Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved, even among the Sup Forums community, and if we make fun of you with rude comments we are never being serious. Stay strong.
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
Other urls found in this thread:
This guy is lying, nobody loves you
A thread died for this.
kneel down and show me your love
thanks i love you too
Happy holidays
>just remember that you are loved
>Suicide robots on watch
Love is just an evolutionary trick to pressure humans into survival and procreation. We're not much different to single-celled organisms, except with mountains of neuronal layers of pattern recognition and learned behavior on top.
It's a depressing state of affairs. If there was a God, it must be a cruel one, who informed all living things with this strong drive, just to see them struggle through completely meaningless and futile lives. But there probably is no God, or if there is one, it's pulling the strings of this simulation for which there is no jailbreak.
thanks user this actually made me feel much better, i hope in the next existence you have peace and good fdrtune
Calm your autism down, its Christmas
Found the edgy middle schooler
A new psysop?
KYS yourself retard.
Reminder that it is illegal to fuck that robot
I think you mean "a violation of a not-legally-binding EULA"
>sign paper
>break paper when arriving home
>buttfuck your robot
Woah, that was hard.
>Implying a piece of paper is gonna stop me from making that robot dom me and make it ride me cock to the next dimension
Not as hard me cock, m8.
We're at a point where people aren't allowed to fix software they payed money for. I wouldn't be surprised if a court found that part of the agreement legally binding.
Besides, people who want a robot as companion would be foolish to choose this robot.
> Want to be with a woman?
> Sign this agreement to not do with her things we do not like you to do with her.
> Also, she'll contact us every night, telling us everything you did. and will receive arbitrary commands and act on them without your consent.
Who would want to own a woman like that :/
You're best option is to build your own.
> inb4 reddit spacing and you're your
Sending good vibes your way user! Even if you can't or don't want to spend time with friends, try to do something fun for Christmas! You deserve it, even if nobody says you do.
Thanks, I knew you were joking all along my friends.
>we are never being serious
Speak for yourself.
>not putting her wireless into a faraday cage
>"b-but if she doesn't send and get input from the centra server, she will disconnect as a safety measure"
>not making you're own spoofed server and sending her everything is OK
Aww thanks guys. Happy holidays!
If she isn't running gentoo, the roasty's cheating on you.
Install gentoo
gentoo is shit and a meme.
Run debian stable so your dick doesn't get chopped off from a bug.
Thank you.
Stay strong guys. Seriously tho
finally, now anyone can experience being friendzoned
I like wsg a lot. I found this great movie from a slav thread on wsg.
found the normie too scared to contemplate anything that might upset their will to live
Merry Christmas, fags
>Watch robots on suicide
really jippity bops the ole pellet
Only thing that has less meaning than life is death.
t.A. Schopenhauer
Ignorance is a bliss. :^)
just to add remember your waifu will never stop loving you