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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?
merry christmas my degenerate friends
someone that owns one confirm takstar pro 82 are legit good and actually not a meme
inb4 reddit link
inb4 zeos link
Reposting in new thread:
I want headphones with the following features:
>over ear
>no sound leakage
>decent sound quality
>comfy (most important)
What price range am I looking at? Any recommendations?
literally read the comment above yours
the pro-80 were pretty good (OEM for hyperX cloud) but there hasn't really been any confirmation of the pro-82 being any good, they're a very different design.
What are the second best headphones behind the HD600?
is this a good setup for HD600 (for someone that's not a huge audiophile)
Anyone owns the Superlux HD681 EVOs? I'm waiting for mine to arrive and I've been reading about their sound signature over at headfi.
Can you EQ down the mid bass? In doing so, would it solve the "recessed" mids problem?
If you won't be using it for low impedance headphones just get a DAC X6. It's loud enough and transparent enough; no need to spend more as long as its 10 ohm output impedance won't be an issue, which it won't be with HD600.
Idol trash here. What's your setup like, user?
(note: mdr-7506 not recommended)
trash is right
can the vmoda boompro work with the hd569? it doesnt say so on the wiki but on amazon it says the hd569 has a 3.5mm plug
Should work with modding exactly like on an HD598:
If you haven't bought them yet, look into the HD579 instead.
Unless they're for working in an office full of people and you really need the isolation, the 579 will give you better sound and comfort.
I want to lick her thighs!
Is there a headphone community that's actually useful? Everyone here just answers "HD600"
>Is there a headphone community that's actually useful?
>Everyone here just answers "HD600"
that's mostly this shitposter
>Idol Trash triggers autistic gatekeeper no headphones user
Never stop posting, IT.
How does headphones produce more than 60hz when electricity is 60hz?
Remember to ignore the advice if someone who telks you too get the schiit stack
Do get schiit products, look at the smsl sapII pro, perfect for the hd600
*Do not
>-90 dB
>actually being this autistic about inaudible shit
he's the same autist who claims the Magni 3 is bright.
the store doesn't have a DAC X6 so can't get it.
same deal, not on the store. just looking for a cheapish DAC/AMP combo with a preout so I can put speakers.
My onboard audio can do -90db, is that what you are saying? Also
>Buying an inferior product
Why the fuck are you limiting yourself to that site, look here
store credit, warranty, delivery time.
aliexpress is a fucking joke, half the stuff on the site has an expected delivery time of 60+ days
Meant for
Has anyone auditioned the Ultrasone Edition 15?
Need headphone recommendations. Can spend a decent amount of money.
Mostly will be used plugged in to the TV for games/movies/etc, with some occasional music listening, so something with decent bass is preferable. Will not be using an amp.
Want wired closed and over the ear type. Bought the Sony WH1000XM2's, but realized I didn't really need bluetooth and they were flimsy as shit for $300+ so ended up returning them.
Japanese made comfy headphones coming through
Their comfort is poor compared to AD700. The sound is congested and sharp compared to Stax. With the cheapest Stax you're already at the pinnacle.
How on earth can you comfortably compare headphones which cost over $1500 for the whole setup with Audio-Technica's $150 headphone offering?
Posting my noggin-sounders
AD900 aren't that cheap, and Stax can be had for under $300 if for one second you can put aside your goyishness with money.
What's your favorite budget headphone?
Does it have to be closed? I think most people here will agree opens cans are a better deal. If you can live with open headphones check out the Philips X2 - not sure about closed cans sorry
no decent lambda system can be had for under $300
Bullshit. 2020, 2050, and 2170 systems regularly end under 18 kyen on a certain site which I'm sick of linking to.
Well enjoy getting an overpriced inferior product
the only lambda system on yja is 75k
>AD900 aren't that cheap
Maybe not the original AD900 - and, if used, they would've probably been used for a very long time by now - but I got my AD900X new for $150.
Yes, which is great except Stax refuses to honor any kind of warranty or provide any kind of support outside of Japan. How are you going to get them fixed if they fail? DIY, or just throw them out?
Is there an alternative to grado SR60 with similar price point? I broke mine two years ago, and I start to hate using earphones.
That's why you wait. Hell, in 2014, you could get SRS-2170 new for some crazy price like $450 shipped.
900X is meido in chynah
Most grey market dealers will get them fixed for you. Not a major concern with basic lambda systems.
buying used as a bad idea for something as fragile as stax headphones in the first place but claiming they can be had for under $300 and comparing them to the price of brand new AD900 is unreasonable
Where's the lie though? AD900 is the one dynamic that I've used for a long time, and so I AM qualified to shit on it and hand out real advice which is to beg borrow or steal any Stax system you can get your hands on.
Why is the HD600 shilled so hard here?
stop spending your money on stupid shit instead of quality electronics
Thank you, was looking at the same headphone too.
jesus christ, why did SR60e is so expensive compared to SR60i.
post-purchase rationalization
I owned them for a day. My image summarizes what I think of them. They also sounded very dark and muddy from what I remember.
get a trip so i can filter you
because pic related scares them
you are missing a th-x00. pathetic
hes missing a noose as well
>made in austria
get a trip so I can filter you
wow, how fucking salty. just because I don't want buy from aliexpress.
Aren't those manufactured in China nowadays?
After going through the earphone and IEM list on headfi, I figured the Hifiman RE400s were the best bang for my buck in terms of price to sound quality ratio. I’m wondering if there are any other options that might be cheaper or offer better quality for the price
Post your complementary setup
Using the ad900xs naturally curly cable to my advantage lol. Solved that cable issue.
Also going to pick these up so they're slightly more aesthetically pleasing.
MDR 7506 or V6?
Whichever is cheaper
These are actually okay for a clip on.
wew vlad did you manage to find them for a fair price?
What is the best headphone between $500 and $2000?
Got them from Joybuy at 75 USD. I miraculously didn't get scammed even though there weren't any reviews and it even has an authenticity code you can verify. Too bad the sites are in moon runes.
I mostly got them as a Personal keepsake which I then gifted to my gf.
I bought a pair of ATH-MSR7 and they sound like shit. Male voices in music basically don't exist, is this normal? Have I made a mistake?
Plus the packaging sucks ass compared to the original EM7's. Who the hell think serif fonts look good for tech products?
wow good find, I didn't even know you could get those for less than $300 these days. I really want to buy a pair but I just keep shitting money
They re-released the EM7 as the EM7x, actually. It's only for Asian markets though the one I bought from offers worldwide shipping. This was the link I used.
Never mind, the cans work fine, one of the cords is just shit. Is it possible to buy a replacement cable?
How are you this retarded enough to not look at other listings?
for around ~220 euro(without including the amp/dac/interface/whatever) am I better off with headphones or studio monitors like jbl lsr305
k-701, k-702 or k-712 pro
K701/702 is the same headphone, it just has a different colour pattern.
K712 is bassier and more unbalanced sounding.
unbalanced sounds like a bad word. is it in this case?
Best programming headphones?
>is it in this case?
i thought those cant into bass
you just going for the aesthetic ?
cheapest amp/dac recommended for k712 pro?
I'm looking for something like these that aren't shit.
I was prepared to like these but the bridge is almost entirely plastic and I got hairline cracks right out of the box. Reinforced them with gorilla tape and hot glue but it looks ugly and the software for them is shit; get crap like the drivers not working 100% of the time meaning it randomly either gets stuck in 5.1 or cuts out of it.
you know, taction kannon have a prototype of the ad500x. the soundstage of ab open back ath + lowend of a bass cannon. I could probably get an audition of them and report back
FX Audio DAC X6. Can drive anything outside really demanding orthos.
That Focal Clear is pretty much just a lambda with a midbass hump, based on Tyll's raw data.
Pretty much, yeah. As much as I'd like to, there's no way to not look like an idiot and wear full sized cans outside in hot weather.
ok thanks
do I also need a dac? i sometimes hear static when connecting to mobo with my ath m40xs.
if yes would a cheapo one work?
About the sound, yes they definitely have no bass at all. The clips themselves are satisfying to open and close but they're a bit of a pain to wear and take off. Its also a little bit smaller than it looks in pictures to me at least. It's really more of an accessory more than a headphone. I have it as a memento for playing Persona 3 for a year.