>try to install linucs
>get to this screen
>it freezes
Nice OS you have there, freetards.
>try to install linucs
>get to this screen
>it freezes
Nice OS you have there, freetards.
>Press continue
>Installer continues
My gosh that was so difficult!
>press continue
>nothing happens
>press go back
>nothing happens
>press power button at top right
>suspend is only option
>still nothing happens
Nice OS, freetards.
>installs technical OS
>has no technical knowledge
>Problem exists between chair and chair
>i-it's always the u-users fault! it's never the fault of this hackjob POS OS.
>tfw you don't undestand what does anything of this mean
anyone willing to help a brainlet out?
>Try to install Winsucks
>get the something happened screen
>it "freezes"
Nice OS you have there, street shitters.
> the fault of this hackjob POS OS.
Nobody will discuss its faults and shortcomings seriously with a shitposter like you.
>implying freetards will ever admit their OS's shortcoming
>implying they don't always blame the user
good one
That's what you get for not installing Solus
Care to show your UEFI config then, boy?
And don't expect proper answers since you started the shitpost right from the beginning, so don't play the victim here.
OSS is too difficult for you OP, stay in the land of poo.
I remember back in opensuse 42.1, you could choose your keyboard language during installation, but once OS was installed, the language would revert back to us_en automatically.
I didn't even know how to do change it back, back then, so I asked on their own forums. the users (global mods, etc) tried to sell me this bug as a fucking feature.
Git gud
>the language of the installer should be the language of the os
Have fun with all your Laptops coming in Chinese now.
>installs ubuntu
>thinks its linux
Then what is it then?
>mixes and matches BIOS and UEFI
>LOL wtf its nots working :DDD
3/10 made me reply.
Ubugu only. You thought install gentoo was a joke? This shit was reported almost 2 years ago, no fix yet. If you mention it in irc, you get told to use server installer instead. If you point out that's a workaround and not a solution and that this wasn't a problem 10 years ago, you get threatened with a ban.
It's nsa/systemd™ sponsored by microsoft®©
Is it really? Do you have proof for that statement?
bios is UEFI only, did a UEFI boot flash drive, installed everything correctly, got past the screen in the OP pic, but once it finished "installing" nothing happened..
When I reinstalled windows those 3 partitions i made in linucs appeared, but they were empty
>still can't install a fucking ubuntu
just kys
This. I haven't seen an installation issue with Ubuntu since like, version 10.xx. You have to actually try to be retarded to fuck up installing Ubuntu. Seriously, a chimp randomly hitting keys on a keyboard could do it in less than an hour.
>2 mb free space
thats how i like it
>turn off PC
>boot from USB again
>choose non ufei mode
Fucking windows fags all hope you all die of aids
>makes a thread saying linux is shit just to get tech support
>install linux on dell laptop
>fan controls don't work properly
>randomly shuts off
>desktop randomly breaks
>mouse randomly moves around the screen
>end up with a jet engine which randomly doesn't work
Linux? Never again!
Well obviously your problem is that your country's flag isn't on the moon.
He doesn't, he probably just thinks that anything not entirely open source like an FSF approved distro is cancer (he's probably right though)
That's what you get for supporting free software aka communism.
It's not really OK for the installer to freeze, so stop autistically defending the installer by attacking OP. I'm not very fond of the install process, but once you're through with it you get to enjoy using an OS that isn't a complete burning trainwreck like winshit.
pick one
there is no non-uefi mode
You fucked up Tyrone, ask a competent person to install it for you.
If you can't install Ubuntu, I don't think you have the brain capacity to learn anything about linux
The installer freezing is not the fault of OP
We should ask OP for a picture, I bet he is a negro.
I beg to differ. Neither of the package manager frontends even work, and that has been the case since at least 16.4. You can search foe packages, select packages, and attempt to install packages, but it will never install the package yet never give an error or even warning. It just shows you the same display as before you click install. Not to mention unity. It's very slightly less of a trainwreck than win10 but it's still a massive burning trainwreck of an os.
His piss poor attitude isn't his fault either
Hmm how is linux mint or void linux? Is it worth it to install one of those? I'm new to linux and just installed ubuntu today.
If you're new, you probably do not want to install void linux
Linux mint is literally just a different DE, so personal preference
why are you looking for something else then?
>Post legitimate fuckup
>Sup Forums goes into full defener mode
Yeah his attitude is ass, but it's not hard to see why when people claim he's unable to install ubuntu because the installer crashed. What's worse is you're sending the signal that this is normal and acceptable and something you're dumb for not knowing.
Okay, those are fair points. I just use i3 as my DE so I'm not exposed to those parts of ubuntu, but you're certainly not wrong about many parts of it being shite
Ubuntu is probably fine brah. If you were running Windows before it will be the right step in the freedom dimension.
Because of what
The main reason why I'm switching to linux is to not have companies spying on me and because I'm kind of tired of Microsoft's shit
You dumbass. turn off uefi
TempleOS is probably what you want
What dont you like about buntu?
Oh I like it, I just worry about companies spying on me like the one user was talking about
nice meme my man
More technical than Wangblows and Fag OS at least.
Back at ya, brochacho
You shouldn't set passwords in anything other than latin chars either way
>hurr durr, wanna be hackerman like mr robot
>hurr durr it's so hard to install hackerman OS
Do not use Linux, please. We have enough retards complaining about Linux. Leave sophisticated software to sophisticated people.
Go back to windows or fagOS, thank you.
But he wanted to hack the FBI!!!11!
Let me just use my pre-installed ubuntu amazon app
>>i-it's always the u-users fault! it's never the fault of this hackjob POS OS.
The installer is spelling out the issue. If this is too hard, keep using Windows like a good soyboi
90% bloatware / 10% windows vista
Boot as EUFI.
Ubuntu is not even free
>user error
>complains about it.
Go back to your iPhone, retard. And I say that as a MacBook Pro and iPhone user.
Only BSD is actually free. It's fucking garbage. But it's the only free license.