Magic Leap ... the mysterious company that's developing their AR product since 2011 and have raised more than 1...

Magic Leap ... the mysterious company that's developing their AR product since 2011 and have raised more than 1.9 BILLION in capital from Alibaba & Google and other companies... IS FINALLY showing their product. It's ready and coming in a few months.

Who is absolutely HYPED here?

They say this will be as big as the smartphone.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's happening.

Are you ready to do a Leap of faith?
A leap into magic ...

AR is shit made for retards. Fucking off and kill yourself.

I'd rather wait for the Quantum Leap.

>pic related

It'a going to be so bad the damage control will make for entertaing reading.

At least is not VR retardness

I was just reading about this.
It is something i guess.

You can have all the innovation you want but in the end its only about the games which is its weakness


Looks like a render

That's certainly true of VR, but AR... AR is different. I could see it being used in social games, where you've got a bunch of people all in the same room wearing headsets. Imagine fully animated 3D board games, for instance. It has real potential for social gaming where strictly VR doesn't.

So, Yu-Gi-Oh? Who would actually meet in person for that?

The advertising/commercial uses for AR will cause it to thrive

How long until Apple acquires them?

it's marketed to niggers. whitey is not their target.

VR and AR are memes. No product int hose domains will ever achieve any commercial success unless we somehow manage to go full sci-fi and make it interface directly with the brain.

>t. Person who never tried VR

Looks great. If only they ever release a product.

been waiting for this for quite some time. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

AR? It's about MR and VR now faggots.

Someone has already made AR yugioh, it's on youtube. People meet up for card game tournaments and play yugioh in college game clubs pretty often. I see no reason why they wouldn't meet up in real life.

While I agree that AR has great potential, especially for normies, but it's stupid to say AR is "better" than VR. It's not the same thing. I would want to wander around in an entirely virtual world, not just look at retarded animated characters jumping around on my table or something. Or can this device completely block out the outer world?

can it really seamlessly hide parts of virtual objects behind actual objects in real time?

Go away shill.
This is an advertisement if I've ever seen one.

Why would i be hyped for some garbage that will cost 999$ like the gay ass HTC vive?

Been waiting 30 years for VR to have a reason to exist. AR though will be doing work from day 1.

Former Head of Display Tech at Oculus says ML1 falls far short and Oculus has already created "far better systems".


AR can be decent at a far lower tech level than VR.
Theres a lot of useful aplications for AR right now, things like driving assistance, zoom at things, record video, etc.
Now VR you need to have a full brain-machine interface for it to be decent for gaymes/escapism, right now its just a screen strapped to your face while you play with conventional controllers/KBM.

I guess Dennou Coil is happening.

>digging up 30 years old vaporware and trying to sell it again
Kinda makes sense - if suckers got fooled by it once, why wouldn't the next generation of suckers fall for it again?

It'll be as big as google glass.



Knew I had a video in my palette for this. Stolen from some mid 90s NEC-techfetish porn.

This. It'll see success in a few niche industries, but for the average consumer it will not take off.

why can't they make HMD much smaller by putting tiny flexible oled panels right on the lenses?

I want dennou coil to be real already.
I also wish I could find my dennou coil folder since the fanart is good.

Yeah no. AR is so much harder than VR. Latency is a bitch, localization(figuring out where you are to draw shit) is even more of a bitch.
>> driving assistance
With that small FoV and liability issues, it ain't happening
>> Zoom at things
Great why don't you just strap some binoculars to your head or other huge and cumbersome optics
>> take video
Just go buy some video glasses.

Get out your phone, put it right up to your face. Notice how you can't see shit? You can't focus on stuff that close to your eyes


>what are lenses