you can do it without a for or while loop (because i know you cheap bastards will).
>it's easier for me to assume she's bad and find out she's good later than assume she's good and get fucked in the ass later.
imagine having this retarded mentality as an owner of a business
Is it your first time on this website? its not reddit, youre not giving gold when you reply to people
No `dx', grrr
If you're going to post a retard-tier solution, at least do it right.
int mul(int a, int b) {
int p = 0;
if(b < 0) {
a = -a;
b = -b;
while(b) {
p += a;
return p;
imagine being this retarded to not even know what (You) means
>how would you do so with less?
You can do it in constant time, unless you're a Stacy or a Sup Forumslet. I'll tell you later on. I wanna see more of you fail, first.
Imagine not being the owner of a business and trying to manage a comfy, nice, and chill development team of 5 guys and not getting fired for ""sexual harassment""
>lim x->inf
>it's actually showing the graph as x->0
Did you even pass Calc I
Is it that hard for you not to sexually assault someone?
stop baiting you look retarded
> a constant as the answer for an indefinite integral
> no dx
>LOL dude that seg fault has been fucking you in the ass all day. have fun m8 im going for lunch
>omg did you hear that guy, he's talking about anal, i'm telling HR. i dont feel safe.
>i have no idea what sexual harassment actually is, but women use this term so it must be bad
Have you two ever interacted with a single person or is your perception of the world based on some epic /r9k/ memes?
make sure to tell before thread 404's.
I want to learn how to improve.