Are you guys downloading the hacked files from share blue?
Original thread
Are you guys downloading the hacked files from share blue?
Original thread
Other urls found in this thread:
And why would I care?
ffs, stop spamming your shit here and stick to your containment board.
>d a m a g e c o n t r o l
Is there any porn?
No one cares, go back to Sup Forums
I don't give a fuck what this is all about, stop shitting up Sup Forums.
It's called cracked, not hacked. Dumb pol toddler.
Regardless of politics, Shareblue was hacked
Hacking is technology
Technology is technology
shit up
Thinly veiled Sup Forums thread however is not technology so fuck off.
calm down.
The eeeeevil Sup Forums isn't going to hurt you.
It's ok
You're safe
>Some nigga just changed the URL.
>Which was in totally readable, plain text to make it even easier.
Does this really deserve a thread on Sup Forums though? It's like ""Hacking"" your grandma by typing her youngest grandkid birthday and pet name in the password field.
>leaving directory listing turned on
thats not hacked
thats not even cracked
what the fuck is wrong with you tools?
A hacker is someone who enjoys playful cleverness—not necessarily with computers. The programmers in the old MIT free software community of the 60s and 70s referred to themselves as hackers. Around 1980, journalists who discovered the hacker community mistakenly took the term to mean “security breaker.”
Please don't spread this mistake. People who break security are “crackers.”
ok mr. stallman...
The hack was very clever if you see how it was done
it's time to go back
Tangential politics threads are extremely unsafe to my brain cells.
the bad guys
Seconding this question. If there's no porn or internal information on the Israeli or Saudi governments, I'm not interested
They tried to grab your prize.
bump. anything good?
What dirtsheets did this dig up on shareblu? Any political org must have some hilariously transparent evil shit being tossed around internally.
Everyone in USA is corrupt and bribery is legal. They call it lobbying. Nothing new.
People behind the replies complaining about Sup Forums = Shareblue.
>Are you guys downloading the hacked files from share blue?
Not a single person int his thread actually said what "files" the server in question actually has that are worth downloading. Please at least copy the original thread's OP or something. 'Cause I ain't int he mood to follow random unidentifiable links on Sup Forums.
It started yesterday night, I haven't followed but here are the threads:
Probably a bunch of election ads and propaganda-related stuff.
If you have to say "X is technology" then it is not technology.
WTF, this isn't hacking or cracking.
what's share blue and why should I care
>the absolute state of the majority of posters
Dear God this place is beyond fucked.
It's the normies from Sup Forums
It's go based website. So only idiot Trump tards got hacked.
t. Sup Forumsgoy
Guys anyone downloading the cleverly hacked Debian documents?
1. Who is even the fuck?
2. Why should I give a shit?
3. If I should give a shit how does it benefit me?
4. If I shouldn't give a shit then why are we talking about it?
5. Fuck off?
What the fuck, isn't that like some crime? You can't just hack the linux foundation like that, I'm reporting you to their creator.
Fuck I thought Sup Forums was a better board with people studying computer science but it's filled with hackers like that guy.
imagine thinking an open directory is a hack
Fuck you I used private mode in my Firefox they can't get me I already hacked Ubuntu too wait for the drop
Sup Forums fuck off
Guise, I just downloaded their website, am I in trouble?
I bet most of people from Sup Forums don't even bother to know their computers full of proprietary paid software that has obvious telemetry are collecting huge chucks of their private data.
>normie file share website """hacked"""
so? get back to us when you have a list of amateur porn links
lul, fuk this board is full of idiots
>open directories are considered """""hacks""""" now
holy shit Sup Forums LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Sup Forums is entirely tech illiterate. We've known this for a long time now. Do you remember when they tried to hack google translate, or when they tried to hack that Microsoft chat bot?
Hello, Sup Forums normie. Just to let you know, it wasn't Sup Forums who ruined this site, it was retarded normies from Sup Forums who made this site into their safe space that ruined it. Before Sup Forums, normies were mostly banned or contained in Sup Forums and Sup Forums and we were all hapy. Since Sup Forums normies metastasized into all boards, this site was turned into retarded normie homepage. By retarded normie, i mean the retarded part of normies that are susceptible to propaganda and can't even fathom thinking for themselves.
Sup Forums is cancer post-Sup Forums. The occasional good thread on Sup Forums is instantly pushed into 404 by endless stream of chromozomes from Sup Forums. I had to resort to pedofile boards on tor to have a discussion with few intelligent individuals. At this point, it is more beneficial to engage in discourse with my peers or proffesors than it is to look for discourse here.
Threads like these always give me a smile, Sup Forums is literally made of inbreed mongrels LARPing about being ubermench.
You guys are a miracle of the universe.
Why the fuck are there so many liberals crying and trying to slide this thread you guys are fucking weird and pathetic
Shareblue Is a fucking political site. That's why the faggots came here
is this what qualifies as hacking these days? wtf is wrong with these kids?
Fuck off you evil Democrat shill.
like 90% of Sup Forums is made up of americlaps and russians pretending to be americlaps. Both the russian and american education system is shit, which is why most of them think they are uber haxxors for spreading pre-made propaganda
>Sup Forums is literally made of inbreed mongrels LARPing about being ubermench.
they'd be the first to go down in a fascist society
oh yell yea, thanks op
How long should I microwave my chicken? Microwaves are technology