THANK YOU BASED NVIDIA. AMD FINISHED & BANKRUPT. >yfw you're video card manufacturer doesn't release game day drivers >yfw amd is now a memecoin technology provider
Maybe you should start earning money with your hardware instead of wasting it on it.
Nolan Edwards
no vega cards on newegg right now. RIP RTG
Adrian Russell
>playing twitch meme games
Henry Clark
Some meme games are great.
Grayson Bailey
To be honest, AMD is probably happier with the buttcoin miners than the gamers since they don't have to top FPS charts or have working drivers.
The weird part is that nvidia kinda isn't even trying for games either they focus more and more money on scientific computing than on gaymes.
Jackson Ward
>great >qwop with 4k textures
Caleb Anderson
It has nothing common with qwop except the creator.
Jose Ramirez
It's been mentioned before that game devs are fucking retards who do some wickedly dumb things when programming the rendering engines, so AMD and Nvidia have to go in and compensate for devs' mistakes in drivers. If game developers werent massive brainlets it would be easier for both companies but especially AMD
Liam Bennett
op here, oh i do agree. you shouldn't need "game day ready drivers" for games. but its the world we live in and nvidia has taken advantage of it. people now expect graphic card manufacters to release game day drivers and if they don't, it means they suck.
hence, amd finished & bankrupt because their gpu department, radeon technology group are literately bankrupt thanks to pajeet raja... who now has gone to intel to finish & bankrupt intel's ai division.
Grayson Morris
OP here, I literally can not stop sucking dicks
Alexander King
>no vega cards on newegg that's because every card amd produces will find a guaranteed seller instantly, even at increased prices >RIP RTG KEK they are making more money than ever
Levi Price
Austin Williams
Brody Sullivan
AMD may be making money, but its killing our planet with bitcoin mining. The only responsible thing AMD can do is pull the plug on their GPUs and hand the market over to vastly more efficient Nvidia technology.
David Price
what makes you think NVidia is more efficient at mining than AMD?
John Harris
>optimal gaming experience Just what exactly does this game need to not run like absolute dogshit? I have a 1070 and it's still awful. How can people play this hot mess.
Cameron Garcia
Naw, they just don't test on AMD so you don't find out the drivers are broken until the game crashes.
It isn't the game devs fault that Nvidia has like %85~ of the gaming market.
Camden Johnson
it is Sup Forums's fault that we are in this monopoly. Are you happy shills, now nvidia can sit back and watch the whole industry crash in quality while also make historic high profits.
Levi Bailey
Pretty sure we just got basically desktop power level cards in a laptop form factor just last year.
Not seeing any crash in quality dipshit.
Alexander Allen
Do you have any examples.
Gabriel Kelly
Amd is good at on cpus now Gpu champion still nvidia Also... have you used this cpu before Sup Forums? It was better than centrino?
Samuel Gutierrez
>shader replacements that fuck up colors for 2 extra FPS Damn, how will AMD ever recover?
Levi Howard
>caring about goymes >not using your Vega to make $10 a day with crypto mining
Sup Forumsoyboys out.
Jace Clark
You're Chinese, your opinion does not matter.
Jeremiah Miller
as silly as these drawings are, very funny.
Joseph Collins
Lol pubg looks like shit in 4k. Why are they wasting time claiming they are trying to make an alpha look good what spyware did these faggots actually add?
Nicholas Robinson
Amd is only for coin mining.
Joshua Thomas
is PUBG actually fun? cause it looks like some sort of open world CS 1.6 that somehow manages to still run like absolute dogshit on a $20k streamer tier gaymen rig
Liam Harris
It's a shity, flavor of the month game designed for morons. It's shit.
Henry Jones
It's literally for retards. And the other day the Dev that made it said he wants to patent the genre of game he apparently invented.
Angel Lee
>i-it's f-flavor of the m-month
Says the increasingly butthurt Sup Forumsirgin for the 12th consecutive month in a row
It's pretty fun because it will provide a different experience than other shooter games. Your first matches can be pretty fucking intense. It's cheap as fuck so it's totally worth it. Don't listen to the contrarian shitters begging for attention.
John Carter
>shity, flavor of the month game which ironically has been the flavor of the month for nearly a year straight.