tfw no longer cucked by Lennart
True freedom from systemd
Good job user
Why not Devuan though? It's supposed to be de-Lennart'd
True freetards use hurd.
When will this meme die? While systemd has its problems, its advantages are much greater. It's the reason why every single major distro has moved to it, and some software projects (such as GNOME) have included it as a hard dependency.
get gentoo or slackware
Fuck off shill. systemd is cancer that should have never been allowed to infect linux
Devuan is cancer, run my some jamacian SJW. avoid
But you still have GNU bloat
>software is cancer because I don't agree with the people behind it
Reminder that systemd is Red Hats attempt to {embrace - extend - extinguish}.
It is nothing to do with UNIX software engineering and everything to do with trapping other Linux vendors in their business model.
systemd must die.
I've tried Alpine. Still not a desktop distro IMO.
With distro do you use, then? I take it you did a full background check on every single developer, not just for the distro, but also for every single package, to make sure their political views align with yours?
You can use musl
I dont have time for that
Fascinating numerals anonymous user
Will I have to worry about it breaking xorg?
Bait. Systemd is disgusting. Been on void for over a year now, its comfy
How would someone go about removing SystemD from Arch/Antergos without having to reinstall the whole OS?
Migrate to artix linux. It's pretty easy.
>try void
>Suspend works when I close lid, but when laptop wakes, it shows the screen-pre suspend a couple times and then suspends again
Not sure if I should blame this on the kernel, some acpi shit or the init. Works fine on Arch though.
best os reporting in
>While systemd had its problems, its advantages are much greater.
What would you say those advantages are?
Holy shit, this might be the comfiest motherfuckin' shit I ever did see.
>Sup Forumsshits really believe this