Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it.
Got this yesterday.
Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it.
Got this yesterday.
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a different phone that's the same price though.
Which one?
Chances are you made a mistake and bought a worse phone.
cant wait for librem 5
Used one yesterday, it's not bad actually and the notch isn't that big / annoying as the memes say. Wouldn't buy one though.
OnePlus 5t is a better phone, though.
If you just got it yesterday, why are you using a picture of it that was posted online on a chink e-commerce site in November?
Sure if you ignore the far inferior screen, the worse camera, the worse processing power, the fact that it’s facial recognition software is years behind faceID..
I'd rather upgrade my S8 to a pixel 2 instead of that. iOS is my bottleneck.
You are mistaken. I took that picture yesterday.
>Got this yesterday
Yeah you totally did
That’s a different picture.
FaceID on the iPhone X tells us something about apple:
They really don’t half ass things.
Samsung, OnePlus etc all have their own facial recognition software. They were happy to pedal them out without putting much development into them, not caring that they weren’t that good and were insecure.
Apple could have done the same, saving money and letting them put out a cheaper phone. Instead they really perfected faceID and released something that just destroys the competition. I am using faceID now and it just works really well. There is no question that this is better than touchID. Just a few comparisons with Samsung’s facial recognition:
FaceID uses IR to create a 3D map of your face, Samsung just looks at a picture.
Samsung can be fooled by a photograph, faceID can’t
FaceID works from several angles, Samsung can require you to position it better
FaceID works in the dark, Samsung doesn’t.
But its facial recognition is faster and more accurate than faceID :^)
>pajeet can’t tell the difference between shades of blue
Explains a lot when all you see is brown
Maybe, it is a lot simpler. Still, faceID is very fast
>more accurate
Nope. Android facial recognition can be fooled by a photograph.
>You'd but one if you could afford it
Honestly, I'd probably go for a note 8 or the regular pixel 2, iOS isn't my cup of tea.
But everyone has their preferences and I'm glad you're enjoying your Apple devices.
based apple confirmed /ourguy/
>Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it.
Can afford it, don't want one.
There is no sum of money you could pay me that would ease the shame I would feel from owning that phone.
I know you probably copied this off some blog to bait (you)'s but the iris scanner on the S8/N7/N8 works in pitch dark and cant be fooled by a flat photo. It's definitely not perfect or as good as the Apple scanner but it does work as a backup to the fingerprint reader.
Why would i buy that crap when i can buy Crypto
If you feel insecure from owning a phone you must have issues.
Why do you think buying crypto is a good idea?
>hurr it has gone up before so it will keep going up
Apple products are pajeet-tier.
An ironic statement, given that insecurity is the ONLY reason to buy an iPhone X.
I bought a xiaomi mi mix 2 and a 32in HP Omen 1440p 75hz freesync monitor for $400 less than what an iphonex costs.
Are people really this dumb
So you spent money on a 1440p in 2017 and you're asking if other people are dumb?
This is the words of a jealous no coiner
My video cards is an R9 290 I bought off a miner for $182 in 2014. It's a good match for the monitor.
Let's add that to the list
>Xiaomi mi mix 2
>HP omen 32in monitor
>R9 290
>Still have $200 left over to buy other things than an iphonex
Wasn't the iPhone X faceID cracked fooled by siblings?
It's still less secure than a fingerprint. It's ultimately an overpriced irrelevant feature.
Reminder to report commercial spam and astroturfing.
Is there a pink version? If not i'll stick to my se
FaceID is more secure unless you have an identical sibling or are a chink.
I love how bubbles make normies think they're wise investors for playing roulette
I can buy an iPhone X AND all of those things
Reminder that this iToddler's phone number is 44 7507 376675.
>Being this butthurt and jealous
How are your hands so soft? Femanon?
1 Pay attention to and praise appropriate behaviors, and ignore the negative attention-seeking behavior. It’s easy for parents to fall into a disciplinary rut, where negative behaviors constitute red flags for attention, while acceptable behaviors do not set off a similar alarm. Children are less likely to repeat behaviors that do not have a payoff, and parental attention qualifies as a powerful reward for your child, Purdue University reports.
2 Redirect your child to teach more appropriate replacement behaviors, PBS suggests. Scolding attention-seeking behaviors without suggesting an acceptable behavior leaves your child with little recourse but to repeat the behavior that originally captured your attention.
3 Respond to, rather than react to, your child’s behavior. Even though the challenge can appear daunting, staying in control of your behavior helps your child to focus on your words instead of your anger. When parents remember to model the types of behavior they want their children to emulate, parents help to shape positive behaviors.
4 Maintain consistent consequences for negative attention-seeking behaviors, recommends Kids Health. Communicate rules in language that is appropriate for your child’s level of development, and do not deviate from the consequences associated with the rules. Similarly, recognize and reward positive attention-seeking behaviors in a consistent manner.
5 Look for trends in your child’s behavior. Discovering a pattern in your child’s attention-seeking behavior may provide a tool for prevention. For example, observing that a young child demonstrates problematic attention-seeking behavior after the birth of a sibling indicates that the child vies for attention from her parent.
TL;DR report and ignore literal attention starved iToddlers
Note 8
The best phone available.
>worse display
>worse processor
>worse camera
>worse unlock
>better phone
>unironically replying to these threads
>apple treates their customers like children
I guess they are allowed to do this to you
yeah, i would.
fucking autists of Sup Forums are the only few people who get mad about a phone or some other virtual/digital bullshit. While flinging shit with their bullshit "engineering" degree, aka java or rustshit.
While actually smart people, like doctors, mech- aero- power(me) and electrical engineers are using phones that just works, like samsung or apple
expensive phones are a scam.