Paying $100+ for a video card from 1998

>Paying $100+ for a video card from 1998

Why do people do this?

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The cards are somewhat popular, and many ebay sellers are being greedy cunts. Notice that a lot of these way expensive items stay up on ebay for a very long time. I think I paid about 10-20 USD for each of my Voodoo2 cards. The SLI ribbon I just made myself from an old floppy ribbon.

Something like a Voodoo 5500 is justifiable at 100+ dollars, but the Voodoo2 and Voodoo3 line are plentiful and should be cheap.

I would sell some of my stash, but I'm afraid it's going to get picked up by those shitters to be sold for ten times its value on ebay.

because retro pc gaming is a thing now and some idiots like doing it in actual hardware from 1998 instead of just using emulators/VMs and run them in their modern PCs.

>hurr durr muh CRT image quality
those are even more stupid because they're not aware that they can just add a CRT to their current setup with a signal converter and move on.

I don't really get the point. Early PC games are one of the few things that are actually improved by emulation.

Big name law firms like Noseberg, Noseberg and Goldstein write up contracts for case work that require them to load up documents and other shit in the original formats they were created in. This means no virtual machines and emulation. Any possibility of the document being loaded incorrectly or changed in any slight manner means the evidence could be tossed in trial. Old fucking computers require parts so they get snatched up as maintenance routine.

Wow, that's ridiculous. How did you find this out?

I have sources user, this is why i give you the story weeks in advance.

Not all games run well on current computers, and many run too fast. Current graphics cards and drivers don't always support the features games from back then required either.

There is nglide for glide games, but I don't know how well that works. But last time I checked, A3D was a huge chore since you needed a random emulator found on some forum, which required EAX, so you'd need to emulate that too.

Yeah, I still play classic games. UT/Q3A are two of them. I can attest that least when it comes to the FX cpu those games both ran like shit. Now the interesting thing is that when I put my Phenom II back in and left everything else the same, those same games ran perfectly fine. And yes I tried all the FX tweaks, tried all game tricks/hacks with zero success. Only after I put the Phenom back in did things work as they should. So score one for the Phenom.

This is bullshit. Data needed for litigation can be migrated to a modern format without risk of it being thrown out in court. No court is going to expect that a legal document made in Wordstar 30 years ago must be presented in its original data format.
t. Ediscovery administrator

Some people like owning a part of history. 3dfx was the king for a good part of early gaming. Tomb Raider, Quake, Resident Evil,etc, lots of early games success is owed to 3dfx cause people were able to appreciate the games visual glory/get a better gaming experience with 3dfx. This also helped 3dfx sell cards. I own a Voodoo 3 2000 and I plan to keep it for a long long time.

Retro PC gaming is seeing a surge in popularity due in large part to YouTubers like LGR. Same thing that happened to retro console gaming 5 or so years ago.

This is true, never play Touhou 6 at 3000 frames per second.

Man, this really takes me back to when AGP was still a thing.

>What is the free market
>What is people wanting something enough to pay what they will for it

OP, are you upset because someone likes something which you don't like?

God I wish Rampage made it out before they shut down.
Why, oh Lord! Why have you forsaken us.

I still remember the day I bought my Voodoo 3000 PCI from a now defunct retail chain to shove in my garbage HP Vectra to play Unreal.

This happens when journalists try to appeal to normalfags exaggerating on everything, in this case the BTC business.
Normalfags get hype reading these articles and think they're gonna get rich mining BTC instead of buying and waiting for the price to increase, they feel smart mining the satoshis themselves, but little did they know how BTC mining actually worked.
Now, you've these retards flooding the market with insane bids and buyouts because they have no fucking clue about what they're doing.

because native glide support plus demand for such
That's it.

personally, I wouldn't bother, but there's the adage about fools and their money

I have a Voodoo 5 5500 sitting in the closet. it will be worth more than a Bitcoin one day.

You can thank the hunchback 8bit guy,LGR as well as Metal Jesus Rocks and their legion of teen followers.
They are buying up everything after a video is made at obscene prices.

because there isn't a new voodoo2, duh

both of those work fine my FX

My mate nicked a voodoo2 off me back when that was like top end and I'm still extra salty.

It left me with one but still

He was way better off than me too dude

>My mate nicked a voodoo2 off me back when that was like top end and I'm still extra salty.
>It left me with one but still
>He was way better off than me too dude

A signal converter would add response time thus defeating one of the reasons why people use CRTs

theres no reason to use a framebuffer in a realtime dac; dvi-d is literally just vga but digital and hdmi inherits that.