what should i do with it
Just got gigabit fibre
To make sure you get the fiber you need to be healthy stick wire up your angus
Plug it in
Then install gentoo
Download a 4k movie.
Delete it.
And download it again
Shove it up your ass!
Sell a DDOS service on Hackforums.
1. find a cool but obscure distro
2. mirror it
seed fight club
Build a FreeBSD ZFS based SAN and grow your anime collection.
Bitcoin node
watch a youtube video in 360p
shove it up your ass
Upload your porn and share with us.
Shitpost on Sup Forums
I have 1gbps as well
It's good for multiple simultaneous downloads, or redownloading your steam library.
download all the things
download the internet
>star citizen
>gta V
Wew, what trash taste in vidya.
they're simply examples of large file size games
it's 1gbps, when downloading smaller games there isnt even time for it to ramp up to decent speeds before the download finishes.
Never heard of Star Citizen, but how on earth can anybody say GTAV is bad? Just screams contrarian to me.
Seed nigga
Kong please