What do you ACTUALLY do with you're 800$+ phone?

What do you ACTUALLY do with you're 800$+ phone?

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Transcode 4K 60fps video using adobe clips.

I make vines and memes on the go.
Ad revenue paid for my sweet iPhone X

Browse Imageboards in my Google pixel.

Next year I'll get a job and buy a 3 000€ PC to play Diablo 1 and quake 3. [spoiler]and maybe some doom 2016 and overwatch[/spoiler]

Found the newfag.

the same stuff you'd do on an $800 computer
people who spend this much on a phone want it to be their end-all be-all computing device.

I can't make latex documents in neoVim on my phone.

The only intersection between my laptop and phone uses is web browser.

It's just a facebook and game machine with a decent camera.

Who the fuck would write an essay or make a spreadsheet on a phone? Computing capabilities aside, input is limited by miniscule touchscreen keyboard.

So this thread is proof smartphones were a mistake?

>he doesn’t have a Bluetooth keyboard

Get a load of this goy

>can masturbate on the go with your favorite porn

A bluetooth keyboard paired with a device with a 5" or so screen?

If people can record and mix albums on an iPad, you can type up a document on an iPhone.

Sure it's doable, but why do that to yourself?
Is it space? Do people live in cubicles so small now they can't afford the room for a small form factor desktop or hell, even a 13" laptop?

People want things that slip into a bag or pocket with ease.

Here’s the link on the album made on an iPad by the way :


shut up fag, i've been browsing Sup Forums since 2009 and making typos was nevar funny or even a meme, kill yourself

>What do you ACTUALLY do with you're 800$+ phone?
I have a 300 Euros (about 1500 USD) phone and I use it for almost anything, from web browsing to reading emails to editing photos. The only thing I don't do on it is programming

Fucking newfag

its not what you do
is just to show off
I know someone that is getting the X and is only going to use it for normieness, aka, $1000 facebook machine

whatever the fuck i want

Coincidentally, The Fall is by far the shittiest album from them


$800 Clover machine

watch porn while on the shitter.

Watch videos on the color calibrated screen
Take really nice photos
Play dumb phone games
Read PDFs on the very large, hiDPI screen
Text while I watch a video in split screen, also because very large, hiDPI screen

>very large 5.5" screen


I use my s8+ for pictures, browsing, notes, wallet, phone, social services, watching videos...and mostly during work hours

Call people poorfags on Sup Forums

Also photography

its above average, okay

>I can't make latex documents in neoVim on my phone.
What's stopping you ?

>pictures, browsing, notes, wallet, phone, social services, watching videos...and mostly during work hours

This, and drawing whenever I don't have my Wacom near me.

>144Hrz monitor for gayming
>Note8 for media consumption

Only screens I really need. Getting a high fidelity 144hrz monitor is too much for me and I do most of my media consumption on the go. TVs are for old people.

The Note8 is amazing, isn't it? I don't regret buying it.

text message
browse web
>Google Pixel 2

the important thing is what I'm not doing,
which is looking like a broke ass faggot


user, my last chinkphone was under 100$.