It took two fuckin' years, but they finally support WebM VP9 now (and Ogg Theora and Vorbis)
Microsoft Edge supporting WebM
Other urls found in this thread:
note: 4shit uses VP8
kinda pointless since AV1 is around the corner
all Sup Forums webms work now
we use VP9
>adoption rates
>getting hiro to adopt that shit
And? Who cares, it's botnet trash. Go suck a dick OP.
Let me just let you get back to your GPU threads, corporate whore.
AV1 will be webm wrapped so supporting the container is part of the requirement. Opus will be contained within it too, so addition is also required.
Sup Forums uses VP8, and actively blocks Opus and VP9 even though they are free formats and work out of the box on every browser. also youtube uses Opus and VP9
tl;dr hiro and moot a shit
>2 years to add webm support
Is it in any way surprising that autism found a way to support an autistic format in nearly every application by now, yet pajeets barely even touch the damn thing?
Like don't get me wrong good for them, but how did it take this corporation 2 fucking years to do this when your local autism is multiple steps ahead
lmao edge still uses code from the 90s lets not pretend pajeets would even still be working at microsoft after opening source
Edge and ie are 2 separate programs
VP9 has been out for years and Sup Forums still doesn't support it. What's your point?
they are, but components are still shared
the address bar in particular literally still uses legacy code
they literally came out and said improving the indexer meant a huge potential to break cortana, edge, and file explorer
>Edge is just as shitty as Sup Forums
Damn, you make a good point.
But Edge actually supports it unlike Sup Forums, so you're still wrong.
Safari/iOS/OSX have 0 support for free codecs like flac, opus, vorbis, vp8/9.
>hurr muh freetards quickly patch things
Except they don't, and when they do, it's shitty band-aid jobs that break everything else.
literally why not use VP9
FINALY, time to hop on edge
>YouTube (a Google product) uses opus
>Chrome (a Google product) doesn't play opus files by default like it does for other audio formats
why do they do this
this script for mpv is better than webm for retards or any webm converter i h have used.
>even though they are free formats and work out of the box on every browser
Wrong, this is WHY Sup Forums doesn't support it, the OP alone is evidence of that, it took them 2 years to add support, before this month a major browser didn't support it.
>Asian females doing these types of things
Just use the ffmpeg CL you mongrel.
Edge/Safari don't support VP8 at all so your argument is invalid. Neither are "major browsers" anyhow so who cares.
It'll work if it's in a webm or ogg container.
Also pic shows Youtube using VP9 and Opus as default.
>a major browser
even chink bodylifters look feminine.