8GB is more than enough

>8GB is more than enough
>You'll never need 12GB of RAM

The absolute state of wincucks

you still have 2 gigs before the page file kicks in, what the hell is the problem?

close your spotify and the 50 tabs in chrome and man up, you kids haven't dealt with real memory deficiency.

>12GB of RAM
That's not a power of two you silly tech illiterate.

The b*tnet is hungry

>you still have 2 gigs before the page file kicks in
That's not how it works. W*ndows will start paging lesser-used things out as physical memory dwindles. Which is fine, because they aren't needed much.

But I agree that OP should close their 50 tabs of loli

>being a poorlet in 2018-6days

I have 3x4GB because sometimes I run a VM.
Otherwise 8 is fine for most things.

> he did not buy 32GB when it was €99


Do those huge amounts really make a significant difference? I have 4GB and it seems enough for most of stuff

It will always map into virtual page pool, but it won't actually start paging until the memory is almost full. This isn't Windows 95.

4GB is fine for shitposting even with Windows 10 (contrary to popular belief).
It's workloads and multitasking that take up memory.

He has DDR3
DDR3 is still cheap as shit

CEMU emulator needs at least 16gb because the shader caches for zelda use up 10gb at least after being loaded.

>deal with uncompressed video processing
>accidentally allow the application to cache more memory than is available both on ram and pagefile
>computer locks up
>have to wait over 10 minutes until Windows finally bothers to halt the execution of said application

4gb can get full easily .

Multitasking photoshop, video editing, audio software and surfing the web hell simultaneusly yeah
Which kind of multitasking have you to do to start losing performance

Multitasking means nothing if there's no workload on it.
I could aso edit 3000x2000 jpgs, edit 720p video and work on a 256kbps MP3 simultaneously with less then 4GB with modern applications while shitposting in 4 different threads with Chrome.

>not having a dedicated PCIe cache drive
user error, as always

>video processing on anything slower than RAM

I edit videos with Adobe premiere pro 2018 and after effects 2018 open on both monitors, and after a while, I'll run out of ram. I have 16 gigs. I need to upgrade.

I edit 4k videos frequently if you guys are curious as to how. I also usually have Firefox 57 running in the back ground

>heavy browsing + gaming + high-res image editing + playing 2 full HD video feeds (one streamed)
>all at the same time on windows
Are you even trying?
Do you know that taking poor care of your computer and succumbing to bloat is *not* a thing to be proud of?

>tfw when 6gb is hardware allocated

its true as long as you dont use proprietary software. im even running firefox with 26 open tabs with this ram usage.

>5 paged loli tabs + flash game + 1080p png cropping + 1 full HD video and 1 "full HD" stream
>doing 3 things at the same time while watching 2 things

>~10 js loaded tabs + EVE online (900mb alone) + ~100 layers of 2000x2000 + twitch stream and local playback in two instances of vlc
If I felt obliged to give you more proof I would.
Frankly, I don't care what you think.

>doing 3 things at the same time while watching 2 things
>having background visual noise playing on another screen and having streamer speak in the background while playing a very alt-tab-prone game, shitposting online and doing some productive work is impossible
If you say so m8.

Sometimes I wonder how Sup Forums manages to fuck up even with 8gb of ram.
Damn ramsluts, I'm not falling for that "gotta buy "32gb of ram, good goy!" shilling

Well you still have two free slots don't you?
Buy more ram and stfu shithead cuckmaster.

>Inb4 64GB is the new 4GB, says retards.
Because everyone uses ramdisks and runs 20 virtual machines. NO! Die in a fire.

>Has 4 ram slots.
>Has 2x4GB
>Should I get 1 more 4GB stick or nah.
"You silly faggot nigger, you cant have THREE sticks of ram! FUCKING RETARD! That's simply not within the realm of possibility! You either need 8GB or 16GB! You techfucker!

>he still listens to Disco

>Being a poorlet
Are you saying I am not poor?

The resurrection of Atari is at hand.

i was using skype with 32mb of ram a few years ago

> mb

I use 8gb of ddr3 and I'm just fine

disable javascript

Triple channels boards are rare.
Dual channel with one stick in single channel is a performance killer.

Maybe you should stop using bloated operating systems on botnet hardware.

look at this faggot who never used x58

What a completely useless response.

>Doesn't care about OP
>Responds of how he doesnt

I've only recently hit the point where 6GiB isn't enough

>why is my ram being put to use? Reeee

Intel CPUs are botnet hardware and Fag OS needs it.

No it doesn't.

How much shitware do you have installed that's running in the background?

>Windows 10
There's your problem.

What is the point of your thread, retard? You could literally show a machine with 128gb of ram being occupied most of it.
Without context your image is useless.
Kill yourself.

The fuck are you even doing?
Pic related is Chrome, Sumatrapdf, MPC-HC running

>performance killer
>Gosh I really need that 2% performance boost

T. Ram-let

>8GiB in a cellphone
Jesus, and I've been perfectly content with 2GiB.

wangblows starts to fuck up past 70%

No, it doesn't.

i have 14. guess why


I had 8GB in 2008...
It wasn't enough then.

XP and 2K did, they'd start paging like mad as soon as 70% was hit. (NT5 didn't internally support file caching, Superfetch was just considered like another process - XP would even page out Superfetch data...)
Vista and 7 were better and would only start paging once real (not cache) usage hit ~80%
8/10 move it up to ~90%, added compressed memory (cpu cycles are now 'cheaper' than storage, since flash storage has limited write cycles) and highly compresses the page file data.

>didn't even look at the image he replied to
>forgot that hackintosh runs on AMD too and that Apple doesn't have PSP drivers...

daily reminder that anyone complaining about "not enough ram" is an idiot who cannot into resource management. if you need so much ram then why didn't you get more ram? if you aren't doing shit why are you installing every single taskbar that comes with whatever bloatware you are downloading?

I paint in high resolution and on times 32 gigs isn't enough.

said who?

"640K ought to be enough for anybody"

There is some chrome extensions to avoid using too much memory for tabs and it worth installing when you tend to open an unreasonable number of tabs

16 hb

Does a swampiness like parameter exists on windows?


if this guy is right, windows handles swap pretty stupidly;
>"Windows traditionally have a stupid additional habit, that they swap out whole user-space apps after some timeout on their inactivity. Strictly, without a pardon, just to have as much RAM available as possible, "just in case" you wanted to start yet another hungry app. If you leave your PC running, and you go away for a few hours, upon your return you notice that any app you switch into, it gets sloooowly reloaded from the swap. This behavior was particularly painful in Windows 2000 and is getting gradually less noticeable in more modern Windows versions. In W2k, turning off the swap was a no-brainer. Windows 7 can still ooze like honey sometimes for no particular reason, Windows 8.1 and 10 got noticeably better... but still there's no tweakable knob for "swappiness", or other tuneable parameters of the swapping algorithm. "

the only reason for me to get more ram would be so i have more than phonefags.

It's blatantly obvious that the people bitching about RAM and claiming that 4/8GB is enough are just booty blasted by the fact that they didn't buy more before the price spiked.
Same shit as the people saying how cryptocoins are shite just because they failed to jump on board early enough.

People had the same attitude before RAM was worth its weight in gold.

I got 24gb and sometimes I feel like I need more.
It's literally the only thing that reminds me that maybe I should upgrade but RAM prices are so retarded right now I will just endure. Fuck DDR4.

You got a giggle out of me, user. Damn you

>this is what 16/32gb brainlets actually believe

Since OP is clearly disabled:
>Most of Sup Forums is retarded, do not seek serious advice from it
>All OSs do the same shit in a different way
>All hardware does the same shit to run the same software
>Read reviews, do some research
>Buy what YOU are happy with, only you have to use it

any command to reduce RAM usage on the botnet?
