I made a Sup Forums browser for the desktop: anyone interested?

I made a Sup Forums browser for the desktop: anyone interested?

You guys seem to be complaining about the site and hiroshimoot, but general web browsers and javascript are the problem.

Other urls found in this thread:


Does it respect my freedoms?

yeah, look for yourself: github.com/siavash119/qtchan

I don't know shit about code, therefore I can't look at it and trust you.

Looks cool tho, senpai.

I'm tempted to make a PKGBUILD for it.

well, I built this because I hate web browsers and constantly having to deal with making sure I'm free, and I wanted some features out of Sup Forums like thread archival, downloading with original filename, and other keyboard shortcuts that I needed scripts/addons before for.

>using i3
>not dwm

make the switch


go for it. It would be nice if people used it and pushed me for features. I still need to implement (You) and notifications

You are doing gods work user.

>not using Sway
Get with the times, grandpa.


maybe another time. I've used it before for a few days
I don't use wayland yet
If you use Windows and don't want to build it, let me know I'll build and update the releases page

Operator linked. I'll cover bsd. Proceed.

yes interested
implement global anime girl backround pls

thank you.
now if it was merged directly with hydrus, then I would have a dedicated computer just for Sup Forums!

Isnt it a bit too much user?

Thanks user.

No, it's just right.

Dang dude, this looks really neat! Trying to get it to run but not sure how though. I have little experience with running programs from large file sets like this one

God's work user.
I still don't know why nobody has done this till now.

what's too much? displaying text and images in a page and implementing some keyboard shortcuts?

you need qt5 then if linux/bsd based
git clone github.com/siavash119/qtchan
cd qtchan
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
move that qtchan binary anywhere you want

Add a quick wiki to the repo with the git instructions as md file.

And for the love of god someone create a logo. U know which kind i mean

I'm on windows. Do I need to download an external program to run this or will visual studio be enough?

Did someone on Sup Forums actually made something usable for once?

>not written in JavaScript or Java

Into the trash it goes.


qtcreator would probably be the easiest. You need at least qt5, though. just open the .pro file and build release for yourself.

I'll build it for windows and update the release page rn. I don't have qt in a vm yet though, so brb.

macOS reporting in!


Okay OP, what am I missing?


>object-oriented C++

Bsd operator confirms. Also memory leak after closing via exit button.

Step up your game, user

Yeah, shouldn't it just be like a few files large?
I mean I don't do GUI programming with Q but it seems a bit bloated. And a bit C++ bloated too.

>C++ is bloated too
Please remove yourself.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Even though i gotta admit that the project is rather young

how to use this on mac?

hey looked i pressed the button


help me find it please? it's when the tabs close and preventing me from building with lto

Just follow . Built it with no errors as seen here: For some reason images aren't working though, not sure what's causing it.

Ctrl+l opens up nav bar and type g and press enter

or Sup Forums for catalogue or g/search to search

also ctrl+f to search/filter is decent. filters.conf is somewhere regexp

very nice. I also hate web browsers and javascript as well. I posted this is a thread a couple days ago, but I wrote a python script that allows me to browse youtube and play videos, all from the command line.

another mac user told me he didn't have images. I don't know, sorry.

Na i'm way too high for this shit right now. But i'll see if i can fix it tomorrow.

It's great work. The community will pay tribute

Are you using qml? I would love to port this to Sailfish and Ubuntu Touch, do you have telegram?

That's fine, I'll follow the project and hopefully some smart macOS C++ will be able to figure it out.

I feel like you can just clean the project up a lot. But that's just at a glance.

I mean in the manner of programming C++ engenders.

Thanks! Although nothing is showing up

>pic related

Keyboard shortcuts seems to work though

Might not be untrue.

> Sweet hidden shortcuts for previews

i want to make a viewer for youtube as well. i hate that site's interface and I hate playing videos in the browser.

absolutely. I need to combine threadtab and boardtab classes and split out Sup Forums api urls into other classes to start supporting other chans, i.e. there's still a lot to do. I'm pretty happy with it rn, but i'd like to grow the project

uh oh, i might have not included some ssl dependencies.

no i'm not, no i don't, and I don't like phone posters, but I'll support you if you want to do something.

Also the layout is fucked up. It won't scroll any further to show the last post. But in fullscreen everything is just fine

must be some minumum size mishap; I'll look after work today. thanks

Peace user. I'll add it to the freebsd pkg repo after we fixed the crash then.

Okay, I love the idea, it looks cool but still clearly rough around the edges. When I try to open this thread, the app locks up. Once it's in a usable state, at least on Arch, I'll make PKGBUILD for it and toss it up on AUR unless someone else gets to it first.

I can't reproduce

sounds great

okay i'll look, thanks. Like totally freezes forever? or just for a moment? there's 1 or 2 gui lockups in thread loading somewhere i forget.

glad to get some feedback and bugs.

Totally freezes, nothing responds, I have to kill it from the terminal.

so in 's picture, it's frozen? after it's loaded? very weird. what version of qt are you building from? I'm on 5.9.3 on gentoo and 5.10.0 on windows

Wouldn't it be cool to have a browser that only works on a few select websites and cleans up those that are shitty like Youtube etc. It would be a clean, whitelist of sites with freedom from botnets and ads and miners etc. It does not need to work on every site. Just be great for those few sites we all love to hate but can't do without.

We could start a trend.

> Tiling WM
> Fullscreen mode fixes layout

Everything i can tell you on first glance

error: ‘TreeItemType’ is not a class or namespace
Variant> &data, TreeItem *parent, QWidget *tab, TreeItemType type = TreeItemType



got it, thanks

5.10 on Arch Linux

Sweet. Post commit

Hey if it got popular enough we could make it so that any website that wants to work within it has to adhere to a strict code of conduct.

What about a name? Dial Browers? ;)

That would be incredible


do you have qt5?

no as in i see the bug, now. i'll look at it after work. about to eat some lunch and go.

Any chance of fixing this tonight?

tim = QString::number(temp,'d',0);
filename = p.value("filename").toString();
ext = p.value("ext").toString();
fsize = p.value("fsize").toDouble();
md5 = p.value("md5").toString();
w = p.value("w").toInt();

What's with all this OP? Is it do to with the QJsonObject?

OP please come back and update us when you get time. It has real potential.

it MIGHT be a bug w/ qt and tiling wm's; probably a styling issue, though.

100% for you. I'll try to do it rn; i have a few minutes. otherwise 8-9hrs

yes, github.com/Sup Forums/4chan-API

>but general web browsers and javascript are the problem
Can someone explain to me how a standalone application mitigates this? I can't post on Sup Forums without captcha javascript enabled, so how does this browser do it? And what are the security implications of this vs in browser?

>do you have qt5?
qtchooser -l

To which form are the sidebar sliders included? That's probably the layout that's causing it. Unless ofc it's a qt/tiling bug

also, getting this error
../threadform.h:62:27: error: ‘>>’ should be ‘> >’ within a nested template argument list
QList clones;

>there are real programmer in Sup Forums

I am surprised after seeing DPT and WDG retardations.


>OOP C++

lmao, still nice tho, OP

this is great, please release on windows

okay i updated the release to include llbealy32.dll or whatever it was called. Download again and try; should be fine

looks like it uses qt4 over qt5. are you sure you're building with qt5?


sidebar sliders? I think you're talking about the splitter including the treeview (tst) and the board/thread view (content)



captcha is just an image and a cookie that requires a response as a field in a multipart form submission. qtchan supports captcha and Sup Forums pass

i had to add -std=c++11 to the Makefile GCCFLAGS, but now i get this error
In file included from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qglobal.h:74:0,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qregularexpression.h:38,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/QRegularExpression:1,
from ../filter.h:4,
from ../filter.cpp:1:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qhash.h: In instantiation of ‘uint qHash(const T&, uint) [with T = QRegularExpression; uint = unsigned int]’:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qhash.h:952:18: required from ‘QHash::Node** QHash::findNode(const Key&, uint*) const [with Key = QRegularExpression; T = QHashDummyValue; QHash::Node = QHashNode; uint = unsigned int]’
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qhash.h:808:27: required from ‘QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const Key&, const T&) [with Key = QRegularExpression; T = QHashDummyValue]’
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qset.h:188:94: required from ‘QSet::iterator QSet::insert(const T&) [with T = QRegularExpression]’
../filter.cpp:44:39: required from here
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qhash.h:103:5: error: no matching function for call to ‘qHash(const QRegularExpression&)’


I'm getting this error
Makefile:526: recipe for target 'main.o' failed
and I'm using qt5-x86_64-linuv-gnu

P-please send lain.

>tfw phoneposting doesnt have this problem
get fucked

>I'm on windows.

>captcha is just an image and a cookie that requires a response as a field in a multipart form submission
So why does a browser require scripts to load it? Why can't you achieve the exact same functionality in a browser?

still looks like a problem with your qt where it says your qhash.h is missing a function call for qHash but mind opening an issue with the details? something like "can't build on ..."

Windows binaries would be brilliant!!


you could, but you would have to load the image/cookie on loading the webpage. the cookie also includes a timeout when you'd need to refresh, meaning you'd have to refresh the whole page to get the new info.

i.e. you'd have 1200 seconds or whatever the timeout is i forget to post, or you'd have to refresh the whole page.

check the release page. i just built one

Does this into webm?

I'm on OS X, will build and test out report back for good fortune and wisdom !

you open in your OS application: for me it's mpv. I'm considering using libmpv to integrete playback into the UI itself but leaning towards no.