why is this allowed? how can we stop the fairy coin meme for we can take back our gpu's?
Why is this allowed? how can we stop the fairy coin meme for we can take back our gpu's?
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Get a job
This is the only way for save AMD
how will getting a job cause increase stock of amd gpu's? i already have the money. i want a vega 56 but none are in stock because of stupid idiots like one autistic manchild going off to microcenter and buying the entire stock for mine fake coins. only in turn flood the used market with abused cards after he realizes he was a manchild and should just shoot himself.
>Stop making money so I can waste my time playing video games
lmao just do the thing gamers always do: buy Nvidia
You don't deserve having AMD sell GPUs at what is essentially scrap prices, just so that you can buy Nvidia at a cheaper than usual price instead.
Miners are willing to pay a fair price for AMD hardware, gamers don't.
Suck it and enjoy Jen hsun huang's cock
>still outperformed by a single 1080ti
I worked at PCCG (Aussie) up until about a month ago. There's no real way to stop miners from buying them.
Kinda disappointing, but whatever. Staff discount and being able to buy things prior to them going up for sale is pretty neat desu.
Just hope that there's finally a time where you can buy them at either original prices, or close enough to that.
Retarded minerfag detected
Butthurt nocoin gayymur detected
Just wait for people to start trying to spend bitcoin. Once they realise they have to wait 5 days for payment on their coffee to go through, or pay a criminally high transfer fee, people will dump.
Nah, it's going to be managed by bitcoin banks. They virtualise the payment systems to reduce the amount of transfers. How like real money works, at least if it was still on the gold standard. When you get a dollar it's just an IOU for a measure of value, and so they can make bitcoin dollars, which are IOUs for a certain amount of bitcoin. But in the end it becomes a massive waste of time since the very purpose of bitcoin to be decentralised becomes centralised since it takes longer to transfer bitcoin than it does to physically move gold bars around.
Like how real banks work. Honestly if I was a real bank I'd start running virtualised bitcoin services. You'd make a fuckton of money doing this.
find a cheaper/alternative way to render graphics
find a cheaper/alternative way to mine crypto.
honestly I know I'm not PhD or even Bachelors level understanding of the blockchain.
But I have a feeling that if this block chain decentralization hits it big.
everyones going to want to set up a full node along with a server so they can rent out network bandwidth, computing power, and hard drive space/memory.
coins aren't going to get legitimized until some smart user finds a way to tie crypto to the commodities market and you can exchange your bitcoin for bushels of wheat, apples, coal, or steel.
how important are GPU's to the 3d artists, modelers, animators?
Don't you need a good graphics card if you want to render your work?
You can still buy Vega FE and Firepros
and Nvidia
Be a good goy and buy Titan v
Current transfer fees at approx. $120 for a transfer within the next 25 blocks
maybe GPU manufactureers should make dedicated hardware.
I mean miner fags already have their ASICS and shit.
Make crypto cards, where the hardware is spec'd to hashing
and make graphics cards, where the hardware is spec'd for graphics rendering.
make both those cards mutually exclusive so miners can't use the graphics cards for mining and the gamers/artists can't use the mining cards to render graphics.
atleast no without alot of hacking.
Keep dreaming
If AMD did that, it either wouldn't do anything or make the situation even worse.
Miners are already outbuying gamers by a lot, and if you have one piece of silicon that sells like crazy and one that doesn't, why manufacture the low performing part at all
Of course, neither AMD nor NVidia will do that.
Engineering ASIC type hardware will take a long time, be expensive and therefore risky.
And even if it was super easy, the majority of cryptocurrencies was literally designed to be ASIC resistant.
Wait for someone to discover an exploit that makes most expensive currencies worthless, causing a massive crash and then resulting in every single coin to drop price and nobody willing to invest in electronic currencies for a few years
ethermon and kryptokitties will solve this issue
playing games that mine crypto.
Some manufacturers do, to my knowledge Sapphire, PNY, and Powercolor do if I'm not mistaken.
I'd have to agree, but only somewhat; Quite frankly there's only so much even the manufacturer can do. They'd have to split time and effort just about equally on manufacturing each card, which would still end up hurting gamers, because when stock of mining-specific cards runs out, miners would still go straight back to the base cards, regardless of them being made purely for gaming.
Also, with there being a split, progress would be slowed down for the gamers, unless they primarily focus on the gaming cards. If they focus more on gaming, the mining cards lack behind, and miners would go back to buying up the gamer cards.
If mining cards are prioritised, gamers would bitch about it.
On both sides, the gamer would stil be fucked over.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with miners, just trying to be realistic about it. Those that want the cards to mine with are kinda fucked. Those that want the cards for other strenuous tasks, such as GPU-accelerated rendering for a business, they're luckier since they can typically get them directly from the manufacturer with ease.
>magical bitcoin banks will pop up overnight so i can spend my internet drug money
you're as bad as libetarians
>thinks he has more of a say than drug dealers
the only reason you haven't been squashed is because you are irrelevant
>why is this allowed?
Do you really want laws on the quantity and purpose of purchased computer hardware?
how about offering a crypto pricing plan for the miners
miners can buy GPU's in crypto at a mark up
or maybe game companies could offer coupons or rebates on graphics cards.
but thats a bit too much of putting the cart before the horse.
These "mining" cards are a fucking joke.
They are literally the same gaming cards but with just 3 months of warranty and sometimes no display ports
Absolutely no resell value
If these companies actually cared about miners, they would put beefy vrms, a non standard ~140mm cooler (miners build dedicated mining rigs anyways, why use a shitty cooler for a PC case) and a reasonable warranty on it.
The marketing potential on a card like that would be fucking insane.
Gamers better hope they never do that, because if they do, they will realise how much more money can be made with miners instead of gamers and maybe skip gaming cards all together
I wouldn't have a clue how manufacturers would do it.
Quite frankly, I don't play games often. Might sit down and play some couch coop games with mates after work, but aside from that, my computer is retarded overkill for what I use it for.
On PCPP, my computer is this, except for the prices. I couldn't be bothered going through and changing them to what I paid - au.pcpartpicker.com
I wouldn't know. In my time working at PCCaseGear, they stocked no "mining" cards. All I know is from rumours and such from the internet.
See, I could imagine some companies would still prioritise gamers, and even then they could mark up a tad over what they'd originally been selling the cards for, and gamers would still pay that slight mark-up for muh loyalty.
people pirate their games anyways
but decentrlaization is going to be the next step that hollywood and silicon valley uses so their movies and video games can start making more money again.
the always online is the first thing
but once theres blockchain drm technology
piracy will be dead. or on a different platform.
I don't know how I got an RX580 in that list, I thought I clicked the Gigabyte G1 980. Oh well, been drinking & winding down from the week since I'm heading off to my girlfriends' parents house for Christmas.
You only need GPU for real time rendering, and without shadows and shading, you can do 3d modelling on 5 year old GPU, especially low poly once.
if you support crypto currency then you support satan and the mark of the beast.
can not buy or sell...it's the prophecy.
but you wouldn't know what i'm talking about on this Godless site.
Take your meds terry
>In my time working at PCCaseGear
don't suppose you know why PCCG, umart and every other store in aus have no trouble stocking every coffee lake SKU released to date EXCEPT the 8700 non K?
he's right though
From what I was told at the time, PCCG know that people will want the 8700 > 8700K, so they were trying to milk the sales on it as much as they could by limiting the amount they're advertising as "In stock".
Keep in mind, I haven't worked there in about a month, so their reasoning might've changed.
>people will want the 8700 > 8700K
of course they fucking will overclocking on intel chips in [current year] is a fucking meme you get fuck all (wow 200MHz when the thing is pretty much 4.3GHz already) gains unless you void your warranty to fix the toothpaste and hook it up to a massive tower cooler in a wind tunnel
It is going to crash hard starting next year bro.
The current craze is currency manipulation 101 being done by shady parties who trying to hype up and then cash out before new laws in China come into effect.
Litecoin's founder already bailed out yesterday. The masses a.k.a idiots are being played.
Killing net neutrality will kill bitcoin
Pyramid scheme
The worst thing imo about this whole mining craze is how it's wasting energy, at this point more than a lot of countries' usage to mine worthless coins.
>If these companies actually cared about miners
Nobody cares about miners. They just care about how much money they can squeeze out of them.
>before new laws in China come into effect
Can you elaborate?
cryptocoins are waste without reason for existance
inb4 conspiracy theories
Free market.
Seriously, I'm a NEET and I'm the guy who made the RX 470/480 deal, learn to make money and stop bitching.
>Free market.
we know that is the problem
Honestly you guys should get in on this. I made $15k in my first month. Gonna buy a sweet new rig soon with some of the profits. Just go lurk /biz/ for a bit and see how easy it is to make big gains.
Just buy them second hand from miners.
Hey since you worked there, why is the Vega cards and 1080/1070 marked up so much?
>it's new
>AMD didn't make as many as they needed to
>good decent price:performance
>capable of running just about any game at 1080p for the foreseeable future
>1070's being out of stock
>the X in GDDR5X is appealing to people
I can somewhat understand the 1070 & Vega, but can't quite grasp why the 1080's got fucked up.
>but can't quite grasp why the 1080's got fucked up
well, because why not? look at 1080 ti's. they're mostly $100-$200 over msrp and people are buying them up like candy. the entire gaymer market has admitted they are more than willing to pay 20-40% above msrp for cards.
look at all the twats that bought "founder edition" nvidia cards. $100 premium to own a nvidia branded REFERENCE NOISY BLOWER CARD. even amd followed with "limited edition" vega. i guess at least LE vega looked slick and offered a water cooling option while FE pascal looked like stock reference nvidia cards since the 700 series... but both not deserving anywhere close to a $100 markup and yet they did it and people ate it like candy.
i hate miners as much as the next guy, but i hate these stupid gaymers who are MORE THAN WILLING to pay the outrageous markups as well.
you should try selling herbal life too.
not a single $600 1080 ti in sight.
but then again why bother selling it for $600 when nvidia themselves are charging $700 for their reference blower
>but at least i get all copper heatsink for my memes
>but but it has dragons and three fans :)
>t. salty no-coiner
Good thing a gamefag like you will get to hold my exhausted vegas/1070's for msrp a year from now
>a literal commie
How does it feel being 13?
have a 1080Ti strix, looks better senpai
Why is this allowed
What a butthurt child like question
Does the grocery store stop me if I wanna buy all the oranges they have on their shelves
Dumb shit KYS
Never thought I'd ever see a massive copper heatsink on a GPU.
Does someone honestly believe they will not be raped to death by taxes when they move crypto back to their real bank account?
Depends, investments held over a year are taxed significantly lower.
Hold it for one year and pay 0 (zero) % tax in cuckistan.
Cryptos are worth 300+ billion dollars, do you honestly feel safe that no one wants a cut from that? How hard would it be to write a law that you pay your taxes on crypto no matter how long you hold them?
What exactly do you tax it as? Income? Capital gains? Could I still claim capital losses?
Yeah and you are not a manchild yea? Coz real men play gaymz.
That's right, 1000 fps in counter strike. I bet you get mad pussy.... Oh wait.
And then you can be happy playing your video games. But what if turns out differently? Are you gonna cry and protest coz you can't play gaymz?
Here is someone who has no fucking idea what is talking about. Get off Sup Forums, your raid needs you
Yes Goy, buy our gaymz instead and let us fill your empty head with some entertainment
Stay poor faggot. Too bad jerking on traps and wasting your time on games doesn't bring money.
>I want a vega 56
why do you hate yourself?
Wow you are 18??? We got a grown man badass over here. You are so cool. I bet you even have your minecraft server for you and your little friends.
B-but he wants to play games.... All his friends are playing it. Not fair. MOOOOM
hello Sup Forums
>getting mad at people buying things
fuck off back to Sup Forums
that's how business works kid, is all about the speculation
same. oc gang.
conspire with Sup Forums to buy bitcoins and sell them all off at once causing a crash, its not legally recognized like stocks so its probably legal to do so
>i drink bottled water
triggered yet commie?
most likely capital gains since you technically are selling something privately and gaining from it. selling a fake coin for real cash.
What kind of dumb autistic response is that?
No wonder they picked on you in school
>magical bitcoin banks will pop up overnight
They already did though?? The free market provides
>you cannot buy or sell cryptocurrency
Is this really the kind of people who posts on Sup Forums in 2017?
I have had nothing but great experience with Strix. cant go wrong with them.