/pmOS/ - PostMarket OS General

Postmarket OS now can run Plasma Mobile on real hardware.

Which now means all these UI's work on real hardware:
Plasma Mobile

UI's that work on emulators for now :
Lune OS UI

> What is Postmarket OS?
Postmarket OS is a 200 day old linux distribution meant to guarantee a ~10 year life cycle on phones and tablets.
> But linux on phones is a commercial failure.
Indeed but this distro does not aim to please the masses it aims to please advanced computer users. it by default provides no UI and no default mobile applications.(a.k.a. Arch/Gentoo on phone)
This makes device porting incredibly easy and no one is forced to use one specific UI or software suite (looking at you ubuntu touch).
> What about software?
Any linux desktop software with an ARM port should work (with the exception of desktop environments for the time being)
>There is no way it is supported by my device.
There are a lot of old phones that are supported (N900,nexus4,5,6P and older galaxy phones are recommended)
With a few tablets like the nexus 7 2012 , 2013
It supports the LG G watch and G watch R.
And apparently it even has support for Google Glass(why tho idk)
Full list: wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Devices
older apple iphones that are supported by openiboot can get support for postmarket OS. Although testing is minimal since most people porting linux dont use iphones.
> I am an Autist who knows a thing or two about porting a device. What do I do?
> Can it even Doom
Yes (tested on an Xperia Z2 and a G watch)
> How is this useful for my old phone if i am locked to new UIs
One can make an interface for older devices(say one liked the android 2 UI and wanted to recreate it)and you can use it on your old phone. So now you no longer need to get rid of your favourite device.

Other urls found in this thread:


Interesting. I though of getting an N900 just to run this, but I'm scared off by the "old phone" tag, every old phone I used ended up having severe issues, like contact breaking, extreme overheating, etc.

is there even a working desktop OS that can use this as it's compositor?

of course there is
Weston was just the first because it was easy to port
other options are Hildon(the n900 UI) ,xfce4 ,mate and once there is a package completed Plasma mobile.
Like I said it is a 200 day old distro.
Link: wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/User-Interfaces


Why is there never a middle ground for these sorts of things?

How long until we get user friendly flavors for people who don't have time to be an arch micromanager 24/7

Post made me laugh for some reason.
In all seriousness one can fork the OS with a preinstalled UI and provide it for lazy people.

the guy was asking if there's any DE which uses Weston

Hm... Cool.

I would really like a Linux distro on my phone. But phones are proprietary garbage , so that won't happen.

Android is a Linux distro you dummy

Linux is a kernel.

Listen, you and I both know Linux is an operating system. No need to show off and use your super technical lingo. You're not impressing anyone.

Nice try, i'm using linux from scratch!

can I install it on my nexus 7

Not super knowledgeable about this, but I think "compositor" means something different in Wayland terms. To Wayland, "compositor" means "DE or WM".


How does this compare to other mobile Linux distros?

>PostMarket OS
You can't be fucking serious? What type of trashcan name is this.

Literal epitome of poorfag naming conventions.

horrible name
>200 day old
Unstable, not even fully implemented garbage
>Indeed but this distro does not aim to please the masses it aims to please advanced computer users
No, it aims to get people to beta test his software that is barely functional

>only supports old devices
>support is on a per device basis
>not a single device supports Voice for a fucking PHONE
>aside from Google Glass the support is basically nothing aside from a desktop

into the trash.

does it work
like actually work

>> But linux on phones is a commercial failure.
b-but andod

day old
>Unstable, not even fully implemented garbage
>thinks a distro is more than a bunch of 20+ year old software packaged in a difference configuration

Best working mobile DE compatible with pmOS?

Can I tripple boot LegacyOS, postmarketOS, and LuneOS?

Oh nice, I wonder how it'd work. Maemo was already bretty gud imho but the hardware just didn't have enough juice for it. 256mb of ram is too little.

There's no way they'll be able to use a modern web browser on that

Linux on phones is a massive commercial success, GNU and GNU/Linux on phones became a failure when Nokia's efforts got killed


Android is Linux

postmarketOS is BusyBox/Linux or BB/Linux, not GNU/Linux.