So with cryptocurrency crashing can we expect to see a decrease in AMD GPU prices?
I'm looking to get a Vega 64 for my workstation/gaming rig
So with cryptocurrency crashing can we expect to see a decrease in AMD GPU prices?
I'm looking to get a Vega 64 for my workstation/gaming rig
>He thinks miners will drop their GPUs instead of just waiting.
Get into the next line of Nvidiot GPUs, poopface.
>>>When 1080ti is cheaper and better and only fanboiz and miners buy vegas
>tfw nvidia actually has taken their time to release the 2080 because they didn't have to rush it out thanks to amd being shitty
let's hope they took this extra time to add some nice goodies instead of just sitting on a product and making us wait
Barely a dip you retarded nocoiner
I'll be waiting for you to kill yourself when Bitcoin reaches $50k by end of 2018
shush, don't let the goym know
Unfortunately this, GPUs aren't going down anytime soon
I'm a coiner and miner btw
>currency with no government backing
>hackers can and will steal your coins
>no way to get them back if you lose them
What a tard.
the price isn't up because of cryptobabbies it's up because of "muh epic gamer nvida" memes. Sup Forums refuses to buy AMD over memes. So some crypto fags picked up the slack and then some.
Tell you dad I say "hi".
I mine monero comrade
what do you mine?
No user, you're too new to remember AMD getting burned manufacturing a shitload of Hawaii cards during the Mt. Gox collapse
Monero since my spare CPU cycles are good at that and it's easily the best coin, GPU-wise whatever is most profitable which it's usually mETH
i got a 1050ti for like $40 and it's been mining LBC for the last week straight
should pay for itself in 2 weeks ish and then it will be paying for my lunch
>tfw there is a 50% chance there is some crypto-currency with that name, thus killing the joke
>>currency with no government backing
>>hackers can and will steal your coins
>>no way to get them back if you lose them
>What a tard.
You should really kill yourself tier 1 Helpdesk
>tfw just bought a 1080 ti a couple weeks ago
Mother fucker.
>actually buying a gpu
Your Ponzi scheme is collapsing, Shlomo. The coins never had any value besides the money used to buy into them. It was always a pyramid scheme. Sucks to be you.
Why would anyone ever buy Vega64 over 1080Ti?
>actually being THIS poor
>he thinks not buying gpus has anything to do with money
The real reason is they've been waiting on 12nm, the process has been ready but only now is it becoming affordable for consumer use. This is why we've only seen volta in datacenter cards, and recently with the 3k titan v.
It's already recovering and is expected to reach 40k by april
>expected to reach 40k by april
t. pink wojack
Crypto isn't crashing. Bitcoin is taking a hit, yeah, but that happens every few months or so. It has recovered from far worse. Plus, Bitcoin is not the only crypto. For example, Monero is at an all time high and doing very well right now, even better since many people jumped off the Bitcoin hype once normies and Jews got on board last month.
As a rich crypto-Jew, my advice to you is to wait until next year, specifically for whatever AMD graphics card launches next. If it is any good then Nvidia will have to get serious again, and there will be stronger competition, which means inflation will not hit your wallet as hard if you buy one then.
>thinks people haven't seen the slides
jig is up mate
Board room Jimmy?
Pretty sure it'll crash as soon as people stop mining which should be soon