IToddlers woke up & sued

did it happen to you?

>I remember my iphone4 being rendered a stuttering mess after "updating" and how you cannot downgrade :^)

Can you chose not to install the "upgrades"?

you could have yes...but i dont know about iOS settings in iphone6 and after

after switching to poordroid i never looked back

>purposefully don't tell people that update will render their phones into 1990's androids
>don't give an option to downgrade

I still remember my iPhone 4S freezing and getting stuck in a boot loop requiring a reinstall of iOS. Problem was, I was on iOS 6.1.3 and was forced to update to iOS 7+. Shit was so fucked. Fortunately I have since jailbroke that iPhone and managed to downgrade back to iOS 6.1.3. Doesn't do me a lot of good now that I own a iPhone X.

>I own a iPhone X

have you noticed its a child's toy?

have you noticed how narrow the screen is?

A little frustrated that Stacey won't compliment your Mi Mix?

You aren’t forced to update, what is this fucking meme?

This has been sitting here for weeks now, it doesn’t pester me to update when I’m doing other things and you can remove the update files if they’re downloaded.

>android manufacturers literally make brightly coloured rubber tablets for literal toddlers

And somehow it still has more functionality than what apple makes.
Also would you give an expensive tablet to a child?

>he cares about Staceys

>Can you chose not to install the "upgrades"?
how would you get the security fixes idiot?

They should have added checkmarks for the features of the update you want.

[x] security fixes
[x] new ui improvements
[ ] cripple my phone

They trick normies into upgrading by showing the PIN keypad and a tiny text at the top stating "Enter your PIN to schedule a system upgrade at midnight".

Yes. I opted out of updates on my iPhone 5c, mainly because it was jailbroken. It would've stayed that way had something not happened that forced me to factory reset and update to iOS 9 (which did actually make my phone subtly slower).

At least they try to protect their retarded end users, not shekel them out.

>end users
They're just kids, user

>Apple acknowledged that it has been downclocking the CPUs in older iPhones to prevent sudden shutdowns from battery exhaustion

Why not just make a better product? That would have prevented the issue.

You can postpone the update forever, but after a while apps from the store start becoming "incompatible" with the old OS.

Nice data courption you have there buddy.

Android doesn't make tablets user, it's just a software, it can't physically build stuff

My LG Nexus 5 (2013) does not have this problem.

It's such bullshit that Apple does this, how anti-consumer can you get?

Posted from Sup Forums for Iphone X

>using the smiley with the carat nose

Only if you knew about it before hand.

Apple didn't disclose this "feature" with the updates.

The alternative was the phone powering off under load because of worn out batteries.

Think that would be the better option?

It has a metric shitton of other issues instead though
god, i'm glad i don't have to use N5 anymore

Does the throttling stop when it's plugged in to a charger? :^)

Some indication that the battery needs replacing instead of hiding it behind performance throttling.

Brainlet iToddlers are unfit to use Apple devices. Only brainlet iToddlers refuse to understand that there are two outcomes if you let the pornstar named Apple near a dusty, limp hairy chode that's older than the iPhone X: (1) Apple fucks your limp chode like a pro and you cum in 3 seconds like a fakeass champ, or (2) Apple gently fucks your limp chode and you cum in 30 seconds like a humble chump. Chad can cum in 1 minute because he has an iPhone X, and Chad Sr. can also cum (dust) in 1 minute because he revitalized his dick with a new, viagra battery.

>Some indication that the battery needs replacing
iOS actually lets you check
>battery cycles
>actual battery capacity
and other stats, unlike android

Oh? Other people have said that you can only check that if you plug it into a computer and look in iTunes or something.
That sort of information is available on Android through third party apps, though Android also doesn't throttle the device when the battery gets older.

and they were right. You don't have to use iTunes though, there are other diagnostic apps
>That sort of information is available on Android through third party apps
android does NOT keep track of battery cycles amount
>though Android also doesn't throttle the device when the battery gets older
instead it throttles due to horrid eMMC chips installed in anything but top-end phones

and no, i'm not shilling for Apple, i'm still on my Xperia Z3 Compact bought on release

>using the smiley with the carat nose

Looks like somone is suffering from bit rot.

Sorry, was supposed to be a unicorn. ^:)

>1990's androids

how underage are you?

>90s android
Being this autistic