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I have the iphone X. it can do anything your phone can

how long until phones become the brain supercomputer in evangelion

No. Will it stop faggots from posting screencaps?

I think it had a short circuit, go to a hospital asap.

its too advanced for an ordinary hospital

Got the mate 10, and the AI is freighting.
It can even translate my bad handwriting.

Huawei actually makes some pretty good tech. Got my watch from them.

But why doesn't it have crypto blockchain?

i heard that the new phone is its own currency

Why would you ever need a neural network in a phone?


Custom rom

>The future isn't just "smart"—it's intelligent.
Oh boy, now they are misusing the next word. I wonder what they'll call artificial intelligence when it's actually there, there won't be any words left to describe it.

>Get ready for the world's first smartphone to feature a mobile chip with a dedicated neural processing unit
The buzzword war needs to stop. Also, I don't think they are the first. They are the first to call it "Neural processing unit" though.

Well, why would you need a neural network at all? Answer: For all kinds of classification and regression tasks.

Pretty sure sd820 had some neural learning shit

Your "neural implant" is nothing more than a glorified [GT]PU.

What is a nueral implant?

Where do you guys see the typo?

Maybe you should put it back in your brain so you can spell correctly next time

>Get ready for the first smartphone with some dedicated hardware that no software will ever support, but we tried

what is a neural implant?

chinese backdoor factory.

Very shway OP


Plug in 3.5mm headphones and watch some 4K content on a native resolution.
My phone: 1
soyPhones: 0

>t. receding hairline

wahwey oy vey > apple confirmed

Use custom rom
Have a decent looking homepage
Don't have a black rectangle on my screen
Can just go to youtube, copy a link and convert whatever song I like and listen to it in a matter of minutes
Can actually use files that I have downloaded from my pc
Can open zip files
Not having problems with my phone every time a new one comes out
All of that and more for the low-low price of -400$
It is practically a fucking steal

>doesn't need custom rom
>yeah i hate that damn rectangle all over my screen it just bothers me so much
>yeah me too
>yeah same
>thanks me too
>never happened to me
>im not poor
>see above

I can't help but think these "AI chips" they're putting in every new device are just NSA black boxes.

>Letting chinkshit read ur mind

Have fun fucko

So when will we get NPU on desktops?

>he large amount of data streaming from on-device sensors can be used to understand people's life and assist them, reckons the company. It goes on to say that Cloud AI and On-Device AI can work together to deliver "truly personalized and readily accessible services".
No thanks, anything related to Internet don't compute with 'personalized' in my world unless I manually riced it.

>I don't need it because I'm too stupid so nobody needs it...oh what was my argument? yeah you're POORFAG I WIN AGAIN HAHAHAH!

>im not poor
>see above
Nigger, you must be poor or stupid with money, either way you own an inferior product.

>needs handicapped phone to have basic features

Never user, it is inhumane. Example all the Nazi always say I was just following orders, there was a experiment where people actually just followed order even though they heard the pain of the other person, we can not reproduce it cause it is inhumane.

>can't have headphones plugged in
>can't watch fullscreen horizontal videos without notch being in the way
>can't not slow down when it gets older
>can't take portrait mode pictures without fucking up the blur

My phone can do 1+2+3

>being this braindead
It has absolutely no credibility. I can send myself a similar email censor the details and have the same credibility.
4K on phones is a meme.
>music from YouTube
Disgusting. But it can also be done on iOS.
>decent looking homepage
Probably a half naked loli. You disgust me.
> Can actually use files that I have downloaded from my pc
Depends on what you mean, but many apps can do that, even more so with a jailbreak.
>can open zip files
Why do you think iOS can’t do that?
>Not having problems with my phone every time a new one comes out
Never had that problem either.


>music from YouTube
No buddy you didn't get me here, I am talking about downloading music on the go.
Saying I have a picture of a look and being disgusted is not a valid argument. Please check this link so you understand what I mean
>files from pc
Loosing your warranty just to be able to open something from your pc is not a valid argument either.
>zip files
You got me there I guess. I have never seen an iPhone do it but I guess the new ones can.
>phone slowing down
Every single time apple releases a new phone they slow down the others, this has been proven, but since I am can't really give you any referral link let's just not count it as an argument until some user helps me.

Can it run Android?

MY phone has a KICK STAND. does YOUR PHONE DO THAT??

> No buddy you didn't get me here, I am talking about downloading music on the go.
I know. I can do that too without a jailbreak. It isn’t with the default music app, but I am pretty sure you aren’t using your default music app either.
> Saying I have a picture of a look and being disgusted is not a valid argument. Please check this link so you understand what I mean
Similar results can be achieved with a jailbreak
> Loosing your warranty just to be able to open something from your pc is not a valid argument either.
There are still apps that can do that without a jailbreak. You probably lost your warranty over a custom ROM.
> Every single time apple releases a new phone they slow down the others, this has been proven, but since I am can't really give you any referral link let's just not count it as an argument until some user helps me.
You’re fake news. What was proven is that iPhones throttle themselves when their battery is too old and degraded.

>your phone will never have a kickstand
>your phone will never have a 3d HD display
>your phone will never have a 3d camera
>your phone will never have a projector
>phones had this over half a decade ago
>today phones opt for fucked and retarded resolutions
>and the REMOVAL of the most basic and widespread features
don't you just love it here in hell?