ITT: Beautifully designed tech/gadgets/appliances

ITT: Beautifully designed tech/gadgets/appliances

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Kill yourself

Not bad




Truly patrician tier tech.



I totally fucking had one of those and I had completely forgotten about it until right now.
You've made my Christmas OP, thank you.

it's worth like $100 now




It's got both, what's your problem?

it has legacy support
not everyone's up to date





I'd love to have a 909, or 808, or 606
Here's my Juno, I have the Jd-800 too

im going to own all of them one day

I'm going to go modular one day and have a sequentix cirklon


Wasn't that the Hungry like the Wolf synth? The one with the randomized arpeggiator function.

this keyboard would be literally, objectively perfect if the ctrl key were just in the proper location

i believe that was another one. the synth faggot of duran duran said it in a video about the jdxa

Kids these days have no idea.
I'm actually really accustomed to that layout, it was pretty standard.



It's really cool that you can just make someone else's printer print stuff.

Nice toy

This. This is it.

As a bass player those are comfy as fuck and don't sound bad at all. But they're so ugly it makes me want to vomit.

The Dune synth

Is this a prog thread now?

I only listen to Aphex Twin and Autechre


I too can play this game

too bad they are so expensive. they make newer ones out of wood but i want an original one made of some hard plastic thingy.
what do you guys think about pic related? its more of a toy in my opinion but i love to use it as a "note book". when i have an idea its an easy way to put it down and recall it later

das cool man

you should try boards of canada

I used to listen to BoC but then I transcended

i dont see how you cant enjoy both. what do you think about ambient?
solar fields is how all electronic music started for me

I feel like Aphex Twin has overlap with BoC and is generally more interesting to listen to. I'm just fucking around though I listen to other stuff but Ae and RDJ are my shit

aphex is awesome i would even consider him the best

I also love the 80s Italian aesthetic

Ae has more of a talent for doing complex shit that no one can even touch them, imo
While RDJ is full of amazing catchy memorable melodies

always end up binging ae and AFX more than any other electronic music, it just fucking sucks that it's impossible to find elseq anywhere and torrenting died years ago

damn thats hot

I have elseq, use soulseek niggah

it's not worth it just for one album, i stream everything else, WARP is just autistic about recent releases

I get almost all of my music from Soulseek and have for over a decade, rare shit on there

having a 126gb SSD as my only storage generally prevents owning any sort of lossless music

I don't even flac i just mp3, I have a rega planar 3 and some nice records though

>that one fag posting appleshit and not getting any (you)s


Here's the last one, one of if not THE greatest.
- 8-voice, 16-osc/1-voice, 16-osc analog
- multimode filter and onboard effects
- 4-track midi-capable sequencer
- in/out jacks from and to everywhere
- layer and split preset mode
- lfos can modulate everything and anything
And it's from the early 80s.


Someone get these fucking toys out of the way

>Here's your PC build bro

Nice, check out Jexus if you don't already know about him.

Two can play at this game

I like the guy, but I don't dig the visuals for some of his videos (not that it matters much) and his stance on the technology behind these machines, which, last I checked, was: "lol who cares as long as it makes you feel right" which is the equivalent of a programmer going: "lol who cares it still works," as he apparently hates the concepts of quality, knowledge about a particular medium &c.

Fair enough @ Jexus

Best PSP created...for manlets




I bet it sounds like shit. They weren't known for making amplifiers.


They weren't known for making a LOT of Amplifiers. I own a small solid state practice amp made in the 80's by Rickenbacker and it sounds just as good as my 68 Twin at low volume.

Never got a chance to hear a real Transonic up close, but given the fact that it's just a 2X10, it's probably nothing special. Looks amazing though, especially when it has the metal frame and casters to isolate it from the floor and to allow it to be angled.

Cool music, thanks for the recommendation. :)

>81.49% screen-to-body ratio shitPhone
Try a master race 83.6% screen-to-body Galaxy S8+

Literally a 2.5% difference. Both phones are shit anyway

Iphone X is even worse

I still own one of these. It's been up in the back of an upper closet shelf in my house for at least 15 years now. Before that, I used it for probably 5-8 years.

That was the standard in those days. Apple ][ put it there, too. It was IBM that broke the standard.

iPhone X is the best phone currently available

Oh my God I wish this shit would replace our shitty ARM devices. NEVER EVER

>It was IBM that broke the standard.