Is it happening?
Is it happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
786kbps for the introductory special low price of $89.99 per month (plus access fee $3/hour)
100.000 x 1.000 = 100.000.000
This is pocket change for them.
Im sure it will be done
US law allows companies to book stock buyback as "investiment", which is what these corporations will do with their shiny new tax cuts.
Call me sceptic, I'll believe it when I see it.
But yet they can't lower the price of cable. Who gives a fuck
/ It is not a bribe we swear!
What, they are such great guys! See everyone? Comast is people!
Comcast is terrible
t. ex-comcast employee
I work for Comcast, ama, and I haven't heard shit about any kind of bonus nor have I received one
I'm a field tech at att, we got an email saying we're also getting a $1,000 bonus. This comes less than a week after the company laid off hundreds of techs that have been with the company for years. Merry Christmas I guess.
finally a step towards a decentralized internet
Kill yourself.
And I thought I was getting jewed by frontier.
So everyone's getting a penny huh?
I'll do it after they finish their infrastructure investment
So? $1000 is not pocket change for the employees and that is what matters.
In Ireland we have NN and the most I get is 300kbps
Sauce for image? Google gives nothing
Yes it is. What can you do with 1k
10 hookers and 10g of blow
buy an iPhone ;^)
Pay for a year of the internet you're bitching is expensive. But a grand isnt much is it?
this is a tax write-off
fucking lol
Blue fucking board, m8.
Handholding goes in >>/hc/
>damn, people knows we are evil now, what should we do?
>yes, free cash, that always works!
>salaries and wages are tax writeoffs
How fucking stupid are you?
t. poorcuck
t. lives with his parents
>$1000 bonus
Imagine being as poor and cucked by employers as Americans
>sceptic (adj)
poisonously infected or tainted
>skeptic (n)
suspicious person
Learn to write.
>made me reply
>1k is chump change
i didn't think anyone rich browsed Sup Forums.
I'm not that familiar with American politics. Can someone tell me how Comcast's plan are related to Net Neutrality and Trump's new tax reform? Because it sounds to me like this is some kind of publicity stunt, and they're paying for this stuff using the tax savings. Meanwhile repealing NN was still a bad thing but they're trying to make people think they're the good guys now
so comcast and at&t are huge benefactors of the anti-NN FCC ruling
and now they're also playing up the trump tax cut?
are they TRYING to show us that they're in bed with each other? wtf is going on they can't be this obvious?
Yes, a shitposting thread for brain dead retards is indeed happening. Congratulations.
Get a connection that's not 300kbps then
I have 100mbps and get all the 100mbps, every time of the day
This seems like a good thing. $50 billion in infrastructure sounds like the path to a more connected, faster internet.
I don't see the problem here?
>american education
Is this why all your business leaders are Indian?
Yeah, but wait until WE have to pay for it.
god dammit Im tired of having to update my filters
>$5/month for unthrottled netflix
the horror
I don't use netflix, though.
it's not just netflix retardo
wait until you have to pay $10 for unthrottled Xbox Live access on top of your usual Gold subscription
This is probably the wrong place to ask, but do you Sup Forumsentoomen think now is the time to buy Comcast stock before they start to rake in cash?
NN is shit. It claimed to "prevent censorship and throttling". Guess what we've never had those problems. There are already 3 FCC statutes used to prevent throttling and censorship. And they've been used in court to punish ISPs already.
Too soon to say. Democrats are promising a reversal of the reversal.
t. never had a job
You do realize that they could do that even with net neutrality yet, right?
I swear to god, these John Oliver watching, reddit reading, Chicken Little ass "THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING" don't have any fucking sense whatsoever.
Yes, a shitposting thread for brain dead retards is indeed happening. Congratulations.
Smart money has been long for a while and will soon start taking profit
not an argument
>You do realize that they could do that even with net neutrality yet, right?
not him, but they can't do that either way (with or without NN) because nobody is stupid enough to pay for 786kbps for 89.99, so the free market would fix that.
normies paying more for normie services has no impact on my life therefor I don't care if juniors gaymur bill goes up
Ok but then why did the ISPs invest millions of dollar into getting Pajeet Pai to repeal it?
What do they gain from this?
Non-meme answer please. The big ISPs don't care whether "government regulation is inherently bad". I want to know a legit, factual reason that Verizon or Comcast has for wanting to repeal NN.
And you believe Sup Forums instead?
Oh yeah, just another $5 ON-TOP of your existing bill you RETARD.
People like you are why the internet is stumbling down a steep decline in innovation since 2005.
You don't even deserve an internet connection.
NN was step 1 in giving government control over the internet.
It's like gun control. Give dems an inch, they'll take a mile.
as for the specifics of the bill, its 313 pages long, so i don't know. but we're going in the right direction
No business likes having the government regulating them. Also increases the chances of lawsuits and other bullshit.
NN is the opposite of gun control though.
Gun control restricts access to guns.
NN ensures access to the internet
idgaf since i dont have netflix and even if i did, $5 wouldnt kill me. im not a communist. also heavy regulation is prohibitive to investment which in turn leads to innovation
That's what the propaganda says.
We ALREADY HAVE internet access.
Throttling is already illegal.
Censorship is already illegal.
NN lays the groundwork to make the internet a utility and a human "right".
just like they want to make healthcare a right. and a home a right.
then the government steps in, takes control, and makes everything shit.
what does being a communist have to do with anything? i already pay for your internet. i already pay for netflix. so where does this extra 5 dollar fee come from and why should i pay for it? if they have issues with their infrastructure, that's not my problem. they can raise the price for the data plan. but why should i pay extra for some arbitrary thing.
it's like going to a restaurant and ordering a meal, but you have to pay 5 dollars extra if you want to use a knife. and if you dont pay, youre a communist.
but at the same time paying for actual use of your shitty (assuming you are a yank) connection and what would be a standardised service(ie 100m down, 10m up) AS WELL AS paying more to actually use the line and bandwidth allocation at the correct as advertised SPEED of said connection to / from servers and network infrastructure inbetween.
I'm sure if you'd have understood the reasoning behind this net neutrality bullshit stems from the US not giving up control of the internets' root servers (also how GCHQ -the UK's NSA- intercepts ALL worldwide traffic at the highest level and share it with their 5 eyes goons).
Buy a liquid resin 3d printer and some resin.
This is the norm in a lot of rural areas. And there are no competing companies so they can set the price as high as they want.
my nigga - 100% correct.
what we're saying is that you've already paid for your upload/download speeds and access then why do they want more money from you? - Because they're trying to make dem shekels before the next collapse (2019) and open market sees the first supermesh networks for consumer / small business use.
I get 150Mb/s with Comcast for $59.99/month and there is only one other "competitor" here offering anything other than DSL. I put competitor in quotes because they don't offer anything above 100Mb/s for residential service.
>not knowing bonuses are tax writeoffs
>not knowing because of taxes employee don't see all of that $1000
Liar, courts already ruled that the FCC isn’t allowed to enforce NN anymore unless ISPs are classified as Title II common carriers, hence the reason for the reclassification in the first place. And ISPs absolutely have engaged in bullshittery with blocking and throttling. See pic related.
Catch up on bills, help cover a big expense, or just save/invest it.
>so where does this extra 5 dollar fee come from and why should i pay for it?
because theyre for profit corporation and they can. thats why. does that upset you? too bad. see those numbers on the stock market that keep growing? thats why they keep going up. its called capitalism and its not rocket science.
thats to be determined. the most likely scenario is data caps similar to cell plans with unlimited caps (or higher) for certain services like netflix, hulu etc
its still all fear mongering. im from the generation that didnt have net neutrality so the lions, tigers and bears argument doesnt work all that well on me
>why do they want more money from you?
why does any for profit company charge extra for anything? why does a fast food place charge $0.75 for cheese on my sandwich when the piece of cheese cost them $0.01? because they can and because they want to make more money. seriously, how old are you?
So ditch the cable and pick up some streaming services. Internet isn't that expensive, it's your fault if you pay them for TV instead of shopping around.
Why do 'muricans have no idea how the market works?
If ISPs start implementing your scary boogeyman "PAY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS HOURLY TO USE GOOGLE" bullshit they'll start rapidly losing clients in favor of any other ISP who doesn't do this.
There is, user. You don't pay "SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS HOURLY" for your Internet access. ISPs don't need "w-we'll t-throttle ur Netflix!" excuse to increase their prices - they are free to do it anytime they wish. However, they hadn't done it so far meaning it isn't economically beneficial to them. Sure they'll get some extra money from their current subscribers but they'll start losing people.
Of course, the ISP competition situation in the US is worse than in, say, Russia, so you have to pay a lot for a relatively shitty Internet access. But extra excuses to raise prices won't affect your situation much. The closest thing you'll get to your current wet fantasies (aka "PAY MOR DORURS OR NO GUGUR") will be accompanied by a severe baseline subscription cost drop as ISPs aren't retarded and are well aware of how much their customers are willing to pay.
And if your scarry boogeyman bullshit somehow ends up being the truth and the Armageddon starts tomorrow - just kickstart your fucking own ISP company and get Filthy Rich. The memefaggotry currently surrounding Net Neutrality will bring you billions of autism bucks.
The ATT pay is based after a union contract forced them to do so, the increased infrastructure spending was planned before 2017 even started.
They can say it's about the tax bill all they want for cheap press, but you're all as dumb as reddit if you think this is anything but a way to try and blunt the anger over NN repeals
"Section 1 and Section 2 of the Sherman Act" applies to that situation, the former FCC head said. "Section 3 of the Clayton Act." These already prevent throttling and IP censorship.
Former FCC commissioner:
i'm not sure what point you're trying to make.
the ISPs didn't raise their prices because it's not economically feasible.
yet it is economically feasible for them to pay millions of dollars to the FCC so they would repeal NN.
Why? How is this economically feasible for them?
Also, you are American.
>And if your scarry boogeyman bullshit somehow ends up being the truth and the Armageddon starts tomorrow - just kickstart your fucking own ISP company and get Filthy Rich
This is why you ignorant fags need to keep your nose out of American politics. This is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE in most towns because they’ve entered in franchise agreements that grant them legal monopolies and exclusivity over utility poles. Comcast and other large telecoms have even successfully lobbied for laws that prevent cities from starting their own public ISPs after seeing how successfully it worked in Chattanooga. The monopolies aren’t going away. Period.
Courts already ruled in 2014 that the FCC doesn’t have jurisdiction to enforce the parts of its 2010 Open Internet Order pertaining to throttling and censorship. If we were still going to have NN after the repeal of Title II then don’t you think Ajit Pai would have mentioned that at least once? Instead we have zero indication that the FCC will continue to regulate on these matters.
also most of that bullshit is about wireless.
Datacaps exist because transmitting cat videos wirelessly is fucking hard. wireless just does not have the same bandwidth as wires. wires just have much more bandwidth, and you don't have to run a fucking tower to do it.
if you want your damn internet anywhere you go, you're going to have to pay for the towers which operate at the inverse square law of E&M distributed energy
Nobody mentioned anything about data caps. Data caps have nothing to do with net neutrality.
Sup Forums please remind me when Sup Forums gets banned for Americans.
I cannot wait until that day.
It will be glorious!
whats to stop them doing it to just video or other streaming services? what about sales services (amazon, ebay, etc)
what about paying extra to have the site via SSL cert for your online banking?
All that ONTOP of what you already pay, it's potentially infinite.
his image whined "AT&T throttles speed on unlimited data plans". Throttling has everything to do with NN.
because the underlying assumption should be, according to you, that the ISPs will be allowed to censor everyone... when they havne't been doing that for decades...K Aji already made a stupid video about it saying th einternet is fine
they do it to video because Youtube + netflix absorbs 60% of the network capacity by themselves. they dgaf about fucking ebay. networks cost money to run, so it makes sense to bill those using most of the network capacity by themselves
You'll be waiting a long time
Throttling =/= data caps. Try to keep up with the actual arguments being made, here.
Throttling is not even illegal under NN. The problem arises when ISPs block/favor specific services over others. Which there are dozens of examples of, even though you falsely claim otherwise.
the public? mom and pop arent going to pay $5/month to visit ebay while your average millennial will likely pay it for netflix
stop fear mongering. if it happens then you have a leg to stand on, until then your entire argument is FUD
>The ATT pay is based after a union contract forced them to do so
It was to only be for those union workers, 21,000 employees. Instead, it's been expanded to 200,000 employees thanks to the tax cut.
>the increased infrastructure spending was planned before 2017 even started
The same way the stock market has already factored in these cuts since the election.
like when? When did it happen and the ISPs weren't punished for doing it?
>yet it is economically feasible for them to pay millions of dollars to the FCC so they would repeal NN.
>Why? How is this economically feasible for them?
Because when you can't make your customer pay more because they'll fuck off to another ISP, you can optimize your services instead to provide less while still getting paid the same.
It eventually faces the same problem as rising prices, so over-throttling shit will result in money lost, however, unlike straight-up rising the subscription cost (which is already way too high) this is a completely unexplored field.
The Internet usage varies dramatically between people - you can provide a house of 100 people with a 1Gb/s channel while still promising 100Mb/s access speed to each of them - yeah this is bullshit and is basically lying in their clients' faces, but it's a widely used practice - and if we assume these 100 people are "average" Internet users, everything will be perfectly fine for them. However, if like 3-4 of them start using torrents, connection quality for the whole house suddenly goes to shit.
Being able to differentiate between the kinds of traffic can be immensely useful for an ISP - and not in your fucking caveman-tier "GIFF MONEY" way.
You’re forgetting that data caps are already legal and in use for this reason. There’s no reason why a terabyte of data from Netflix should cost me more to download than a terabyte of data from anywhere else. It’s purely a case of ISPs wanting to make up for their lost cable profits by getting a share of the Netflix pie. Any argument about infrastructure or network strain is based in falsehood, as there are many ways to deal with that that don’t require violating net neutrality.
>The monopolies aren’t going away. Period.
Find a LGBTQIAPK+ minority to cry about it on Twitter. Tag Hillary. Blame Trump.
Here, you have it - problem fixed.
youtube and netflix absorb 60% of the network capacity, maybe because 60% of people watch youtube and netflix?
think about it like this. 90% of people use light bulbs. but the electrical company isn't going to charge light bulb providers more
it's like going to a restaurant and you order a glass of delicious southern sweet tea, while your date orders a glass of coca cola. The restaurant offers free refills (i.e. you paid for unlimited drinks). You get all your refills for free, but your date suddenly has to pay 4.99 extra if she wants unlimited refills, just because coca cola is a lot more popular
Like in 2005 when Comcast throttled p2p, or when Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint blocked google wallet? That’s in the info graphic as well.
ISPs were punished for it. That’s the point. But thanks to a court ruling in 2014, the FCC isn’t allowed to punish ISPs for this bullshit anymore, because ISPs are regulated as Title I information services instead of Title II common carriers. Hence why they were reclassified in 2015.
The FTC can punish them for it now. That's what the former FCC chairman was saying. It's under jurisdiction of the FTC now. Sherman act, section 1 & 2