1440p, 144hz monitors

Which one, Sup Forums?


wtf happened to you Sup Forums

Sup Forums is not your tech review site. Do your own research.

Yeah, trying to find a 1440p 144Hz monitor that has VESA, GSync and isn't tacky gamer garbage is hard - I've been looking at Dell monitors because I've heard that the Ultrasharp series is good but apparently the quality control on their gaming monitors (specifically the S2417DG and S2716DG) is ass...

Idk, I have the 27 and it's good, just make sure your pc can run it at 120+ fps, otherwise it will be just a regular monitor, and when you watch youtube/movies, the blacks are fucking ass, straight up blocks on blackness all over the place..

Acer predator is nice.

How longer before theres a 1440p 144hz IPS monitor that isnt $700 and/or gaymer styled?

>it's good
>straight up blocks on blackness

guess it isn't very good then, color accuracy is very important in a monitor

This one.