Can Sup Forums help identify which model of smartphone is this?

Can Sup Forums help identify which model of smartphone is this?

the back

It's a Samsung Galaxy.

sorry we can't mate

It's a samsung

Some sort of weird Dodge Stratus

iphone 4

looks like LG v40 to me


Maybe turn it on and check the model number in settings?

Looks like a galaxy a5 (2016) but i'm not going to research it.

This is iPhones.

Return it, Tyrone

That's a Samsung Android

give it back jamal

it´s bricked

That looks like a fake Galaxy S5 clone.

Return the phone tyrone

Thanks a lot guys

Nah, the S5 had a removable back and didn't have the metal sides. It looks more like a Note 5 without the note part.

It's a chinese knockoff by the way. I didn't realize you had posted a picture of the back panel. The ccc marking is not on the bottom of the original one. Nearly all of the chinese fakes have those markings.

Note 5 would have the heartrate sensor.

It's a budget samsung phone, looks to be a J7. What do you mean it's bricked? Take off the back and check you moron.

You can clearly see that the back is not removable, moron.

Not with that attitude.

i really thought its was original,
thanks by the way, thats was really helpful

You fucking retard, pop off the back and find the model number, then punch it into jewgle and find out.

And then give it back from the fag you stole it from, Tyrone.

Doesn't hurt to open it and check the insides though. Maybe the former owner busted the back glass panel and changed it to a replacement one.

I'm assuming you bought it used. If you stole it then i'm telling my mom this instant

Probably is a Samsung A4

I think it might be a phone.

It's an iPhone Zen 5S MiMate Pro Note with Verizon 4GLTE powered by Sprint