Most anti-depressive programming language?

Which programming language makes you most satisfied when coding with it?



Does the lack of generics and if err != nil bother you?

r u serious?


composition and interfaces are good enough
templates, class inheritance, overusing inheritance, auto everywhere and overly abstract generic interfaces give me depression

>lack of generics
It's not an OOP language, so no.


Not him, but yes
Shell is the "instant gratification" of programming languages


I'm so noob to tech and it just makes me feel clever to script this stuff this easily.

Python. It has so many neat tricks like list and dictionary comprehensions, generators, access to byte code compilers and disassemblers as part of the reference standard library, etc.

Regardless of how you feel about python as a tool for deployment, there's no denying it's not a really flexible and fun language to write in

No programming language can ever hope to fill the void that envelopes my soul. Programming socks make me feel a bit better, though

programming socks.

cute madness!



What I dislike is how much useless stuff is in base. For any serious format parsing, http client/simple server, tls and basic crypto, tests, i18n datetime and many thigs you need to use 3rd party library despite something being in base. Also project management and distribution is complete madness.



I agree. The standard library is enough to play with but not quite achieve anything productive. When it comes to project management / dependency management, to be fair to it none of the other languages of its age did it right. Rust, imo looks like the first to get it right and that's only with the lessons learned of others.

As always, Erlang had a good project/dependency management for ages.


That is a big gopher

I've been enjoying erlang for a short while now, but there's a reason we're on rebar3 and have hex and others as well that had times in the spotlight.

Erlang has got it decent now, but it's not been the smooth sailing you suggest. Erlangs embedded background doesn't much help here either.

that happens when you feed him after midnight

PHP, anyone saying differently can suck my left nut.


i have eczema and psoriasis very bad. scratch is the bane of existence. and i wouldnt even really shit on it if it were not as annoying as actually itching eternally with no reprise.


i unironically think PHP is the most fun to code in

Else statements tabbed left just gives my debugging nightmares on part with Javascript

shell >:3

you mean for-else and while-else?

Use Python and masturbate on list comprehensions, shit's fun.

Unironically Lisp. Too bad I can't make it my job.