No one man should have all this power

no one man should have all this power

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I agree. This is good for us. I doubt this platform will take off, though.

the clock’s ticking i just count the hours

they're are probably trying to cash in on the fallout that will follow youtube moving towards being a paid service

>google is reportedly working on social media of its own

i know of at least one youtuber that has mostly moved over to twitch due to youtubes SJW demonetization bullshit. i can see it taking off desu

I will use the amazon youtube (as long as it doesnt censor free speech)

god bless based jeff. god bless the free market.

This is a good thing.

They can't be worse than google, right?

what would be the point of making a worse service than the current one lol, how would he get people to switch?

When will you faggots learn?
It will never be good if its proprietary closed platform.

gee I wonder what your thinking.

like Gab and the other open source platforms that failed?

the only good thing about your post are your digits

You know what else he owns right?

No one is going to use that, you brain dead fucktard.

>yell at black people on the internet
no, but call them out for their higher crime rates against other races.

black people are no helpless puppies you metally ill faggot, they are wolves which you SJW types put in sheeps clothing

NOT ALL of them of course, but an high percentage. And one is not allowed to speak about it, because ((((( sjws ))))) call you racist

>mfw Washington Post is butthurt about Trump and Net Neutrality and posts fake news 24/7 and have to issue corrections in the beginning of all their fake news stories

the Washington post? yeah, you are probably right.. it will be the same shit

Why aren't the slaves who works at Amazon just doing a worldwide collective strike before christmas? Imagine the bankrupcty Jeff "I voted for Killary Clinton" Besos would get.

Earning more money, have you seriously still not figured out how this capitalism shit works?

How do people even get money on twitch? Only through subscriptions?

I meant how would he get content creators to switch? the only nieche market I can think off is no censoring and demonetizing..

- subscriptions
- weird bit/cheer things people post in chat (1 is like 0.0001c)
- donations

some people make a buttload. there are also people who don't make fuck all and they pay for view bots to try and entice real viewers to give them ego boosts

he already answered your question, by giving them more money.

So who will start injecting ads into the videostream first?

>(as long as it doesnt censor free speech)
Youtube doesn't censor "Free speech", you fucking idiot.
Youtube is a private service, and thus is entirely out of the discussion for "free speech". No one is legally stopping you from making your video about how you want to "eradicate the niggers" or whatever stupid shit you got banned from youtube for.

You can make that video and host it yourself, no one is legally stopping you. You don't own the servers that Google uses, this isn't a freedom of speech situation, this is a you're retarded situation.

>youtube doesnt censor free speech, it censors only free speech on his platform
t. literal retard

Literally just make this be youtube. Have Livestreams be a section on the homepage.

who is he?

BitChute is already deployed and barely anyone uses it.

This is great, we are desperate for competition

I fucking hate you idiots who don't understand the idea behind free software yet spout the memes because they're popular on the curry cooking forum.
The point is to control what runs on your pc, why do you give a fuck what somebody else who you'll never meet on a pc you'll never see runs.
The only gripe an actual free software fag can have with a website is that the js (and maybe html, you can supply your own css tho) is propetriary even if open-source, but since the protocol is free you can read the code you're sent and access content without actually running their IP

no pls, in fact move all non vidya to AmazonTube


SaaS is harmful because it makes you technically unnecessarily dependent on a private entity


You can download everything on youtube and host it, but you won't since there is hardly anyone other than google who is actually capable of that. This isn't a unneccessary dependency, because without it there couldn't be such a service.

Yhere's a billion ways amazon can make creators switch
>more revenue
>better treatment
>pay ISPs to throttle yt
>pay ISPs to redirect to amazon's mirrors
>buy a law to make video sharing outside of their servers illegal
>buy a law that gives them license to kill to protect business and just kill all creators who won't switch
etc. Take your pick

21st Century Soyboy nu-male




it'll be called bezotube

Nothing wrong with more options.

BASED kanye poster

>the sweet delusion of a 4gagger

The best news about Amazon is that they are going to go into prescription drug sales. I always hated drugstores.

It’s not sjw shit, YouTube doesn’t have enough money to pay everyone, so they choose not to give people like cr1tikal money because they say stupid shit like “pussy fart” every 30 seconds and there are way better videos advertisers will prefer

Amazon and Twitch have better "monetization" than Google and Youtube. As in, for the private individual, its easier and more dignified to make money with the former than the latter.

As such, I think they will see support. My only and biggest issue is if they start virtue signaling by stating early on that they won't host or pay for harmful opinions. I don't mean unironic nazis either, I mean channels like CaspianReport on Youtube not getting money because they talk about war.

*since 2006

I hate Google/Alphabet more than I hate Amazon, and I could see it working since they own Twitch. A welcome competition if nothing else.

Mother fucker, I am entitled to do whatever I want on a platform that they have paid for.

>black people

In the US, sure. Blacks make up the poorest division of our country. But crime, etc, is always done by the poorest. You don't want blacks to do crime everywhere? Supplant them with another race to be the poorest, so you can yell at them instead.

You Sup Forumstards are actually so predictable it's not even funny.

I will use Amaztube as long as it doesn't delete my anime openings all the fucking time or block it for my country

I'm sad this never really took off
think of all the potential edits
>Traps aren't gay
>Traps are gay
>Buy My Game

They also go into insurance. Amazon will probably end up as one of the mega corps you know from scifi movies

Large video hosting sites will never sustain itself in the long run. I predict that after youtube collapses, smaller sites of each catagory will be the standard. If you want make up tutorials, political commentary or what have, there will be a site for them.

poorest whites commit less crime than the richest blacks, brainwashed retard
over 50% of all murders are done by the 6% - black males
>dey kill cuz they poor
fucking filth

tfw work for amazon and get to roll in stock options while you cucks drown in the salt mines

if you really want to know I can tell you.


Could work in their favour due to how poorly the whole Youtube ad fiasco has been handled and them wanting to become Hollywood friendly. Bad Bez will let anyone make content as long as it makes them money. They'll no doubt offer many ways to easily donate/pay content creators as they have done with Twitch which seems to be very successful. Only thing Youtube will beat them on is their infrastructure but whether that's actually sustainable in the long run has yet to be foreseen.

What move or tv show is this from?