I noticed 4chin users especially in Sup Forums are rich NEETs supported by their mummys
>/pcbg/ < 2000$ builds or go home
>laptop recommendation < 2000$ or go home
>macbook appreciaton thread
Sasuga,consumerist fat nerds.
Happy holidays.
I noticed 4chin users especially in Sup Forums are rich NEETs supported by their mummys
Basically the other way around in my case.
>shilling old thinkpads that cost less than 200
I'm a software engineer. I make money. I buy stuff. Why are you so mad about it?
Most of Sup Forums and /r/eddit are basement dwellers who haven't seen daylight in months.
And you are a poorfag Sup Forumsack shitskin from a third world country.
Makes sense.
>Supported by their mummys
Sorry son but i nail her for that money.
Your new i7 to browse 4chin is sponsored by me.
>Unironically believing this
I live a very frugal and simple life but like having a nice computer. It’s not so much wealth as it is priorities.
While some on Sup Forums are NEET, most are productive citizens.
Apple threads are shills threads, and do not count.
Also: What is the point of your post?
< means less than
Do you know what sasuga means?
The word has been current on Sup Forums for a few years for expressing sarcasm in the English language.
i am a le minority (not black and my skins not too dark either) who thought he had to learn IT in order to into programming.
went to uni, got a comfy high paying job, qt programmer gf, and do everything on a 300$ thinkpad.
the furthest my consumerism reaches is buying polo and nautica button downs at goodwill and my runescape subscription
I'm still dirt poor ahahah
just end it senpai
Sup Forums users are hikkikomori
The NEETs and wizards that made this place are being replaced by normalfag immigrants
Kek, I used to be pretty crazy about high end pc shit. After I started making my own money, I ended up downgrading my computer as time went on and my old high end parts had to be replaced.
Or shills trying to get a bigger commission
Surely big boys with their own income love to waste money.
nah. spending 2000 bucks on a computer is fine when you have a fucking job
Oh wait, I thought OP was saying Sup Forums was full of NEETs because they wanted builds under $2000, but he said rich neets so I guess meant over $2000?
I'm a poor wage slave ascetic
Well, but in order to understand that they need to budget, which they obviously don't. See
my current build only cost me $550, and it does everything i need, and most of what i want. why the hell would i spend over $600 for a pc?
>>/pcbg/ < 2000$ builds or go home
desktop/workstation builds with >$2k components either includes the cost of peripherals like monitors, which you should have already or should be considered separate purchases, or they're doing something silly like >$400 custom watercooling loops with custom gpu blocks or something else that's silly like using professional tier cards (with price points to match), it turns out it's incredibly difficult to spend >$2k for a tower even if it's decently good until you start deciding to buy hardware aimed at business, in which case, well done, you evidently have money burning a hole in your pocket
>>laptop recommendation < 2000$ or go home
likewise, >2k laptops usually means gaymer shit with dedicated gpus or ultra thin but powerful laptops that have thermal issues, nobody makes decent laptops that cost that much
>>macbook appreciaton thread
countered by thinkpad appreciation threads, my $75 thinkpad from 2008 suits my needs fine yet here you are calling me a consumerist fat nerd neet that's supported by my parents because I'm not buying a $2k alienware that includes anal probes
No, you're not.
Actual bay area programmer here,
Shit is so expensive in the Bay Area that if you don't live with your parents, you're gonna be living with strangers. Parents are the better choice by FAR.
>I noticed 4chin users especially in Sup Forums are rich NEETs supported by their mummys
There's a decent amount of working IT/tech professionals here. Hence the job threads, and hence why some good advice bubbles up occasionally.