Why aren't you using the best image manipulation program, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using the best image manipulation program, Sup Forums?


Dog shit UI

why w□uld y□u type such a silly p□st?

I am using it :^)

I use it to create all of my cancer

Slow, shit ui, complicated solutions for easy tasks.

Its free for a reason

hint: its shit

I'm so used to the backwards logic and user hostility of GIMP that I get confused when trying to use photoshop now

t. sakimi "filters" chan

Slow as fuck, eveything it does, paint.net can do just as well granted with the right plugins. Except for the lasso tool which is a bit shit in paint.net

list of better image manipulation programs

But I am using it, user-kun

I'd love to use Photoshop over GIMP but I'm actually scared of switching because as soon as I can't do something in Photoshop that I can do in 2 seconds on GIMP, I know I'll just switch back.

Well it lives up to it's name. Not a good thing.

I am

[picture unrelated]

>the best image manipulation program
the best FREE (as in free speech) image manipulation program
this is beautiful
>I know nothing about image editing
thank God you didn't put something like Inkscape

>Why aren't you using the best image manipulation program, Sup Forums?
I am

>>I know nothing about image editing

there will probably be several things that take longer to do in Photoshop than in Gimp. So probably one for every 1000 of the opposite.

because i paid for photoshop, unlike you you poor, broke bitch. haha.

gegl won't build with the ffmpeg git on Gentoo :(

I am

I don’t have a need to manipulate images at my job. Nor do any of my hobbies include image manipulation

>Pays for software

any books or online courses on gimp?

I do use it, but only because I can't run paint.net on linux.


ok mr robot
now, fuck off

Nice trips.
paint.net is useless trash and linux is a kernel.

>paint.net is useless trash
At least it has patch tool.

you mean resynthesize? Like gimp had years ahead of photoshop?

i am senpai

I thought that can only be used to remove objects and not multiply them?

I unironically like using gimp

b..but i use gimp

>pays for proprietary software

B-but I do use Paint.NET

Just because baby duck syndrome nullifies your ability to adapt to an unfamiliar interface, it doesn't mean the interface is bad. It just means your a baby duck retard who can't get past his mental limitations and your mom's a whore.

I do. Even on Windows. I'm just too used to it now, been using it for... I dunno, like ten years.

I don't really have any reason to switch to anything better, it's more than good enough for ebin maymay creation.

I am.

Unless it has pic related, i'm not touching it