What's preventing wider adoption of Linux by the normies?

What's preventing wider adoption of Linux by the normies?

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Normies themselves.

Dubs confirm


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

To expand on the idea, I really think the limiting mentality of "if I can't use this one specific tool for the task, Linux just can't do the task" is a big factor.

Shitty desktop enviroments, window managers, and drivers.

It doesn't make sense for them.
They don't have a compelling reason to switch. They don't give a single shit about any of the things it offers to them. On the other hand they do have reasons to not switch, namely compatibility with some pieces of software (and of course games) and having to learn something new.

So why would they switch? For most of them it's "I'm gonna have a hard time using my PC for the next few days and I might not be able to do some of the stuff I could before" vs. absolutely nothing.

Was at the dentist yesterday and naturally they (the dentist and the hygienist, I'd say both were moms in their 40s/50s) were having smalltalk with me, like what do I study, etc. I told them Computer Science and they were going on about how they don't understand why they needed to upgrade their 10 year old computers to run new software. "Well we only use them maybe 2 or 3 times a week, it's not like we're wearing them out, right?"

One day they will learn.

command line and text config files

because Windows is more user friendly and comes pre installed

Most normalfags can't install an OS on their own, so they mostly use whatever was installed by HP/Dell/whoever built their crappy pre-built machine.

Windows and macos are bundled with the hardware they buy

Windows users usually stick to a single application that can do everything because windows is bad at multitasking, you had to buy a monitor for every application you used.
Now if a single application could do it all, multitasking was irrelevant.
Linux users don't do it that way.

that's a good point. there's a pretty huge difference between parabola and ubuntu. throwing all the operating systems with a linux kernel in the same bucket is kind of ridiculous.

>Windows is more user friendly

Normie: "Why use Linux when we have Windows?"
Don't even bother trying to explain.

games and production software( photoshop, sony vegas video editor etc etc). Thats literally it.

I meant it more like, If I can't use "Photoshop" to edit photos, Linux must not be able to edit photos. If I can't use "Adobe Acrobat Reader", Linux must just not be able to read PDFs

black on white terminal color schemes as the default on most distros

Why would most people care when 90% of them only use their computers for Youtube, Facebook, porn tubes and MS Word? This is purely anecdotal but most people that I know have no incentive to switch. They've used MS OS' their whole lives and will likely be completely fine not using others til the day they die.

>Linux not be able to edit photos
That's a fact.

Oh.. I see what you mean. People like being in a box.

it is tho nibba

Theres no reason for them to use it?

Normies don't even have computers anymore, they do everything on their phones. If they use computers in their day jobs it's probably out of their control. If they use Windaz at home it's probably for gaming.

What's preventing wider adoption is Android, the Linux everyone is using but without using any of the features that make it worth using.


Many normalfriends use it within Android.

>because Windows is more user friendly and comes pre installed

it's much moreso the latter. the average windows using normie is honestly still confused about what the right mouse button is even for, they *might* know how to maximize a window.. but they are absolutely fucking clueless beyond that.

Linux can be made more user friendly for these users, but it doesn't come preinstalled on anything set up like that. the unholy abomination that is Android is the closest thing to it.. and normies do generally have an easier time with that than windows... but most of them are lost when you start trying to explain even the simplest gestures beyond how tindr works

we're talking about desktop linux

Yeah now ya get it.

No compelling reason for them to go through the trouble of switching operating systems.

>inb4 muh libre, muh gratis, muh unix, muh posix

normies do not value such things at all.

You mean the GNU system.

Whatever comes preinstalled will always lead the market.

Computer illiterates
People who just don't care

We aren't far away from our computing devices being nothing more than terminals for running corporate and state owned software from datacenters.

and the market has decided that pre-installed linux computers are garbage

Normies aren't the problem. When it comes to linux it's the autists preventing its success in every single realm.
>google uses linux to create android which becomes massively popular
>devs want to create a better linux platform ie systemd
Literally anything just gets shut down by old neet autists. The sooner they die, the faster linux as the only choice happens.

>a single application that can do everything
Doesn't exist.

>because windows is bad at multitasking

>you had to buy a monitor for every application you used
Minimize the window, you fucking retard. There are also virtual desktops, and they've been available in Windows 10 for years.

>what is Android

Having to put it on a CD or USB is too much.
t. retail-fag, average person is unobservant/dumb

t. normie

The entire reason is because normies are retarded.

apt because only normies use that meme in a desperate attempt to fit in

However android proves that people would use linux if it comes preinstalled. Is hardly a question of what OS is technically better and much more about deals with vendors, just look at chromeOS. Most of the problems mentioned here would be fixed by a higher marketshare the same way it would have happened with windows phone.

Why post that horrible commented shit instead the original? You need to go back to plebbit.

>linking to h3
>calling others normies

Stockholm syndrome.

By everything, I mean everything related to the task.
Look MS office, inventor, photoshop etc.
The reason the alternatives are not as good is because they usually decide to focus on a more narrow set of tasks.

I call windows bad at multitasking because quick tile didn't come to windows before windows 7 and desktops before 10.
They still don't have window rules, quick tile for other sizes etc.
I haven't used windows in a long time, maybe it is good now, maybe it have finally caught up to where gnu/linux desktops were 15 years ago.

Normies expect to install/run any piece of software by (double) clicking on an icon, nothing more.
Also no unified package managers and refined desktop environments for them. They need to feel at home after switching from Windows or MacOS.

Go on Instagram (*shudder*) and see the type of people you get on there. Do you see most of them giving a fuck about Linux? Even people I've met that work as journalists in the middle east etc who say they take privacy seriously can't be bothered to entertain the prospect of using Linux OR they need (photographers) Photoshop etc for their income so they nearly all have Macs (in their eyes a good compromise between the two).

>the two
I meant between Windows/Linux

>in their eyes a good compromise between the two).
it is desu

it's not a good compromise because linux brings nothing good to the table
it's just a great OS all around

you understood what he meant by linux, don't worry about it

there's not enough software that's easy to use, and they couldn't care less about what operating system they have

there's not enough software, errors are too verbose, design is utterly garbage, and normie facing software centers are abandoned
on the desktop of course google has proven to be linux's savior

Shit like pic related.

They don't try. They don't learn. They believe the stupid shit other tech-illiterates tell them. They give up.
Until it's streamlined, full GUI, mainstream applications at their fingertips, Linux distros will continue to fail with the majority.

Meh, I like being able to make things how I want it and I like the collaborative nature of Linux. MacOS is a commercial product and what you gain in professionalism you lose in customizability and freedom of choice (in most areas. On the software availability front macOS has Linux beat).

>They don't try. They don't learn.
>lel u should spend hours learning BASICS just like i did because i was a neet KEK NORMIES XD
Lack of self-awareness is a key symptom in autism. Get it checked out.

thanks doc

video games

the fact that linux is inferior to windows for almost everything other than servers

You don't compile programs for a userland.

user, it's the current year. Answers are a simple google search away. It's sad that the generation that has grownup with the computer has such a hard time installing a a hard-drive.

Drivers and Windows' monopoly in popular software.

I'll bite. Why?

>What's preventing wider adoption of Linux by the normies?

the normies

Linux is the kernel used in androids. Can't get much more normie than that.

>What's preventing wider adoption of Linux by the normies?
lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

>user, it's the current year. Answers are a simple google search away
oh yes, everyone wants to spend every hour google searching basic functions
it's sad that you're making excuses for neets desu

>you lose in customizability
You don't lose anything in this realm, no one cares about being able to change icons from a revolting hideous stock design into a google android inspired look.



Countless linux forks


You obviously do though. Can you remove that stupid global menu, put it back into the window of the program and then get rid of the dock in favor of a windows type taskbar instead? Oh, also I want a different file manager or login manager or window manager.. can I change that?
On macOS I can't. You can argue "why the fuck would you want to?" and thats fine, but you cant rightfully say that macOS is more customizable.

It literally corrupts your BIOS

I remember when year ~2000 was supposed to be the big breakthrough date for Linux multimedia desktops and nothing happened. Then it was supposed to happen every few year since. It still relatively painful to use if you are a graphic artist for example, there are lot of 3d software on the platform as well but even the nvidia display drivers are always bit shitty. And if you do audio it's out of the question, nothing professional is really supported.
Linux is great for coding and web shit though but that's about it.

Desktop linux is an eternal failure

These two days I installed Both Ubantu and Fedora, both were buggy pieces of shit and trying to get Resolve working on either was a nightmare.

So I went back to windows 10, at least I can disable most of the shit I don't need and the config and administration tools are way more advanced.

Linux is the name of the kernel that Linus Torvalds developed starting in 1991. The operating system in which Linux is used is basically GNU with Linux added. To call the whole system “Linux” is both unfair and confusing. Please call the complete system GNU/Linux, both to give the GNU Project credit and to distinguish the whole system from the kernel alone.

Honestly, I think it all depends what you want from your computer.

Windows is fine for surfing the web and playing a few games. If that's all you want from your machine, then Windows is all you need.

I really don't want Linux to be adopted by the normies, because they're entitled children who demand tech support from the forums and have tantrums when they don't get it.

We've got some really nice software now for the BSDs and Linux. Let's just enjoy it in our own little autistic ways and let the normies struggle on with Windows.

WHy didn't GNU freetards make a kernel then? Then they would be able to call it whatever they want.

They did, it's called Hurd. It's still not ready.

Even current Linux users can barely use it.

Windows come preinstalled, that's it.


Linus made Linux kernel in a few months by himself.

Why couldn't GNU freetards make a usable kernel so Linus would have not even bothered in creating one?

linux is a time sink. normies have lives.

Because they picked a model so complicated that essentially it was impossible to make work.

Linux is a monolithic kernel, and Hurd is a microkernel.

>having more control over your OS is bad

Shut the fuck up, you one cell organism

Well speaking objectively I can say that is for more reasons, I don't use windows anymore ( I have shit hardware) the unique software I miss is Zbrush because I don't know and I don't want to learn another software like blender for muhh time.

In my experience I can say that is more complicate, windows is much much more plug and play ,Do you want a game? You can download in any fucking site of internet, if you are too stupid for not have common sense then you have billions of viruses because you downloaded the wrong file.

Linux, As I was saying is more complicate because you need to configure a lot of things before your system is ready,but seriously you waste a lot of time searching for tutorials that are shit or don't explain enough for the user What is the result? A lot of time wasted.
And really don't try with non-friendly distributions like gentoo or arch (yeah you have to read for days for software does a shit task or being a faggot in the forums for stupid answer that really not satisfy your problem)

So in summary I think is because windows is more easy than Linux, Or the people is stupid and they don't want to learn.

If you're into computers and know quite a bit about them, Linux' bullshit makes you excited. If you've just learned how to use a keyboard and you just need the transistor box to produce you a .docx for the boss, it's terrible to work with.
Even Ubuntu. Imagine a typical situation, psmouse failed to detect your PS/2 touchpad. "Modprobe what? i8042? Kernel command line? What the fuck is a kernel?"
I don't see why any non-IT professional would choose Linux over Windows.

>but it doesn't come preinstalled on anything set up like that
My Dell laptop came with pre-installed Ubuntu. It's actually becoming quite common, at least in Dell laptops.

Lack of command line emoticon support

Any person who has worked entry-level IT understands this. People only want the things on their computer that lets them do the email or make the Power Point or what have you, and sure, there's Linux variants, but for stupid people using a Linux variant is like drinking a generic brand soda - why would you EVER do that if you're working for a company that makes money?

What is with Sup Forums and underestimating the average normie? Just because normies don't understand how2cumpootr doesn't mean they're completely incapable to use it.

GNU coreutils are not necessary to use Linux, Alpine is completely free of GNU and given maybe 2-3 more years could become a viable desktop OS

please god no
normies ruin everything they touch, idiots will flood in trying to monetize everything

>t. normie

Post the original thing fagget